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dick dasterdly

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Posts posted by dick dasterdly

  1. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    The question I am asking your fellow Brexiteers is to expain the specifics of what you consider to be wrong with May's deal and with what you would replace them.


    I keep asking it again and again because none of you have answered it; apart from one who gave part of an answer.


    Indeed, you, yourself, twice asked me to post details of the deal and after I had done so for the second time said you couldn't be bothered to even read it!


    How can you be against, or for, something of which you know nothing?


    My answer to the question? As it's the best we arre going to get, short of cancelling Article 50 and remaining, then nothing. Were I offered the chance, I would vote to accept it.





    I give up.


    I explained (yet again) a couple of the things that were wrong with the eu/may deal - but you're still pretending that it's a mystery why anyone is against the deal....

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The UK has a debt of £39Billion arising from commitments the UK have made during the UK’s membership of the EU (these include Farage’s EMP pension).


    Quit with this blatant lie that the payment of this debt has anything to do with anything other than commitments already made.

    Blatant lie?  So why have the calculations never been published?

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The UK has a debt of £39Billion arising from commitments the UK have made during the UK’s membership of the EU (these include Farage’s EMP pension).


    Quit with this blatant lie that the payment of this debt has anything to do with anything other than commitments already made.

    If this is true, why have the calculations never been published?

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, dick dasterdly said:

    The same applies to the vast majority of extremely wealthy people.....


    Not that I'm defending trump, anymore than I'd defend any other extremely wealthy person who has found a way to 'avoid' taxes ☹️.


    As Ivana (?) said - 'only the little people pay taxes'.....


    2 minutes ago, choff56 said:

    I believe that was Leona Helmsley.

    Who cares?  It was some extremely rich person.


    No wonder that ordinary people are getting more and more bad tempered - and voting for anyone who says they are anti-establishment.  Even trump....


    As an aside, I have to admit that I'm suprised his wealth hasn't increased!

  5. 2 hours ago, AlexRich said:


    If politics gets in the way of Fox, doesn't the same apply to May? Why does her attempts at Brexit come down to a conspiracy to thwart it?



    Let's go back to the uk (for some obscure reason) agreeing to the eu's negotiating agenda.  Money to be paid to them at the top, trade deal at the bottom.....


    Made no sense at all, especially as May was talking about 'no deal is better than a bad deal'!


    Now that May has changed to 'the worst possible deal imaginable is better than no deal' - her agreeing to the eu's negotiating agenda - is making far more sense.....

    • Like 2
  6. 12 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Turkey had applied to join the E.U. and there was the possibility of them being allowed to join , so, that wasnt a lie .

       France had been calling for a E.U army (and still are), and that was backed by Germany , so concerns about an E.U Army wasnt a lie either 



    IMO the only outright lies were told by the remainers - but of course their supporters will never believe this.


    Unfortunately for them, the leavers ignored the 'advice' coming from pretty much every direction, and Osborne's promised 'punishment' budget in the event of a leave vote was probably the last straw in convincing them it was all 'establishment lies'.  Thank you Osborne!

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


    Best direct that question to Crying Gravy ... what is it that he was promised that is not in May's withdrawal agreement and future relationship deal? 


    From my perspective it looks pretty damn close to what many people claimed they were voting for?

    Leaving the eu.....

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


    His post was about May's failure to deliver his Brexit. A conspiracy involving Theresa May ... deliberately gaming the negotiations to stay in the EU and thwart Brexit, or whatever Brexit means to him.


    A failure to acknowledge that the UK was engaging in a negotiation with a strong counterparty. 


    Liam Fox promised to have all the non-EU agreements rolled over by now. Easiest job in the world, according to him. He was a leaver, not a remainer. How is his failure explained? Was he in on the conspiracy? Did he take silver from the "establishment" and become a turncoat?


    Every failure in this process is the result of some conspiracy or remainer plot, it's never acknowledged that Brexit was in fact very difficult to do without causing untold damage.


    You seriously think that the uk immediately agreeing to the eu's negotiating agenda (money paid to the eu at the top, trade agreement at the bottom) was anything other than a 'sell out'??

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    I wasnt in the UK at the time so I may have missed them, but , what were the promises made ?

      (Please dont mention THAT bus , that wasnt a promise , it was a suggestion )

    So, what are the "promises" made to secure Brexiters vote that were never kept ?

    As far as I can recall, the brexiteers accused the eu of having various plans to introduce more 'eu'.  i.e. turkey being allowed to join (allowing yet more poor immigrants seeking money from poor jobs in the uk)/the eu intending an eu army etc. etc.


    Weirdly, I missed out on them pointing out the extravagant waste of money by the eu? ☹️


    The remain campaign on the other hand, pointed out immediate armageddon in the event of 'leave' winning the referendum.....


    The voters didn't believe it then, and have even less reason to believe it now.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    He appears to pay even less tax than Amazon or Netflix! That means less than zero. 

    The same applies to the vast majority of extremely wealthy people.....


    Not that I'm defending trump, anymore than I'd defend any other extremely wealthy person who has found a way to 'avoid' taxes ☹️.


    As Ivana (?) said - 'only the little people pay taxes'.....

  11. 16 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    In two other topics I have asked many of your fellow Brexiteers to explain the specifics of what they consider to be wrong with May's deal and with what they would replace them.


    All bar one have either ignored the question, dodged it or made feeble excuses for not answering; one being that the person couldn't be bothered to read even a summery of what is in the deal!


    Will you now grasp the nettle and answer the question?

    The problems with the May/eu deal have been pointed out by media/lawyers and posters - I'm not sure how you have missed out on this?


    Like most posters I'm getting tired of reading (and posting) the same arguments over and over again....


    But once again, I'll point out that the most obvious example is that the May/eu deal leaves the uk reliant on the eu AGREEING that the Ireland border issues meet the eu's demands.....


    In other words, they can refuse to agree for eternity....  Plus paying 39bn for the privilege of remaining, as the deal is BRINO.


    Hopefully this answers your frequently repeated question.

    • Like 1
  12. On 3/15/2019 at 10:41 AM, Arjen said:

    Agreed with (nearly all) above. Except, from experience I know that once you have separated dogs who like to fight each other, it is very  difficult to have them accept each other again. When you separate them, be sure their cages, crates, benches are very close to each other.


    Usual it is the easiest to give the stronger dog (So Laika in this case) more rights. It will be very difficult to protect the other dog from Laika, although it seems the other dog is starting the fights, or at least initiates them.


    And further do what WW89 suggests. Do everyday the same thing, at around the same times, in (IMPORTANT!!) the same sequence. Treat all dogs after each other. But Laika first. So first walk her, first feed her. When they are used a bit to this new "regime" you can start the walk by passing the place where you keep the cocker, and also end there. With the cocker you do the same. When they just sniffing, reward them. When they show aggression, speak a few firm words, pull the leash, and bring them direct back to the cage.


    Probably it was not wise from me to  suggest the E-collar. They are a great tool, but you must know what you do. In my home country they are not allowed anymore because people without any knowledge used them to learn there poodle to sit on command. 


    Good luck! Arjen.

    I've used both remote control vibration and citrus spray collars in the past (when they were chasing/killing chickens or chasing 'bikes), and they work very well - without any cruelty.


    I managed to stop my dog attacking another, without separating them - but she only attacked when I was somewhere around, and yes, I know this means I was part of the cause as there weren't any problems when I was out shopping or whatever.


    It sounds as if the main 'trigger' for fights in the OP's case is excitement (which was a main trigger for my dog too).


    Part of the solution in my case was to shout (in a deep voice) as soon as I heard them getting excited, and rush out to control the excitement before a fight broke out.  I concentrated on the most excited first - which was never my dog who attacked first.  The over-excited dog would do her best to avoid me, but I followed her until she realised I was determined to get my way - and eventually gave up and lay down.  Consistency is the key, until they learn to accept or avoid each other.


    The dog who always started the fights (i.e. physically attacked first), was always the most 'submissive' towards me and the first to calm down and, I suspect, using the other dog's excitement as an 'excuse' to attack.


    Of course all dogs are different, and so you need to find the solution that works for you.

    • Like 1
  13. 8 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The European Court of Justice made these laws, not our fault if you do not agree with them.


    A judgement by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on Monday gives the UK the right to unilaterally withdraw its notification to leave the EU.




    I'm losing the plot here - are you recommending the uk revoking article 50 and staying?

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