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Posts posted by Caps

  1. 39 minutes ago, NicciBobThai said:

    I don't feel safe there anymore, I have a business in Hua Hin, althought most of the time I am not there, but with this happening I am strongly considering closing down shop. Surely this will impact the tourist season now and probably for a long time. Guess it's time to move on. No save place anymore.


    You have more chance of getting killed in or by a vehicle in Thailand.  Just get on with whatever it is your doing


  2. 2 minutes ago, Enoon said:


    No. That would be too simple.


    Did you not notice that the article was about an alleged PKK attack and made no reference whatsoever to sectarianism?


    Let that knowledge be the starting point on your journey into understanding the competing factions represented in the remnant of the Ottoman Empire.

    There won't be no journey and yes I did see the bit about the PKK, they are Kurds and Kurds are predominantly Sunni (and variants of) and the only reason I asked is because if the Sunni/Shia problems in Iraq. (Shia being the majority)

    It was more out of curiosity, if they want to blow up the Turks its up to them

  3. 36 minutes ago, mrfaroukh said:

    Turkish people say bye bye to freedom. Another islamic country and people don't realize it yet.

    Is it going to be another Sunni/Shiite infighting country?  

  4. 35 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

    I post using my mobile phone. Frequently post. I really enjoy Thaivisa. Talking to expats. Where I live there aren't many expats. Is it a crime to post alot? Yes sometimes I get carried away and post something silly. But I respect the TV rules. I think its completely up to you if you want to post alot or not. Is it part of my life. Since I bought my new mobile. My new mobile is part of my life. I use it most of the day. So the answer is yes. If one day I got banned from TV would I be upset. Yes, but not distraught. I'd get over it and find some other way to pass the time. Obsessed. Probably because I have an obsessive personality. Friends. Well there's the kicker. On Thaivisa, none. I don't want friends. I want to talk. Have a laugh. Gossip. Find out the latest news. Friendship, no thanks, I'm desperate but not that desperate.

    It's like joining a club. We can talk about anything. Where else can you do that in Thailand? I've got 3,000 posts. So what! Whoopy do! My mobile phone is my favourite toy! Steve Jobs did a great job. Blah, blah, blah, blah...

    Have a look at Tapatalk, see what you think, you can always delete it 

  5. Just now, robblok said:


    Seems only sensible to me to ban Pokemon go if they don't exclude certain sensitive area's. You don't want people playing it in hospitals or wandering into army bases. 

    I agree, i was just being sarcastic but if it was banned I would not loose sleep over it. 

    I find the whole thing a complete waste of time.  But hey if it flicks your switch! (and I don't mean yours)

  6. 6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    I think you're confusing the EC with the land mass called Europe. One is a political matter and the other is a geographical one.

    Yes and roughly 97% of its land mass is NOT in Europe

    Got a bit carried away with the fingers,,,,i meant to say,,,anything would be better than it becoming part of the EU (not the EC)

  7. Giving that 97% (roughly) and around 69/70 million people are in the asian part may they should be considered to be part of ASEAN and NOT the EU!  

    Clearly with it being more of an Asian country it would make more sense, or it could become part of the middle eastern block, the way their government and people act its probably more suiting.:thumbsup:

    Any thing would be better than it becoming part of Europe.

  8. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:

    On the other side of the coin I strongly dispute the messaging of so many on this forum who present extreme generalised bigotry, encourage violence against all Muslims, sneer about deaths at sea (remember?) and so on.



    Thats because people don't want them and people don't like them.  Call it racist, xenophobia or what you want but if thats the way it is then tough.  

    If you are expecting all people to like/tolerate them then you are badly mistaken.  

    People want to feel safe going out and visiting the shops or venues without the fear of being killed or maimed.  People don't want to be slow pushed out of their own areas/countries because others breed like rats and are slowly taking over.  People don't want other peoples will forced on them because they come to a country and expect everyone to do it their way, (women not wearing correct clothes, gays not being allowed, women being pieces of meat, etc).


    Yes and maybe you will say well we started it in the middle east, yes maybe we did, and we probably went in to Iraq etc for the wrong reasons and over lies.  But at the end of the day things need sorting unless you think its ok for leaders to try and systematically eradicate a race (Saddam and the Kurds),  or may be we should have sat back and done nothing just like we did for a while in Bosnia, Kosovo etc.  Damned if you don't damned if you do.





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