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Posts posted by Caps

  1. I got some in Big C on Rama 4 last Saturday, it is however the first time I have seen them in a long while, they generally get taken quickly, always have a lot of Duck Heart though 


    Have you tried the market at Khlong Toey (think I spelt it right?)

  2. 57 minutes ago, stevenl said:

    Corbyn is right. There was no plan during the Brexit campaign, and there still is nothing of a plan to be seen.

    Yes as a Brexiter there was no plan for it, because the muppets in No10 didn't think it was ever going to happen, great planning.  

    As for the planning now...just because they are not telling everyone about it all the time does not mean to say that they are not working on one.  Of course there will be one in the making, for better or worse and yes it won't suit everyone but hey...nothing ever does,  anyone who thinks that the Government are not working out a plan are talking crap..no one in their right minds would just sit there and the country get worse and worse.

    As for Corbyn he's a fresh air thief and instead of trying to slag off everything that others do maybe he should be trying to be constructive and help try and get the country back on its feet.   

  3. "ust turning up on the doorstep uninvited"
    were you invited to Thailande?
    Admitting you re a bit racist is already a plus, not like some others here in the same situation but hiding behind a wall of nonsense....
    They do not expect nothing except maybe having a life and a way to construct a decent living for them and their family after their countries were bombed, in war, civil war...
    Not that they will have this life they re dreaming, but at least they have something they didn t had at home : hope.
    A bit like how the USA was built, a bit like the jewish people fleeing Germany and Austria,....
    Maybe you should ask your government in UK why they still bomb Syria, why they bombed Lybia, why they use civil wars in africa to put the people they want to rule those countries....
    When UK was an empire, they went to many countries, only to steal the ressources...
    That's why people are scared of migrants : they are scared the migrant would do the same thing the western countries did in their colonies.

    I am not going to deny it. But it's good to see you are missing/deliberately forgetting the point I also made about the EU law? So unless they are going to paddle along the Mediterranean Sea across the Bay of Bisque and up the English Channel then it's not a UK problem, it's the problem of the country where they landed and it should be dealt with accordingly so your ramblings don't really count for much in the scheme of things
    I also didn't just turn up......I applied correctly as I always do, please don't just type rubbish if you are trying to have an adult debate

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. you don t want them but you re not there neither and your previous post as well as this one show the "migration" is not the problem, it is racism the problem

    I fluctuate between the two, not that's it's any of your concern. I don't mind if it's done properly, just turning up on the doorstep uninvited and expecting is what I don't like and I didn't make the EU law but I suppose it's only used when it suits

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 17 hours ago, KarenBravo said:

    "I don't want France" he insisted.


    And there you have the problem. These people don't crave safety, they want choice. They want to go to the country with the best benefits.

    Yes...and you would have thought they would be happy with what they got, especially with being away from all the so call war and persecution....all it is is want want want, oh and to top it all they even behave like animals when they don't get it.  Then they wonder why people don't want them!

  6. 29 minutes ago, sandemara said:

    What an OT reaction from the army. The best trainers know you have to blood greyhounds if you want them to win races. You need to be confident the troops will do their best when the necessity arises.


    What a load of drivel

    So how many "greyhounds" do you think should be beaten to death before they win a race?

    Getting the best out of the troops does not mean beatings.....speaking as an ex trainer 

  7. Just now, Grouse said:


    OK, leave EU and join EFTA! Deal?

    Ah Mr Grouse...I take it I am out of your bad books now!

    I think you missed the point...I am not saying leave and join anything, I merely said that they worked in the past and they did...without all the rest of the bureaucracy/ruling that comes with having an EU Parliament.  We didn't have it in the past and managed well enough.  I am sure that all the countries are grown up enough to get along just fine without a EU Parliament 


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