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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 15 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


    Clarkson made a fortune out of acting like a silly school boy arse. The other two have never done much anything else. Together and on that particular format they had a winning formula that people found entertaining.


    Clarkson, bloated with his own importance, then punched a colleague. He should have been done for assault and had to be fired. He isn't above the rules that apply to everyone. Drunken oaf of a bore - whose made a mint out of it.


    If he hit a colleague in the US he'd probably have ended up behind bars, and not the type that serves booze.

    But he's not in the US


  2. 13 minutes ago, rober507 said:

    Not sure if it's related to this but I've been using Filmon to record TV shows (BBC, ITV etc) and then download to my laptop the next day. I noticed a couple of days ago that I can still record and watch the show on my laptop but don't have the download option any more.

    I use Filmon too, but have not had access to BBC new and BBC1 since the Olympics, hope it improves when they have finished

  3. 3 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    The idea that the authorities should have the power to 'disappear' people is appalling; this is not the Soviet Union nor Nazi Germany!

    But its ok for him to spout radical rubbish in the country that is giving him money and a roof over his radical head, then cost us millions to try and get rid?


  4. 55 minutes ago, happy Joe said:


    This is what frightens me. The French are overwhelmingly in favor of these prohibited. The reason is simple: We must not display his religious preferences in public space.


    But is it freedom or even secularism ?


    Our society must be relentless towards those who enjoy our freedoms to engage in violent and criminal acts.


    Ruthless, let's be clear.


    However people who choose a particular dress fashion is in my humble opinion free of their choice. They disturb no one, just like on Thailand beaches living together  the Western suit and more covered local.


    It is rather amusing to watch these different uses.


    So where is the problem ?

    But is it free of their choice?  Possibly in some cases but I hazard a guess its a do as I say and this is how you dress in most cases.   


  5. 11 minutes ago, denkiblue555 said:


    If you have ridden a 250X, then I think you should prepare yourself before you ride the 250L (it will have no 'snap' like your old bike and much worse suspension) - but I am sure you already know that. Kinda like going from an XR650R to an XR650L. Still a pretty good/cheap/easy to own bike now in Thailand.

    Hahaha yes, I hired a 250L the other year from CM (my report is on here)  and I totally agree with you 

  6. Just now, denkiblue555 said:


    They are talking about the KX250 (MX), not the KLX250 (Dual Sport) - very different products.


    If you google you can find loads of comparisons of the CRF250L and the KLX250 FWIW.

    ah, ok thanks.  Having had the CRF250X I will be sticking with the the more sedate road going versions now :thumbsup:

  7. It wouldn't be so bad if they targeted the correct people.  But all the do target is the Tourist, Its the same when you go on to the MRT, BTS or go in to a shopping complex, the majority of the time its the tourist that gets a Stop and Search


    It reminds me of when I worked in Iraq and the Iraq police and military always stop and search the private security teams instead of Iraqis and then wonder why devices are still getting through


    Someone needs to have a serious word with their Profilers :thumbsup:

  8. 6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

    On one hand I hope the son is unharmed but on the other I hope the opposite and the father gets a first hand taste of the oain, anguish and loss he has exacted on hundreds of 1,000's of parents by selling drugs.

    Not to mention the people he may have had executed

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