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Posts posted by JayBird

  1. If you are looking for a serious girlfriend, you may have trouble.  If you do not speak Thai, most English speaking girls will either be in the bar scene or be well educated.  You do not wish a bar girl, so what do you bring to interest an educated girl who may well have a good job.


    You may wish to consider online dating or going through friends to increase your chances.


    In addition to hua hin, have you considered Bangkok or Phuket?

  2. 15 hours ago, Confuscious said:

    I don't understand why everybody is making such a fuzz about 2 reporters who did nothing wrong, except doing their work while on a tourist visa.

    The Thai media and many Thai sites publish this story in all colors and flavors without anybody lifting a finger.


    Maybe it is because they are "Fahrang" and publish gore pictures is only allowed by Thais?

    It's a good way to distract from the real issue: Ex policeman mass murderers innocent children and shoots his family dead.



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  3. So far, the tangible benefits I see are:


    1) In the event that I am in the hospital unconscious, she should have some rights to dictate what the doctors do or do not do.  (Lawyer said there is no equivalent to a 'living will' here).


    2) If, for whatever reason, I require a different Visa, I could go the marriage route.  However, that is not pressing to me.


    3) I *think* it makes it easier to get a joint bank account (good to store cash in case of an emergency should one of us get hit by a truck for example).


    4) In the event of a death, anything not covered by the will that is held in Thailand would automatically transfer to the Thai wife (good if you forget/miss something in the will).


    The downsides I see are:


    1) I think if married, the foreign spouse  can not get a Usfuruct/Lease on a house owned by the Thai national?


    2) Held liable for actions done by the wife?



    Not worried about kids, pensions, visas, or money.


    Note 2:

    I believe any assets held outside of Thailand are not claimable by a Thai spouse in the event of divorce?



    (Note: I'm keeping romance out of this.  As far as I am concerned, in spirit, we are effectively married as we have been together for ever and no interest in parting.  And in some places it would already be common law).


    Thank you all for the kind replies!

  4. On 10/1/2022 at 9:59 PM, topthai said:

    Edibles are sold nearly anywhere. Cannabeach in second road have the biggest choice of good indoor weed, all between 400 and 600 baht and If you buy 5 grams you get 500 baht discount. Many very amazing quality like Mac1, ice cream cake and oreoz. And because of the big choice, all qualitys need few weeks to be sold out. There is also a big smoking room with comfortable sofa and roof top terrace

    It looks like a lot of these edibles have low potency.  I have not found much with high potency (or indeed, any effect).


    • Like 1
  5. Anyone know what the pros/cons of getting legally married to a long term thai-GF by a foreigner?


    I understand there are some easier visa options (Marriage Visa, instead of say Retirement).  But let's say Visa issues are not an issue at all for the purpose of staying in Thailand.


    Any other benefits (or cons) of getting legally married?


    Thank you.

  6. On 9/13/2022 at 8:25 AM, Gecko123 said:

    I think foreigners including the press should keep their nose out of this issue.


    What people don't realize is that much of the charm of Thailand comes from the diversity of the people who are attracted to the country and its welcoming people. Not all of Thailand's mystery and charm is homegrown. Look at the way Khaosan road's 'crossroads of the world' charm has been obliterated in the process of cleaning it up. Who goes there any more? It's appeal these days seems to be largely nostalgic.


    Get rid of all these so-called 'unwelcome' elements and what are you left with? In the interests of not offending anyone, I'll refrain from answering that question, but a clue might be found in the bathroom mirror. And by the way, to all the cannabis enthusiasts out there, do you really think that decriminalization is not going to attract a certain (perhaps large) number of these free-spirited vagabond type tourists? Whether the cops succeed in preventing them from setting up sidewalk vending operations remains to be seen, but something tells me beach side resorts like Pattaya might see a lot more of this type of tourist in the future.

    I find the broken sidewalks, hanging wires, flooded streets, and dangerous driving charming too.  Let's not change those too?


    I found Thailand more charming before they let planes in packed with tourists.  Let's go back to that?





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  7. 5 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    No, not unless it's a really big cookie.


    You'll have to define "a 2 gram cookie". Is that a cookie which weighs two grams? Or a single cookie made with two grams of cannabis which was extracted as an additive/ingredient.


    Flour, sugar, butter, vanilla extract, baking soda, salt, chocolate chips and cannabis.


    Again, this is why we need real references.



    Sadly, the best I could get out of the people was that it was '2 grams'.



  8. 5 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Multiplication. So a one gram flower with 25% THC has (at a maximum) 0.25 grams of THC. Total cannabinoids would be fractionally higher.



    So a 2g cookie, should have about 500mg of THC?  I'm thinking these shops are not accurate in their reports, as 500mg in one go should be noticed by the consumer ????



  9. 20 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

    Can you share your links/photos of these products? These would help address your question.


    My thoughts...


    Milligram - mg refers to nearly pure (~90 % of whatever they yield is on their extraction method) THC extract weight

    g (gram) - refers to the equivalent biomass (flower) weight used

    mL - refers to the volume of the oral tincture, with a typical dosage being the number of drops from the dropper onto the tongue



    These are technically illegal, save for the GPO tinctures.


    There is no standardization, and testing, as there may be in other more cannabis-normalized countries.


    What are you looking for? What have you used elsewhwere?



    Need to see the advert to answer this question. You could also ask the supplier.


    Once you look for these product on FB you'll see a lot on offer.

    All of this was in physical shops in Pattaya, I didn't take pictures as I'm not sure they would like that ????


    What you are saying makes sense.  When they were saying '2 g', they were also pointing to the flowers and saying '1 g'.  So it is possible they meant flower weight.


    Do you know how to convert 'g of flower' to 'mg of THC' ?


    I read somewhere that 1ml of THC = 25mg of THC.


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