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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. I hope the charges against this saddo includes rape.

    There was no force used, she willingly slept with him, so, how the hell can you charge him with rape ?

    In the UK (and many countries), lying, or using deception, false claims or fake credentials to get a woman to have sex with you comes under the rape by deception charge. A very serious charge....

    In the UK (and many countries), going on the internet, looking to shag someone because you think they are a copper, indicates a slag.

    Quite so, but if that 'copper' turns out not to be a copper, he is a deviant who would be charged with rape in most civilised nations.

    I seem to have touched a nerve here. What/who do you pretend to be when on Thai Friendly?

  2. Thank you social media for possibly ruining this mans life.

    Get it straight We are all responsible for what we do in life He chose to break the law It is NOT social media that ruined his life He may have

    ruined his life by not abiding by the law.

    Did your bushy moustache quiver with sheer indignation when you wrote that po-faced sanctimonious bilge?

  3. I used them many times when in Thailand and certainly shall again.

    They always delivered 'next day' and there was never a major problem with COD. The only minor problem we had was that (similar to Colin) we just didn't expect them to arrive literally the following morning and had no cash but a quick coffee for the driver while I slid off to the ATM, all was sorted out. The wife was made up with her new glass doored fridge, I was made up with my new 'beer fridge', the driver was made up with a solid tip. All good.

  4. I was walking through Manchester last night and randomly attacked three Thai looking people just to redress the balance.....

    I didn't really but what an incredible load of piffle is posted here....

    What do you people do to get in such a mess? I've been 20 odd years in Thailand and just never had a problem like this. maybe try learning some of the lingo and a little about the culture before venturing to the airport.....

  5. Do You Read Books?

    Answer; NO and NEVER

    does it make me any lesser of a person ?

    I have never read a book from cover to cover in my life,

    and never will, if someone spends month's or years writing

    a book, i'm not going to waste my time months or years

    reading it.

    Your post made me feel a little sad.

    Literature offers a whole new world for humanity to explore and can touch every fibre of a person's being. There are no limits. No boundaries, no restrictions.

    Give it a go and let your mind be opened. It's saddening to read of someone depriving themselves of one of life's greatest treasures.....

  6. Soi Biker, I think Nasrullah is talking about Canterbury Tales in Pattaya but we clean living chaps don't venture there.....It has a good selection but not in as good 'order' as Dasa. They also do good grub and cheap beers where you can sit and pore over your purchases while watching the passing Pattaya circus....

    A lot of the stock is the (very) dusty old stock from the long defunct Swan Books on Soi Buakhao. It is well worth a rummage if you ever find yourself in that area as he does have some hidden gems in there but it can be bleedin' hot in there....

    As for the OP's question, yes I read, avidly. Not too keen on ebooks though as I prefer the feel of paper in my hand.....

    At home in Bangkok I have a (near) complete set of Wodehouse, Conan Doyle, David Nobbs, and various other Victorian Lit (Collins, Dickens, Stoker etc), which I like to pluck at randomly to peruse over afternoon tea or sundowners in the garden...

    In Bangkok another great place for a rummage is in the small market behind Wat Chanasongkhram. There are a few stalls there where some great bargains can be found.

    Most of their stock comes from quackpackers, flogging off their accumulated books on the cheap before going home which is reflected in the excellent prices. One of the stall holders is an old lady who speaks decent English but also knows her stuff.

  7. More pointless collecting of 'small fry' to help the illusion that they are doing something in the 'fight against drugs'. It may keep a few voters mildly contented.

    The snag is that the 'powers that be' probably know full well who the big fish are in the trade but are too afraid or powerless to act against them.

    A small fine, a token prison term for these two and they'll be back as foot soldiers, making more money for the real king pins.

  8. How 'scam'?

    The thing turned up same day. I'd say that was a huge result......

    Sounds more like crappy 'customer service' to me or the scourge of Thai retail, way too many staff per customer.

  9. I understood those 'jackpots' were reserved for pals of Yingluck?

    Why would you post something as bizarre as that when lottery winners are regularly featured in the media, including this place?

    Were you around in the Yingluck years?

    A rather odd number of 'winners' all live within a few streets of Yingluck and/or have some political or employment 'connection'' to the clan.

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