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Posts posted by Caps

  1. I am still getting lag when using the site, it sometimes takes 60/80 seconds to load a page and freezes quite a lot when posting replies.

    Probably at least once a day I can not get on the site at all.  Possibly when you are working on it!?

  2. I am still getting lag when using the site, it sometimes takes 60/80 seconds to load a page and freezes quite a lot when posting replies.

    Probably at least once a day I can not get on the site at all.  Possibly when you are working on it!?

  3. 11 hours ago, Pib said:

    Good example of an correspondent/intermediary bank which in this case happens to be part of the HSBC family and within Thailand, but usually when a sending bank must use a correspondent/intermediary bank it's outside the country you are sending to.   Although having the parent's name HSBC Thailand Commercial Bank is operated/licensed under Thailand laws and Bank of Thailand regulations so it pretty much a separate business unit from the parent company.


    Many banks do not have to use correspondent/intermediary banks based on their in-house international transfer capability and/or their sending fee will include in middle man bank the funds must go through.  Getting the funds into the inbox so to speak of the receiving bank is totally up to the Sending bank arrangement/capability.


    Also a good example of examining all the costs/fees in a transfer which could include the sending fee, correspondent/intermediary bank fee, receiving bank fee, and the exchange rate.


    Does HSBC Thailand Commercial Bank do the currency conversion at their rate or do they just pass the funds along after slicing off their fee and let SCB do the conversion at their rate?


    I could not tell you when the Currency Conversion occurs for the HSBC,  but when I send online I get to see the exchange rate I will be getting and I also get a 40 second countdown to wait for a new rate.  So by this I assume that is occurs at source.

    The money takes between 26 and 30 hours to hit SCB.

    I am thinking of getting back in touch with HSBC to find out if there are any banks in Thailand they do direct business with.

  4. 3 minutes ago, hobobo said:

    HSBC charge £4.00 for transfers up to £10,000 at a time

    The £4.00 is the online banking charge, if you do over the phone or in Branch it is either £30 or £35 .  I use it every month at the moment.  I send to SCB and the money goes through HSBC Thailand Commercial Bank who take another £16.  When I enquired why, they said that they don't have a direct agreement with SCB 

  5. 20 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Nonsense. The vast majority of target of Islamic extremists are Muslims.  Such ignorance.

    Why?   Yes Muslims are killing each other in places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.  But is that not certain groups wanting to rule/impose change on other certain groups?  Is it not more of a war than a Terrorist incident?   Plus maybe they are only killing muslims because no one else lives in the country.  So if they need to wage war then it has to be on each other.  Sects hating Sects etc

    I am probably correct in saying that the majority of muslims are only killed in Terrorist incidents/Targeted killings when they happen to be there by chance (before you get on your high horse, I did say the majority)

    I suppose you are one of the we caused it brigade because if we had not invaded Iraq then not of it would have happened.  The lies which the British and US governments said aside.  Was it ok for Saddam to invade Kuwait?  Was it ok for Saddam to Gas and systematically try and kill of the Kurds and many of others who got it his way.  So yeah maybe we did cause it but if you think that a countries ruler can waste people at random is better than trying to oust him then fine.  Maybe Turkey is going down the same path! 


  6. 20 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

    Nonsense. The vast majority of target of Islamic extremists are Muslims.  Such ignorance.

    Why?   Yes Muslims are killing each other in places like Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.  But is that not certain groups wanting to rule/impose change on other certain groups?  Is it not more of a war than a Terrorist incident?   Plus maybe they are only killing muslims because no one else lives in the country.  So if they need to wage war then it has to be on each other.  Sects hating Sects etc

    I am probably correct in saying that the majority of muslims are only killed in Terrorist incidents/Targeted killings when they happen to be there by chance (before you get on your high horse, I did say the majority)

    I suppose you are one of the we caused it brigade because if we had not invaded Iraq then not of it would have happened.  The lies which the British and US governments said aside.  Was it ok for Saddam to invade Kuwait?  Was it ok for Saddam to Gas and systematically try and kill of the Kurds and many of others who got it his way.  So yeah maybe we did cause it but if you think that a countries ruler can waste people at random is better than trying to oust him then fine.  Maybe Turkey is going down the same path! 


  7. 1 hour ago, SgtRock said:


    How bizarre that you think I am flapping.


    Nothing could be further from the truth,


    What a pity that you seem unable to comprehend simple English.


    It is plausible to escape a motor vehicle, it is highly implausible that one will escape a covert bomb.


    Something you might be aware of if you had ever served in the British Army

    I have, 22 years and not a REMF.  Clearly you need to get some glasses as I didn't say you...did I?  Comprehend the english

    I also never said anything about avoiding, I said you had more chance of getting run over or being involved in an RTC.  Statistically a true fact.  Comprehend the english!


    Please don't fill me with your pears of wisdom as I will think even more that you were a Lance Comical who thinks he should have been an RSM judging by the last sentence :thumbsup:....


    Nec aspera terrent

  8. 1 hour ago, DipStick said:

    I think a lot of the nochalent posters may not be of the age where they can remember bombing atrocities in Belfast, Omagh, Londonderry, Newry, London, Brighton and Manchester to name a few, so the actual realization of the consequences cannot sink in. I bet the residents of Paris have a different attitude these days and nonchalence is certainly not a word  in their vocabulary any more.

    could Pattaya be a potential target ? I think that's a given, will an incident occur there ? Who knows, but let's take a closer look at facts.

    today is a special day in the Thai calendar, all of these explosions took place in a 12 hour time frame, the explosions were relatively small, but had the desired effect to maim and create fear.

    up until now, no more explosions have taken place, and let's hope it stays that way, however if they should start up again, then I would be extremely aware if I was in Pattaya


    Remember...I was there,  one 2 year tour and 3 six monthers.  

  9. 2 hours ago, SgtRock said:


    Are you not in charge of your faculties that you can avoid them ?


    You cannot avoid a hidden device that is going to catch you unawares

    You are missing the point, people should stop flapping, you have more chance of being run over or involved in a vehicle accident in Thailand

  10. 1 hour ago, Lantern said:

    Frightening when you think just how easy it would be to plant something under those buildings that are built over the water on the West side of Walking Street.

    Is it not frightening when you think you might get run over by the, drunk, drugged, stupid, un-trained or don't care driver/rider in/on their vehicle?

    Because there is more chance of that happening to you

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