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Posts posted by RandolphGB

  1. Soi 4 has lots of hotels that many tourists will book without knowing the street is a gutter full of the absolute dregs of humanity. 


    Any woman walking alone there is not safe and faces being ogled, groped and accosted by all manner of dirt bags, particularly those from the Sub Continent and Middle East.


    She was highlighting the problem and trying to save other women from going there by mistake.


    But as usual, Thais are thin-skinned to any kind of criticism and arrest the messenger, rather than fix the actual problem. 


    Why don't they want to fix the problem? Because police profit from crime all along Nana and Sukhumvit. 


    They don't police criminals, they protect criminals. In many cases, the police are the criminals, and own the same bars.


    It will never change, as it's deeply embedded in Thai culture from the very top to bottom.



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  2. 1 hour ago, BenStark said:

    Please enlighten us on the LOT OF taxes that a visitor pays.


    Let's hope you don't have in mind the VAT on goods, which you have to pay in about every country in the world, and is in Thailand at 7% about a third of what it is in most other countries.


    So your statement actually should have been, anyone who lives or visits SAVES a lot of taxes

    Plane tickets, taxis, fuel, hotels, food, drinks... anything where payments are mad.


    VAT and income / profit tax from the business all find their way to the establishment.


    The moment you spend money in a country, part of that ends up in the government. 


    If you don't understand that, you're just not intelligent or experienced enough to have any discussion with. 




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