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Posts posted by Caps

  1. I voted leave but I am sad to say that the whole thing is now becoming a shambles.  One way or another the Government should make a choice and get on with it sharpish.  The longer it drags on the more pain the country will suffer.  You can not blame one side or the other.  I think the fault lays at the door of Number 10 for not getting on with it  and for being so confident they were going to win without having another plan.  The only exit plan on the cards was Camerons own.  Very foolish.

    I hope the country can sort its self out and get back on its feet one way or another


  2. 1 minute ago, rijit said:


    and yet more nonsense,, i take it you are yet another  bigot?


    one thing bigots ALL seem to have in common


    seems they cant help it, but they just aint that bright :wai2:

    I don't like them, why does that make be a bigot?  I don't like dog mess on my shoes or warm milk either!   

    Aint that bright....really...is that the best you can come up with because people don't agree with your way of thinking?   I take it you can not see passed the short sightedness then?  

  3. I thought restaurants and bars etc had the right not to serve anyone they choose.  He said he doesn't want them in his place.  Is that not his choice? 

    People might call it racist but at the end of the day if the person who owns the business doest want you there then tough.

    Or are we going to start forcing people to take business just because it suits a certain group

  4. 6 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

    I have read somewhere that they ask the colours in a certain order and it is possible to remember the order.

    If this is true im not sure.

    Also a pair of red tinted glasses have been said to help tell the difference between red and green. This i haven't tried either.

    I suppose in some places it would be possible to buy your license without the test , but they swapped all the staff over in samui to stop this seemingly.

    I have been asked once for my license once in 9 years so until i get the expensive specs to try sitting the test again then i am going to just carry on driving ( very carefully ) and show my out off date Thai and current UK license if asked for it.

    Thanks, might have to just drive on IDL, the problem will be renewing it every year.

    I find it strange that they take into consideration a colourblind test when places like Europe, USA, Aus etc don't bother (or it doesn't effect your licence) especially when their driving standard is rubbish 

  5. 17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Or maybe they just don't like bigots who lump all muslims together.  If you had bothered to look at various surveys of Muslims, you would find that the overwhelming majority don't conform to the stereotypes you subscribe to.


    13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    The hammer being bigotry.


    As I said...its easy to shout Bigot, racist etc.  When you don't agree


    Would that make not you a Bigot as you seem intolerant to others holding different opinions to yours?

  6. Speaking as one who is fed up of the whole Muslim thing.  I don't think it will ever happen,  one because the muslims won't allow it due to religion, faith, culture (or however else you want to say it) and two the tolerance level in Europe may be slipping.



  7. 3 hours ago, Patsycat said:

    Skin cancer may attack my body at any time, it seems to be running rather rife in my family.


    If i was to go to the beach, i would wear a burkini to cover my skin.  Perhaps not with the head covering.  But, if advised by doctors, that is my only choice to enjoy a day at the beach.


    I'd wear one.  


    People should be able to wear what they want, wether on the beach or walking down the street.


    Myself, i think Speedos should be banned all over the World.  Also string bikinis on anyone over 35.


    Look at the Thais, they go swimming in jeans and t shirts - What's the difference.

    There is not a lot of difference but may be people are just getting fed up of the whole muslim thing

    May be folk don't like the fact that when they live in a country they try to take over areas so its only them living there, or they try to introduce sharia law, or the spreading of hate in the countries that house them and give them money, or converting Churches into mosques, or they want muslim only schools (fantastic for integration...not), or the fact that they don't really like to integrate, or that they like to drag the countries down to the same gutter level as the ME crap holes they or their ancestors came from, or may be its the way they look at Western Women as pieces of meat because they don't walk about in a penguin suit all day or walk 10 feet behind or in front of the husband.  Or it could even be that they try to ruin the way of live where the Kafir live.

    Or may be even the way they are doing terrorist atrocities all across Europe.

    All these things that they try and do in Western countries,,,I would like to see it happen the other way round and Westerners try to do the same in ME holes, but not a chance in hell it would happen.  But don't worry its fine for them to come and inflict their rules on use


    Oh and I forgot to add, lets not speak up against it or voice our opinion because if you do then you are a racist, bigot, xenophobe and whatever other drivel people want to use. Very easy words to use when things don't go your way or you don't agree with things.  This is probably why Europe is the way it is?  

    Lets face it...if they don't like the way Europe operates its laws and systems they can always Move!  Fat chance of that happening though, too much welfare and voicing of options to be had


  8. 10 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    There was always rumour about Big C and a possible location.

    But I haven't seen any concrete sign so far.

    I only noticed a sign for a Big C mini (funny name) somewhere at a gas station in direction to Phukieo.


    Recently there were reports that Big C is cutting down expansion due to the bad economic development.

    And after last visit to Big C in Khon Kaen I don't miss them too much.

    Since it has been sold to CP it is going south.

    Empty shelfs, top prices.


    Makro is there now for about 2 (?) years.


    At Tesco there is construction work going on. Limited parking.

    I assume they expand to make room for the silly undersized food section.

    It has some of the most ridicolous layouts I have ever seen.

    Food section small and crowded.

    Hardware sections empty.

    They hold staff group meetings there :D

    Yes Tesco there is strange.  As you say, its a very small food area and the way the tills split the food and others stuff area is a new one on me 


    Thanks for the info 

  9. 2 hours ago, stander said:

    The overturning of the ban is only in one region out of the 31 regions and the mayors of those regions are going to uphold the ban.


    Also Norway's right-wing Progress Party has called for full-body swimsuit to be outlawed

    Politician claims that French towns were ;correct' to introduce a ban.



    If they don't like it they can always move 

  10. 8 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    In the UK those who wear them have to remove them for their photographs on official documents such as passports and driving licences.


    They also must remove them when those documents are being used for identification purposes, such as passing through UK immigration or taking a driving test.

    and so they should 


  11. We are going to visit my partners parents again  and I was wondering if anyone knows whether the Makro and Big C which were allegedly being built in Chum Phae have bee finished? 

    Also with the Makro do you need to become member and get a card as you have to do in the UK? 




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