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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Whether Brexit happens or not someone needs to make a decision soonest at to get all the markets stabilised. Either way people will be annoyed/upset so just get on with it

    There will always be annoyed speculators.

    The world doesn't revolve around you.

    Yep...thanks for that! Did I say I was annoyed, think you might need glasses

  2. Whether Brexit happens or not someone needs to make a decision soonest at to get all the markets stabilised. Either way people will be annoyed/upset so just get on with it

    That will be the dayy , when i fly .coffee1.gif

    That probably why the price of Bacon is rising...send us a postcard

  3. EU countries are certainly not queuing up to sign trade agreements with the UK, as it's illegal for them to do so under EU law - despite this forming David Davis's main plan for post-brexit UK.

    and herein lies one of the problems of being in the EU, How can any external entity be able to tell a country who they can or can not trade with, its b011ocks

  4. This and that and that and this. Whatever. Its time We Americans rounded up our horses and put them back in our own barn. We don't want to pay for Europe's defense anymore and we don't want to send our children to die. Its time every country took care of their own affairs and leave America to try and figure out how to pay back twenty trillion dollars. Besides that is the best defense and best thing for Europe. If America goes under we are looking at mucho problemo. I don't know we are there for anyway. Does anyone believe Russia would really attack Europe?

    You are not paying for the defence of Europe, You are paying for the defence of the US it just happens to be on European soil.

    Why is it America like to make everyone think they are doing us all a favour? When in truth its for purely their own ends?

  5. The US has the largest military budget in the world by strides. Would seem like common sense if wanting to return some sanity to the increasing budget deficit to save at least some money.

    EU seems all gung ho at the moment for a clash with Russia, makes sense to me then that they should carry more financial load. It's no secret that without the US that NATO is a toothless tiger, the EU should contribute more.

    So its got nothing at all to do with the US setting up another missile defence system on European soil?


    Yes of course you have a large military budget, you are a large country and if you keep picking on other countries then you are going to have to spend more. It must be such hard work being the worlds bullies

    If you want to leave NATO shut the door on the way out,,,,but that won't happen due to what I have said in previous posts on thus thread

  6. 1. A treaty is not a matter of providing services for payment. If a treaty ally is threatened, demanding payment before acting to counter that threat is essentially blackmail. A treaty is an obligation, pure and simple.

    2. Estonia and Poland both meet their NATO obligations in full by spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Latvia is ramping up defense spending and is committed to reaching 2 percent by 2018. Lithuania, while also ramping up defense spending, is admittedly behind and has committed to reaching 1.5 percent of GDP by 2018.

    3. I don’t believe that Trump is aware of these facts; for Trump, even these simple statements are already TMI. In fact, I don’t think that Trump could point out the Baltic states on a map.

    Your correct Cory---those countries you mentioned are paying the full amount----the countries that are not are Britain---France etc, In fact Britain was down to paying under 1% last time.

    Ummmm really, drivel!




    Where's the "drivel" (??) -- The UK is indeed paying its full share, and otherwise the three articles you cite say the same thing the original post did regarding spending by Poland and Estonia. The articles don't mention Latvian and Lithuanian spending specifically, but more recent ones do. (My comment that Trump couldn't find the Baltic states on a map is speculation on my part.)

    Read what it says under your post, I didn't quote you

  7. 1. A treaty is not a matter of providing services for payment. If a treaty ally is threatened, demanding payment before acting to counter that threat is essentially blackmail. A treaty is an obligation, pure and simple.

    2. Estonia and Poland both meet their NATO obligations in full by spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense. Latvia is ramping up defense spending and is committed to reaching 2 percent by 2018. Lithuania, while also ramping up defense spending, is admittedly behind and has committed to reaching 1.5 percent of GDP by 2018.

    3. I don’t believe that Trump is aware of these facts; for Trump, even these simple statements are already TMI. In fact, I don’t think that Trump could point out the Baltic states on a map.

    Your correct Cory---those countries you mentioned are paying the full amount----the countries that are not are Britain---France etc, In fact Britain was down to paying under 1% last time.

    Ummmm really, drivel!




  8. After 67 years of America defending Europe its time Europe defended Europe.We are broke. Time to pack and go home.

    Bye...close the door on the way out

    Lets not forget why you are in Europe.....its got nothing to do with you defending Europe, thats second....its to do with you having early warning from the Russians so as to give the US more of a chance. You forget one thing, America doesn't do anything unless its in their interest.

  9. I wonder how long it'll take before the gloating brexiteers realise they've been duped, and none of what they thought they voted for is going to happen?

    Well then, give use some of your EU lapdog wisdom and please tell us Brexiters what we voted for,,,,and before you get on your Immigration Horse I think immigration is a good thing...When its controlled

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