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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Hungary seems like decent country , they know how to care of themselves without having to follow the mainstream Europe. And do we hear about terrorist attacks in Budapest ? Nope.

    That's probably because they eventually had the right idea and ushered them through their country then put up a fence, good on them. At least one country has the guts to say we don't want you

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  2. The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

    More pony.

    Muslim leaders, political, community and religious, throughout Europe and elsewhere have joined in the condemnation of this attack; as they have done for all others.

    Indeed, the Muslim world, from the leaders mentioned above to ordinary people demonstrating in the streets and online, has been condemning terrorism in the name of their religion for well over 20 years; tens of thousands of fatwas have been issued against the terrorists for example.

    For some reason, even though the Western media has recently started to pay some attention to them, they are largely unreported in the West.

    I have posted many links to such condemnation in the past; here's a current one:-

    Normandy attack: Pope pays tribute to murdered French Priest as religious leaders call for people of all faiths to unite

    Suleman Nagdi from the Federation of Muslim Organisations called on people of all faiths to join together in the wake of the attack.

    He said: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Rouen and France as they come to terms with yet another barbaric attack.

    “The Federation of Muslim Organisations condemns this most incomprehensible and reprehensible act of murder....."

    What your usual bloviating waffle fails to do is put things in perspective. Muslims on Twitter are more preoccupied with an episode of the cartoon Fireman Sam, where he appears to stand on a page from the Koran than they are the beheading of a French priest.

    As if any reminder were needed here are Muslims protesting on the streets over cartoons.


    Not enough Muslim leaders condemn terrorism and there is always the suspicion that some of the ones that do, are crying crocodile tears, so the suspicion does not fall on them.

    Quite correct, not even the mayor of London has come out against the attacks. So may be the meeting with hardliners and jihadists show his true colours

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  3. I agree if you read the newspapers it seems to only apply for Chinese vehicles, but the new Thai rules on paper said nothing about Chinese and only talk about foreign vehicles.

    It not only applies for the Laos border, all borders are now the same… you need to apply for a permit to enter Thailand 30 days in advance… Also currently you need to exit at the same border grossing…

    With the new rules Thailand also killed all the motorcycle visa border runners…

    Of course it’s not unexpected that countries around Thailand will start to ban Thai vehicles...

    Yeah its crackers, and Laos are jumping on the band wagon. Also I thought Laos has the crossing agreement with Thailand? and as you say it was only Chinese from Laos

  4. It seems like they are changing the goal posts or just enforcing old ones? Rumours are that you have to give 30 days notice to get your 2 wheels in to Laos and be with a tour. Seems like Laos is going the same way as Thailand! But I the new Thai ruling, I thought, didn't apply to Laos vehicles?

    More info here


  5. I am having problems uploading photos to my Flickr account for almost a week now.

    Before the uploading was done automatic when Flickr "saw" a new photo on your PC but that feature now cost 35$ a year (Pro version, I think). I managed to upload almost 10.000 photos, took me months as my upload speeds are extreme slow.

    So now I try to upload manually but no, the process starts but when finished, no new photos appears. Been Goggling around and try to find out why, but not wiser so far.

    Anybody else having same problem? I don't get any error messages at all??

    I have just uploaded a couple of photos to Flickr using the site and also the apple app and both worked fine

  6. Five terror attacks in Europe in a week, but you won't see a Muslim protesting unless you draw a cartoon.

    The only time we have had a peep from them is when they lost some of their own by the truck driver.

    How do the Thais say it? Som num nah

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  7. Oops. Maybe we should have screened the people coming into our country? Why did we not think of that at the time?

    Charity is lovely. Being kind to people in need is very admirable. Germany has embarked on an experiment in the act of kindness. But, perhaps it should have been done with some constraints. Some judicious thought. Some circumspection. Just like Castro did in the 1980's, when tens of thousands of Cubans were allowed to leave Cuba, and he slipped in several thousand hardened convicts from the prisons, more than likely ISIS has done the same in Germany. So, some screening would have been the right thing to do. It is more than likely a very high price will be paid for this act of silliness, carelessness, and extreme liberalism.

    It's a Catch 22 which puts Germany in the shit house. They screen nearly everyone. Some are denied asylum. They're supposed to be deported, BUT THEY'RE NOT - Like the two buttplugs who committed separate terrorism acts today.

    So Germany (and Denmark and France and Sweden and Belgium, ad nauseum) .....can't legally send the dirtbags back to Syria or Afghanistan because they're warring. They can't put them in jail (the perps haven't yet been convicted of crimes prior), so they usually put them in 'halfway houses' or a family home, and cross their fingers and hope the young men don't cause any trouble.

    Now we see what can happen. .....and it's going to keep happening. My theory is; sex crimes will outnumber killing and maiming. It so happens, all throughout human history, we only hear about a small fraction of sex crimes, because victims, understandably, don't want to come forward to tell what happened. Expect a lot of dark-haired babies with brown eyes, born to single white moms.

    Also, you'll notice in all these news articles, German press are sheepish about mentioning whether the perps are Muslims and/or from Dune countries. Usually, there will be a sheepish mention in one of the closing paragraphs, something like, "it's believed the suspect is from a Middle Eastern country, but authorities cannot say for sure at this time."

    ....despite the fact that the guy was probably screaming "Allah Akbar before and during his attacks."

    Same thing happens in the US. Except we have far fewer Muslims to deal with. The US media is very cowardly. They will mention Islam, but only reluctantly. This is especially true of Obama. He is spending so much time and effort defending Islam, he is taking his eyes off of the big picture. I am not a racist. I have spent my life defending moderate Muslims. But, I am getting a bit tried of doing all of the heavy lifting. Where is the outcry from the Muslim community worldwide, against the gang raping extremists? With only about 3 million Muslims in the US, in a nation of about 325 million, it has not become the problem that Europe is presently facing. Only about 1% of the population. Many are well assimilated, and do not permit (nor encourage, nor insist) their women to wear those ridiculous headdresses, that cover their faces. Many speak good english, and are very productive members of society. And the US was smart about being reluctant to accept many Syria refugees. All of them should have been sent to Saudi Arabia. Every last one. They have plenty of room, and plenty of cash.

    I feel there should be a mandatory insistence of assimilation. You get two years. If you have not learned the local language, and your kids are not assimilated, and your wife is still wearing medieval dress, you must leave. Period. Make an effort. Forget politically correct. It is simply not working. Politically correct is allowing the disintegration of society.

    Yes exactly. And they should have that here in Thailand for us Farangs too.

    I can go with that, but I think you will find that not many westerners, if any get any hand outs from the Thai Government. Most of us will have probably flown here rather than come on a rubber dinghy after throwing our passports in the sea.

    I would also hazard a guess that we won't be killing pregnant women with a machete, mowing folk down in a truck, trying to blow people up at a festival or killing people at airports!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  8. A friend of mine was a postal inspector in the US and even there birthday cards were a big problem...way too obvious and too much temptation.

    I remember him telling me to never put money in a birthday card. Send a postal or bank money order made out to the recipient.

    Yes a sound idea, no money involved in these, so whoever had them was very disappointed

  9. Yes - Birthday cards have gone missing but nothing else. Mine were from the UK as well so I guess it could be a problem there, not necessarily here. It would be interesting to get one sent from another country just as a test.

    Yes it would be a good test, I am going to get my mother just to send a normal letter to see if that gets through

    I find it extremely hard to believe they are going missing in the UK, but you never know

  10. Has/does anyone else have any problems with mail coming into the country?

    My partner and I have had mail (Birthday Cards) go missing on all 3 times they have been sent from the UK

    Dec last year, and twice in June this year. In total about 7 cards from different people for different people

    The first time I put it down to bad luck...but three times....makes me wonder if someone is taking them. On the third sending they even sent the cards in a brown envelope to make it look less of a Birthday Card. But still no luck.

    I am glad it was nothing too important but it makes me wonder whether important stuff would get through or go missing.

  11. After 67 years of America defending Europe its time Europe defended Europe.We are broke. Time to pack and go home.

    If it wasn´t for Pearl Habor you would never got involved, period!!!

    That's a bit unfair. In 1941, before Pearl Harbour, the Americans were protecting the initial parts of trans-Atlantic convoys' journeys under the guise of the Pan-American Security Zone, and were engaging U-boats.

    Was it not a bit unfair to try and tell us that the US has been defending Europe for 67 years. They have not defended Europe, they have been and will continue to defend themselves from European soil....there is a difference

    May be if people didn't exaggerate that they wouldn't get comments like that.

  12. If you can get traditional sausages from the North of England why can't you get Normal Tea Bags from anywhere in England instead of all the fancy tea you sell?

    Thanks for your feedback.

    We are looking at trying to offer some favourite expat staples, starting with UK expats (I'm from the UK).

    Can you or other TV readers list here what they would us to offer at Passion Delivery? I have added in the ones I think:


    Tetley teabags

    Crumpets (we were offering them before but the quality from the supplier was very inconsistent so we have to drop them)

    English mustard

    Anything else to add?

    Yorkshire Teabags


  13. The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

    And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

    You are right, but the chances are Shirtless is right, the odds are better then Brexit coffee1.gif

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