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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Thanks, I thought I handled it rather well myself. These are delicate topics and need to be dealt with in a nuanced manner.
  2. The impeachment will be over the depth of Joe Biden's involvement in the influence peddling and bribery schemes. Hunter will have neough trouble with his tax evasion, gun crimes, prostitution/human trafficking, and FARA violations to be busy for a while.
  3. Threads like this remind me of Simon and Garfunkel; The Sound of Silence Nobody jumping to the defence of the Bidanos any more I guess.
  4. ...and predictably, the "b-b-but Trump!" deflection shows up withing the first five comments. Poor persecuted Hunter, unable to fund his drugs and hookers. "Investigating felonies" is not hounding. The Bidanos are in some serious legal trouble, not just Hunter but potentially his father as well. The thin tissue of lies that began with Joe saying "I never discussed my son's business with him" is rapidly falling apart. Any actual thoughts on the topic of the discussion? Tax fraud, drug use, illegal weapons possession, breaking the FARA Act?
  5. Salient point from the CNN article- Trump for all his faults can still draw crowds of thousands. Biden can't draw flies. Not to mention the latest polling that shows Trump beating both Biden and Harris by 5-7 points. Funny how most Americans don't want either of them to run though. I guess the media is really driving the narrative. A rematch of 2020 would be great for ad spending and ratings. Far more than if two younger and relatively unknown candidates were running.
  6. Not what I got from it at all. Anyway, we are starting to do what the Dutch call "ant <removed>", trying to split a hair into more and more fibers. The worst part of the situation was actually the Vice President, making prepared remarks on the subject that were false. Not the banter between talking heads on a chat show.
  7. I disagree. Rather it is a compliment to the resilience of the survivors, and a testament to their perseverence. Something that their descendents should be proud of. And white kids shouldn't feel bad. They didn't do it. Nor did their parents, grandparents, or great grandparents. The idea of intergenerational guilt is very, well, fascist.
  8. Sure! Here ya go; https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-joins-lefts-attacks-horrendous-florida-history-curriculum and https://voz.us/even-cnn-criticizes-harris-for-her-remarks-on-slavery-in-florida-school-curriculum/?lang=en
  9. They did not benefit from slavery. As in "wow, good thing we were sold to those white folks! We get a free boat ride to the New World! Now we can learn to farm!". Rather, they were clever and resourceful enough to use what they took from their experience as slaves. Perhaps you can't see the difference in nuance. It all stems from Kamala Harris gaslighting what she read on Twitter about the curriculum and her attempt to turn it into a Democratic talking point.
  10. I believe that slavery is mentioned 191 times in the curriculum in Florida. One time it tangentally mentions the skills that slaves learned which might have been useful after they were freed. Pretty thin gruel here.
  11. Except the premise that black people benefitted from slavery is NOT in the curriculum in Florida, nor did Gutfeld say that Jews benefitted from the Holocaust. The point he was making is that people do whatever they can to survive, if that means collaborating with the oppressor then so be it. The comparison with slavery is not accurate IMHO. There was no genocidal intent in slavery. And slaves often did develop (or were taught) skills that benefitted their owners. These same skills later (when slavery was abolished) benefitted some of the freed slaves. How is that controversial? A slave who was a blacksmith could use those same skills to work as a free man.
  12. So, according to the graph, poor folks are a bit over-represented, middle class also a bit, upper class under-represented, and elite far over represented. Amirite?
  13. Is it because he didn't do the requisite throat-clearing explanation of 'of course the Holocaust was human tragedy on an industrial scale....'? Because everybody knows that. In a panel discussion there is no time for that kind of thing.
  14. I don't get the problem. It is common in all situations of oppression and terror. Some victims can parlay their skills into survival in spite of the horror of the situation. It does not detract from the overall horrid situation at all. The media is really stretching here.
  15. Your post sums up the "b-b-but Trump..." position nicely. But is does NOT address the very real and ongoing bizarre behavior by Joe Biden. Nobody talks about his weirdness around children and women, his documented habit of swimming naked in front of female SS agents, the hair sniffing, the touching...
  16. If ALL you have to say is "Trump was worse" then you have very low standards. Trump never claimed to be a good family man, as Biden has for decades. So, do you think it is OK that Biden nuzzles and sniffs girls/women without their consent? Let's get back on track.
  17. Except that never happened. Sorry. The FLA curriculum says that slaves learned things during their servitude that later in their life as free citizens were useful. Not that slavery itself was beneficial. Please stop spreading lies. Don't believe everything Kamala Harris tells you.
  18. Here we go again. The "b-b-but Trump..." defense. The topic is about Joe Biden and his rank hypocrisy. Anything to add about Joe and his predilicitions? Or are you so infatuated with the Bad Orange Man that he infects all of your thoughts and dreams...
  19. "Their guy" isn't the President. Not to mention that a lot of your innuendo based claims have little basis in reality. If your best response to Biden's bizarre behavior around young girls and women is "B-b-but Trump...", then you are not in a good place. Yet more important is that Trump's debauchery is well known, and baked into the pie already. He never claimed to be Mr. Perfect Family. Biden, OTOH, has made his 'family values' front and center as a large part of his political personality. So when he so obviously falls short of his own standards, it is important.
  20. Nice dodge. And if you have Snickers. I'd love one with almonds. Although I would sell my family into slavery for a Coffee Crisp.
  21. Gonna be a blast! I am thinking Vivek will stir things up. The guy is scary smart and has innovative ideas. Hell, he was worth in excess of $10 million before he graduated from law school! I can see him tearing after DeSantis in particular IMHO Trump is terrified to get on a stage with both Big Chris and Vivek gunning for him. Guarantee he doesn't show up for this one.
  22. Figured you might bring up the "kissing babies" shibboleth. Joe ain't campaigning in Finland, and kissing is not the same as making fake chewing motions for 10 seconds! But then again Joe does have a well established pattern of stroking, touching, and sniffing girls and women. He feels entitled to do so because he is JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN JUNIOR, dammit. Biden isn't merely ignoring his granddaughter, he is ERASING her. Casting her down the memory hole. Not having a close relationship for whatever reason, that is one thing. Joe could say, "well, I do have a seventh grandchild, but her mother wants to keep her out of the spotlight" or "I want to respect the privacy of my seventh grand child and her family". Not even admitting that she exists is brutal. As to the rest of your tiny fisted screed, I will give it the attention it deserves- none.
  23. It is very typical of the media to report things this way. If a Republican has an issue, the issue is the story. If a Democrat has an issue, the Republicans's REACTION to the issue is the story. Just look up the phrase "Republicans pounce..." The reasons Republicans can attack Biden about this is because there is something to attack. For whatever reason, Joe wants to ignore the existence of his granddaughter. I can't think of any good reasons for a man to do that, especially a so-called 'family man' who claims to talk to his OTHER six grandchildren every single day. As for Biden nibbling a baby, how in any world we know is that appropriate? As you said, a grandpa and his grandchild, sure. But....Would YOU approach a complete stranger and do that to their child? You'd be put away, or at least take a severe scolding. The worst part was that of course, after the 'love nibble', Biden just HAD to go back for a quick hair sniff. He is a creepy old dude.
  24. I have no trouble with women doing what they want with their own bodies. However, what they do with the body growing inside them (which they chose to give life to) is another story.
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