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Everything posted by JayBird

  1. It's a good idea to remember that just because they call themselves an Islamic council, it does not mean they represent all or even a lot of Islamic people. They mainly represent themselves. The same can be said for a lot of organizations. The BNP does not represent all Brits. The KKK does not represent all Christians. And the proud boys do not represent gay men ????
  2. Your post suggests that the government should not have accountability. That the people who installed the poles and cables are not the ones who are incompetent. I do not think that we should take it as granted that the fault will always be that of the people or the victims. We should always strive to improve the government and continue to hold them, as well as the people, accountable.
  3. I know Thailand does not attract the highest quality tourists. But even so, I do not believe a great deal of them would be getting sexually physical with the monkeys. And i think the monkeys are capable of rejecting such advances.
  4. If you wish to go through the green channel, you are limited to 1 liter. That is correct. But further down it states: Case 1 Passengers' accompanying belongings which are not for commercial purpose and do not exceed 200,000 baht in value Procedure Customs officers at the "Goods to Declare" channel assess flat rate duty and taxes Passengers make payment of duty and taxes by cash or debit/credit card Passengers are provided with payment receipts and retrieve their belongings I've also been informed by others that import/export things that it can be brought in, but a high tax is to paid on it. But they did not mention what %.
  5. The burkini reminds me of what white women wore at the beaches in the 30s. But they also had a parasol.
  6. I believe I can bring 1 liter of alcohol with me without any problems. I wish to bring about 2-3 Liters of alcohol with me. I would like to know if this is permitted, and what the tax would be (and how it would be calculated). Also, would it differ if I carried it with me, or had it shipped separately with other personal belongings that are coming? Note: These extra bottles I want for sentimental reasons (they were gifts from colleagues and one was even a special batch of wine made specifically for our team). I have no plans to drink them, just to keep them on my shelf like a trophy/plaque. Thank you.
  7. Pattaya / Jomtien did not ask about a letter. They just did it. Not even need an appointment.
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