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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 37 minutes ago, Benroon said:

    That's a nonsense I'm afraid - I actually have it in writing from Mark Lancaster MP that the party whip supersedes the will of the people that got him that job. Its also the case that if you are a minister, the party line overrides any opinion of the people who put you there and you are NOT ALLOWED to go against it. That one came from Iain Stewart MP.


    I asked Lancaster to back a bill to outlaw hunting with dogs and he refused even though 81% of his constituents wanted him to !


    A further hideous woman the MP for St Albans, Anne Main I think, also refused to back a bill to outlaw traps after several dog walkers pets had their limbs smashed to pieces even though 98% of her constituents wanted her to. 


    I have always said MP's shouldn't even be going to work to think - they should be garnering the opinion of their voters and acting accordingly - EVERY time !

    Whilst I entirely agree with your views, we only think this way nowadays because we know our 'representatives' are horribly corrupt.


    Having said this, I see no way to change the system - as only those looking for money and/or power are likely to become politicians ☹️.

  2. 47 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    The one doesn’t exclude the other. 


    Deflect as you like; it doesn’t change that Brexiteers are scared of another referendum. 

    As long as MPs are scared of another referendum, I personally am not scared.


    But then again it depends on the options.



    1) remain

    2) accept may and the eu's deal


    would not appeal!


    Apparently it works for MPs though....

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  3. 57 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    All that doesn’t change that Brexiteers are scared of another referendum because they know that you can only lie to the people once. Now as their house of cards has folded, they know people would say fxxx off (to cite that YouTube video Brexiteers seem to like so much). 

    To be fair, I have to admit that I love the fxxx off video ????.

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  4. 46 minutes ago, Basil B said:

    She needs to turn 65 of 75 Tory MP's who voted against her last week if she can win over the DUP, else she needs to turn every single one of those 75...


    But even then she is not out of the woods, that was with 4 independent and 3 Labour MP's I am sure the Labour rebels are being "whipped" back in to line too..._105999377_optimised-mv2_breakdown_chart-nc.thumb.png.90e06eb67915fcf89e08d8e2ac5d13f6.png


    So assume if the DUP were just to abstain she is unlikely to win by more 2 votes.


    Lost of if's and I would say at this time the result she had last week was the best she could have hoped for as it seems her party is now falling apart like a circus clowns car. 


    Already talk of Tuesdays vote being put off unless the DUP is on side, more to the point she need every one of her MP's to walk through the "yes" lobby that is just not going to happen.


    roll on Thursday... TM asks for an extension.


    Both tory and labour are falling apart like circus clowns.....

  5. 1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


    This graph plots all the polls from January 2018 to March 2019, there's been loads, each dot represents a poll, the results are clear, Remain has been in the majority for the past 12 months.



    If MPs believed these polls, then why are the vast majority of MPs still not keen on another referendum?


    Bearing in mind they support remain, you would have thought that they'd be jumping at the chance for another referendum!  And yet, for some reason they're not.....  It seems obvious (to me) that they're not as convinced as yourself by these polls.....


    They've probably learned their lesson from the pre-referendum polls ????.  So now they need to learn that when they deliberately ignore a democratic referendum, they lose any little respect they previously held with the electorate.

    • Like 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



    I had a friend who was a paid shill..


    Every morning she would receive a full set of "incidents"  (complete with sources) which she then had to post about on a number of forums.


    There are many,many shill factories on this planet resourced by goodness knows who..


    No..much better that you heave your over indulged carcass out of a lounge chair and actually go and physically vote.


    Even if it kills you.

    "No..much better that you heave your over indulged carcass out of a lounge chair and actually go and physically vote.

    Even if it kills you."


    Ignoring the insults against those who don't vote, you misunderstand.  A number of people don't vote because the choices are between bad/bad/bad!


    Which is why I think adding 'none of the above' - and telling everyone the number that voted this way - is a very good idea.  It would certainly encourage more people to vote!

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:



    The informal vote is announced in Australia in every constituency.


    That includes those who voted for "Il Belcho" pizza whilst others were down to the plastic wrapping on "Scoffing Carbs" donuts.


    The only people that think that voting "informal" is a revolutionary act usually die with the TV remote still clutched in their hands..and require winching out from their favourite chair.

    Because 'informal vote' (which I assume is spoilt ballot papers?) means nothing to most people.


    On the other hand, one of the 'candidates' being 'none of the above' would make a very strong point!

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, mania said:

    Only if they make it a true vote by adding

    "None Of The Above"

    to all ballots


    If not your just forcing folks to choose the least worst candidate in most cases



    Agree entirely.


    The numbers then voting for 'none of the above' should also be 'read out' when announcing the winner.


    If this happens, I've no problem with compulsory voting, but somehow I know politicians wouldn't be keen on this.....

  9. 3 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

    We don’t give the most 350 m per week? That transfer never took place. 


    It’s like advertising a car for £10,000 ... but when you arrive at the garage you find that there is 20% VAT on top ... it was a bare faced lie, all the characters involved in the caper knew that ... to a man. 

    And precisely how would you describe Osborne's promised 'punishment budget' - that was proven to be an outright lie?

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    You have absolutely no idea what the 39 billion is for have you? You think this country agrees to hand over money for nothing? It's not housekeeping money.

    Very true - and neither does anyone else as the calculations have never been published.....


    Edit - Which is more than a bit odd.  As you point out, 39 bn is one hell of a lot of money and so needs to be fully explained!

    • Like 2
  11. 7 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    You explained your opinions; for which I thank you.


    I am not, and never have, pretended that it's a mystery why anyone is against the deal. It is a shame you have resorted to putting words into my mouth; I honestly thought doing such was beneath you.


    What I am doing is trying to get others to say, as you have done, why they, personally are against the deal.


    You did so, why can't they.


    Because the main objections should be pretty obvious (they've certainly been reported in the press frequently, even the remain media) and we're all getting tired of reading and saying the same thing over and over again?


    Edit - the only reason I finally responded was because I can't sleep for various reasons, and am not in the best of moods...

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