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Everything posted by RandolphGB

  1. What's funny is that anyone thought the army would ever allow this clown anywhere near the keys to government. Thailand always has been and always will be for the foreseeable future controlled by the military in cahoots with the elite.
  2. Yes, one was West to East long haul. The others were all within Asia flying West to East.
  3. The last four flights I've taken back to Thailand I've suffered acute illness the next day and for two or three days after. This is always sore aching muscles, fever, loss of appetite, and fatigue. I'm fine with the flight to the destination but it's just from the flight back to Thailand that the problems start. Has anybody else suffered this from flights?
  4. The shophouses are likely to be occupied by legitimate businesses in line with the general gentrification of the area.
  5. Looks bloody horrible though with all the neon cannabis signs along Sukhumvit Road. Or walking around seeing some backpacker who hasn't washed for a week taking bong hits outside a cafe.
  6. Grab having a monopoly would be dangerous. Plus the government could not build a tree house, let alone an app with a fraction of the functions of Grab and its market cap of 12 billion dollars listen on the NYSE. Thais are inherently lazy, corrupt, selfish and have no consideration for others or the wider social good. The only solution is to strengthen the existing laws and enforce them. But then we go back to the fact that police, state bodies and the judiciary are inherently corrupt, lazy, selfish, and have no consideration for others or the wider social good.
  7. Tax revenues for the government and ... not cash-in-hand for crooks and money laundering shops for British boiler room Barrow boys in Bangkok.
  8. They seem to want an 18th century system of tourism, with visitors being chaperoned by court servants in sarongs, learning to make a 'wai', trying to speak Thai, praying at temples, learning some of the language, cooking, prostrating before their gods and idols, then leaving, in awe of their ancient culture (which doesn't even exist anymore). Unfortunately that world doesn't exist anymore, even though many Thais would prefer it.
  9. Pretentious, nationalistic, twaddle. Like almost everything here. What right does this jumped-up hypocrite running a blog have to tell people how to act? These kind of Thais are the same people screeching for ‘democracy’ but insist on trying to control people.
  10. They were done on this same technicality four years ago so they have had plenty of time to ensure their party is whiter than white. Surely they would know that the government would be looking for any excuse to end them.
  11. And so it begins... the establishment will do anything to keep the country in the past. There is far too much power and wealth at stake for a handful of the elite to allow any kind of progress.
  12. The post didn't mention the state. However, yes, less tax and a smaller state is always preferable.
  13. Many of us also pay tax that supports the f***ers and their endless nonsense, corruption and bizarre rituals and institutions.
  14. These three provinces are so different from everywhere else in Thailand historically and culturally that their eventual path should be to devolution with a greater level or political autonomy while remaining part of the country.
  15. Grievances? They simply want Thailand to move into the 21st century instead of being stuck in the backwards brainwashed zombie-like trance of the last hundreds of years worshipping fake idols. The election shows that a lot of Thai people want this, too.
  16. These are very good points. The army and establishment will play the long game, slowly, small steps at a time, while wearing smiles, to erode the public will.
  17. It's not about Prayut, it's about protecting the establishment - the military, monarchy and religion. They will do that at any cost. A vote by the plebs is meaningless to them.
  18. Thailand’s election system is effectively rigged through the use of 250 military appointed ultra conservative senators who are under strict instructions to only vote for and approve military parties. It’s a sham democracy, as fake as a tour guide’s smile or a Thai woman saying you’re handsome.
  19. Months of consultations will follow and millions of baht spent on untraceable companies and contractors. Only to decide it’s not needed.
  20. I believe the poster means places like the Bangkok Post, semi-defunct Khaosod English or 'Coconuts' (though that site is more like a teenage blog for paid restaurant promotions).
  21. A 16-year-old girl can't survive an hour without her phone, let alone a week on the run without any contact with friends, relatives or people. Which indicates she's probably dead.
  22. Yes, there's a lot of ChatGPT going on. They seem to be going for quantity over quality.
  23. From the same excuse for a news site that uses African elephants to illustrate stories about elephants in Thailand.
  24. A handful of hate-filled and uneducated Scottish nationalists playing to the crowd... hardly 'the people'
  25. If any fine is due, the landlord must pay it. Registering a TM30 is the building owner's responsibility.
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