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Posts posted by Merylhighground

  1. I hope the charges against this saddo includes rape.

    There was no force used, she willingly slept with him, so, how the hell can you charge him with rape ?

    In the UK (and many countries), lying, or using deception, false claims or fake credentials to get a woman to have sex with you comes under the rape by deception charge. A very serious charge....

    Wot a load of nonsense. I come from the UK an the only charges he would be facing is Theft an impersonating a Police officer.

    Try a little research (that means actually learning or knowing something about the topic - an alien concept top you barstool 'expert' keyboard Lawyer types...) before calling nonsense on something you clearly know nothing about.

    Try googling 'rape by deception' then come back calling 'nonsense but I doubt you will......

    You try doing some research yourself.

    There was one case recently, in Liverpool, where a dyke pretended to be a bloke, probably like yourself, and used a prosthetic penis on the girl.

    That was rape by deception, but to say 'I am a film star' or 'I am a millionaire' is not rape by deception, it is down to the slags naievity.

    Oh dear, is that urine-warm Archa starting to kick in already in your vile, untidy, illiterate, imbecilic mess of a reply?

  2. As a former resident of Ayutthya, I've been saying for years that the temples in Ayutthya are a potential 'gold mine' for villains.

    They are quiet, rarely busy apart from the crowds of Asian tourists photographing the 'Buddha Root head' at Wat Mahathat, and offer plenty of quiet hidden corners for a crook to strike in. No security staff to speak off who seem more interested in stopping paying tourists from 'sneaking in' or pinching souvenirs than keeping out any undesirable elements who can literally just wander in off the streets. I used to hang out at a pal's Guest House from time to time and he was always telling his guests to be on their guard when wandering the temples alone even during he day.

    One lass had her day pack stolen (containing a camera, cash, and a CDWalkman- we're going back a bit here) in the beautiful Palace grounds to the side of Wat Phra Si Sanphet simply because she let her guard down and didn't notice that she was being followed. She had sat down, put her bag down and the villain struck.

    I hope the lass makes a full recovery and returns.

    Sad, horrible story, but it can happen anywhere, not that that makes it 'right' and this sort of crime IS an increasing problem in Thailand (for whatever reason) as punishments for getting caught seem scarcely a deterrent.

    And you are the one saying a bloke should be charged with rape because he said 'I am a policeman ?

    She should be charged with soliciting or being a prostitute, or both.

    No, I'm saying he should (and in some countries would be) be charged with rape because he lied to get a woman in bed.

    The replies on that thread siding with the deviant calling the woman a 'slut' 'prostitute' (or similar) really are a revolting, worrying, disturbing and embarrassing expose to the Thai 'expat' mindset yourself included. Why not take it over to the relevant thread?

  3. I hope the charges against this saddo includes rape.

    There was no force used, she willingly slept with him, so, how the hell can you charge him with rape ?

    In the UK (and many countries), lying, or using deception, false claims or fake credentials to get a woman to have sex with you comes under the rape by deception charge. A very serious charge....

    Wot a load of nonsense. I come from the UK an the only charges he would be facing is Theft an impersonating a Police officer.

    Try a little research (that means actually learning or knowing something about the topic - an alien concept top you barstool 'expert' keyboard Lawyer types...) before calling nonsense on something you clearly know nothing about.

    Try googling 'rape by deception' then come back calling 'nonsense but I doubt you will......

  4. Some daft replies here.

    I can empathise with the OP.

    As a conservative chap, I dislike change, especially when a favourite drinking place closes or moves on.

    Having been in Thailand for a long time, I've ]lost' more than a few great places.

    Some vanish altogether, some simply relocate but seldom seem to recapture their former 'magic' when they do (Woodstock being a classic example of this - the Thong Lor place was but a poor shadow on the original Nana place). Even walking past the former location on Nana (the old sign is/was still visible) I am struck by pangs of some great memories from there.

    A big part of our choice to take due leave in the UK was that one of our favourite 'locals' near home in Bang Na closed down.

    It was nothing special or flashy, only a basic Durba Thai style place with dented tables, plastic seats etc, but was a great place to sit and watch the stream of people pass by every evening until the wee small hours, the staff and regulars all nice and the food, beer and service all very good.

    Without that place the neighbourhood lost a huge deal of it's lustre so we decided to head back to the UK for a 'break' rather than face another hot season.

    I'll say to the OP, enjoy it while you can, when it's gone cherish the memories.

    The good thing about Pattaya is that you'll son fine a place to replace it.

  5. Sad tale. Poor dog. Poor snake.

    As the snake's natural environment is hacked away at and encroached upon continually, people wonder why there are more tales of this nature on the rise. Dogs and snakes were never meant to meet in any environment.

    Most Dogs, especially larger ones simply don't have the guile, speed, agility or tools which natural predators of snakes such as the mongoose or (wild) cats, possess.

    Poor thing probably managed to keep the snake at bay for a while, got too bold, fatally injured the snake and got tagged.

  6. BANGKOK: -- A combined force of over a hundred soldiers and police launched simultaneous raids on 12 homes of influential figures in Samut Prakarn in another bid to curb criminal activities.

    Should read:

    BANGKOK: -- A combined force of over a hundred soldiers and police launched simultaneous raids on 12 homes of influential figures possible future political opponents to the Junta in Samut Prakarn in another bid to curb criminal activities

  7. The fact is that Thailand is a tough country, not only for us foreigners but also for many, many locals.

    There is no recourse to social security or governmental aid. In such circumstances people turn to crime the world over.

    To try and macro/micro-analyse this social problem in a singularly Thai context is probably beyond most members of this forum (certainly judging from some of the replies thus far) unless they have degrees, or vast professional experience in such fields as Criminology or Sociology as well as in depth understanding of the Thai Nation (not something apparent from this thread).

    That a lone young lady in a fairly isolated location was seen as a 'good/easy target' by an opportunistic criminal is not particularly Thai specific, nor exclusive to Thailand.

    In an extreme case scenario one could say she is fortunate it was only a petty robber and not some drugged up rapist, who would/could kill to get their 'fix'. We could be looking at a far grimmer article today had it been so.

    Thailand is a dangerous place, as are millions of places the world over.

    Until tourists exercise common sense and awareness of their surroundings, law enforcement improves to prevent such occurrences or society improves to Utopian standards where crime is non existent we shall continue to hear of such things. As all three of these are unlikely to happen any time soon be prepared for more of such occurrences here.

  8. Aye, the good old 'Cigarette Butt' 'police'...are they back?

    I've not heard owt of them for a good while. I thought they had been consigned to history when the government had a pop at the 'stop and search' teams in Asoke/Thong Lor a couple of years back.....

    It used to be rather fun sitting at the (now deceased) Soi 5 Seafood Centre, having a beer in the early evening watching these villains (and their 'associates') in action.

  9. As a former resident of Ayutthya, I've been saying for years that the temples in Ayutthya are a potential 'gold mine' for villains.

    They are quiet, rarely busy apart from the crowds of Asian tourists photographing the 'Buddha Root head' at Wat Mahathat, and offer plenty of quiet hidden corners for a crook to strike in. No security staff to speak off who seem more interested in stopping paying tourists from 'sneaking in' or pinching souvenirs than keeping out any undesirable elements who can literally just wander in off the streets. I used to hang out at a pal's Guest House from time to time and he was always telling his guests to be on their guard when wandering the temples alone even during he day.

    One lass had her day pack stolen (containing a camera, cash, and a CDWalkman- we're going back a bit here) in the beautiful Palace grounds to the side of Wat Phra Si Sanphet simply because she let her guard down and didn't notice that she was being followed. She had sat down, put her bag down and the villain struck.

    I hope the lass makes a full recovery and returns.

    Sad, horrible story, but it can happen anywhere, not that that makes it 'right' and this sort of crime IS an increasing problem in Thailand (for whatever reason) as punishments for getting caught seem scarcely a deterrent.

  10. What did she do wrong? Did she speed or drink and drive - or perhaps it was an accident. Accidents do happen. The TV lynch

    Mob is going after her because she is rich and famous.

    Indeed. 80% of the 'outrage' expressed here is pure unadulterated envy and a revolting read.

    A woman with Western blood has had the temerity to be far more successful than they could only dream of in their own self-financed, male-dominated and self-involved fantasy worlds.

    More laughable are the people questioning her looks and talent though they can rest assured these facets far exceeds those of their own 'Tee Raks.(who I'm sure are ALL Thai/Chinese MBAs).

    Those ridiculing her 'beliefs' are merely displaying their own sheer ignorance.

    I'd wager that if any of them (God forbid) found themselves in a similar situation, they'd be looking for the 'easy/financial' way out of it all too.

    TVF racists, sexists, small man syndrome suffering hypocrites at their finest and bitterest on display.

  11. It seems a rather ambiguous situation. Some say a copy is fine, others not.

    Personally, I always have a copy of the ID page and visa page which has done me fine as I've never been asked for it though times are a changing and they seem to be getting tougher on checking all the 'good guys' are in their ever changing goalposts now.......

    I'd say carry a copy, but should they demand the real thing, have it stored in a safe place which a trusted person can access and then bring it to the relevant place or people.

  12. Many times I wobbled my way home late at night 3-4 am past a traffic checkpoint where, had they have had the inclination, the cops could have pulled me to one side for being 'under the influence' and given me a hard time, yet they never did. Like in most countries, the cops will tend to use their discretion in dealing with cases.

    I would not chance that these days .They now have equipment to check your alcohol level .Usually no mercy shown ,

    I was always on foot Anto! Apologies! I should have specified that

    ....but still they could have seen this uncouth looking Westerner winding his way home at some ungodly hour and given me grief.....

  13. Many times I wobbled my way home late at night 3-4 am past a traffic checkpoint where, had they have had the inclination, the cops could have pulled me to one side for being 'under the influence' and given me a hard time, yet they never did. Like in most countries, the cops will tend to use their discretion in dealing with cases.

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