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Everything posted by Salerno

  1. Breaking? It's been spelt out in various threads for hours.
  2. Bad timing I'm afraid, restrictions kick in on the 9th. No chance to bring it forward to tomorrow?
  3. Here's some things: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64194129
  4. No need to stand, please remain seated 555 Wouldn't put it as "corrected" either, fairly quickly moving issue.
  5. You can filter on certified and cars with inspections: https://www.one2car.com/
  6. My ex works in insurance, while she was drafting new and reviewing existing policy docs she asked me to edit them for her. The feedback she got on the edited versions when she resubmitted them was "Thank your husband for the excellent work he has done but unfortunately we can't use them. By correcting the grammar, and in particular the punctuation he has introduced, he has removed the built in ambiguity." That has stuck with me for decades (would have been mid '90s).
  7. Re the above, no idea where it was posted on here, can't find it, but QANTAS have updated their site: Travel from 9 January 2023 All passengers entering Thailand must provide evidence of being fully vaccinated according to Government of the Kingdom of Thailand guidelines. See: https://www.qantas.com/au/en/coronavirus/international-travel/thailand-flights.html
  8. There was a post on here earlier today, with a graphic of the new rules coming into affect from 9 Jan.
  9. When? Things have changed (since last May): https://molina.imigrasi.go.id/front/faq
  10. One second, yes just checked the url, it's the Asean Now website. The issue you raised goes hand in hand with people answering questions (correctly or incorrectly) that have been done and dusted months before and likely posting basically the same thing that has been posted numerous times. It's great isn't it
  11. Your re-entry permit is valid to the same date your visa is, you have no problem.
  12. No, it was partly to compensate hospitals, not a get out of jail free card for those without proper insurance or the means to pay for treatment.
  13. Does look quiet, but given the post just before you, looks like it may well have done its job. Seems the BiB tracked him down pretty damn fast.
  14. Re CCTV, a post on the other thread looks promising:
  15. A very good question. There is no need whatsoever for you to have a Wise account (in relation to this specific scenario).
  16. Well there you go, a two-for-one - avoid getting bit by mozzies and help in your fitness regime ????
  17. Well I never, thanks. Only watched the first few minutes and I honestly thought it was sort of character like they have in Little Britain and the likes.
  18. Due to the price of alcohol in your home country no doubt (had a great time there, loved it, but way too long ago and doubt I'll get back sadly) ... but I digress. All the things you mentioned are indulged in around the world to one extent or another. Your comment seemed to be rather condescending to one cohort, not saying I 100% disagree with you but it was rather judgmental.
  19. Why, what makes one persons enjoyment superior to another's?
  20. Yes. They can. If you had log-term tenants and give them copies of the relevant documents the tenants can do it themselves.
  21. What makes you think he didn't know that and what makes you think it would change his mind? He's an anti-vaxxer, plain and simple.
  22. Hardly, it's rubber stamped by the Monarchy, advised by the Prime Minister.
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