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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 1 hour ago, Watchful said:

    Isn't this exactly what the Muslims did to the Jews? Isn't it strange how the Muslims ignore that the Jews were in Palestine long, long before them.


    Fortunately, I have solution to the Muslim Problem! We have been screwing around trying to prevent Iran from getting nuclear arms. Instead, let's give nukes to both the Sunnis and the Shias.  They are so stupid that they'll kill each other off in a few weeks!









  2. 7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:





    Its always worthwhile remembering a few of the posters sure that the US sources were merely speculating, and we should rely on any 'hard facts' forthcoming from Brit. authorities....


    I was not up to the US Officials to say anything, its down to the British Government/Police....BUT no, they just can not help themselves.....maybe if they kept their noses out of other peoples problems the world might be a better place

  3. 9 minutes ago, chrisinth said:

    The problem with that is that they would have had to have specific information to state that as true. The 'US specialists' are basing their facts on similarities to previous suicide bombings in France.


    In other words they are speculating,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    In other words....keep your nose out and let the British  Police/Security Services etc do their job

  4. 43 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    I get the impression, that this pres' is a spoilt child in adults clothing. Surely the USA will not put up with this for the next 4 years.How can these ridiculous tweets, accusations without proof, and silly way of cutting interviews by just walking away from them, stand the test of time?I know this is the 21st century, but two countries executed their kings for virtually the same offences.in the 17th and 18th centuries.Is there not an equivalent way of dealing with this dangerous man, in modern times? wrongly or rightly, in his first 100 days, we stand on the eve of a possible nuclear war.

    I could not agree with you more Dave

    What an embarrassment, he must go through some dummies with all the spitting out he does  

  5. Can't wait to get back home from working away. Missing out on my cinema trips with my partner.

    But on a positive side I have caught up on most of my series



    Blacklist Redemption 


    All the NCIS's


    Hawaii 5 O

    24 Legacy


    Designated Survivor 


    Prison Break


    Dr Who

    and I still have a few stacked up 

  6. "Assistant school head Roger Lindquist told Reuters two men had walked around the school yard days before the attack, taking photos of students and putting up stickers with their emblem. The school had felt compelled to hire security guards, he said.


    "Why do they hate us? Why do they want to harm us and why do they want to shut down our school?" he said."


    Probably because every time somebody or some country offers an olive branch its gets paid back with a Bomb, shooting, truck or stabbing attack. :coffee1:

  7. 36 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Don't know if you used the email address in below instructions from their website.  If not, you might want to resend your email.





    Thanks Pib

    I have just sent another to the address you provided and included the email from the other who hasn't even bother getting back in touch

  8. 5 hours ago, Pib said:

    The Bangkok Bank special Direct Deposit account is only required for U.S. govt payments such as govt pension payments.  Payments such as direct deposit of salary from a company can go to a regular savings account which  can come with debit card, ibanking, etc. 


    If not required to have the special Direct Deposit savings account, better to go with a regular savings account since you would not have the restriction of no debit card or ibanking transfer-outs and having to show up in person to do a withdrawal/transfer.

    I don't need a special Direct Deposit account with it being non US Gov payment.  All I have is the normal savings account. 

    I did send an email to try and sort out a Bangkok Bank London account but two weeks later I still have not had a reply, no surprise there then!

  9. 15 hours ago, fxe1200 said:

    First Europe should refrain from all military actions in the Middle East and Africa. Then it would have the right to send those refugees to those countries, which destroy their lands.

    I am really glad that you think that the West/Europe should sit back and watch countries in the Middle East and Africa, Rape, commit genocide, try and wipe out whole cultures, gas people, invade other countries etc etc.  Is it not their own fault....or are the West/Europe responsible for that too?



  10. "BERLIN (Reuters) - Muslims who migrate to Europe should understand that there are better places for them to live if they do not want to accept the European way of life, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said on Wednesday.


    Such migrants who do not accept Europe's way of living should be told "you have made the wrong decision", Schaeuble said during a round table discussion in Berlin.


    "There are better places in the world to live under Islamic law than Europe," he added."



    I could not agree more, if you want Islam so bad then don't come in the first place, I am sure you won't be missed :coffee1:

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