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Posts posted by Caps

  1. And appointing Boris Johnson the FM,

    This is a man who once said Hillary Clinton- potentially the next US president - was “like a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital” and “a mixture between Cherie Blair and Lady Macbeth”. He called Turkish president Recep Erdogan a “wankerer”, and labeled former president George W. Bush “a cross-eyed Texan warmonger”.

    Clearly, diplomacy has never been Mr Johnson’s strongest suit, so for many people the thought of him becoming foreign secretary is downright scary. The reaction of Labour leadership candidate Angela Eagle when she heard the news pretty much sums up how those people feel.....

    We're indeed living in interesting times.....

    Well at least he speaks his mind and the truth always hurts cheesy.gif

  2. Gove did run, after some back stabbing. Still moaning about remain voters?

    Remain voters have the right to stand up for what they believe in. I would be more disappointed in society if they didn't.

    Maybe if they had stood up for what they believe in and voted they would have won, instead of being lazy and thinking it was a forgone conclusion cheesy.gif. No point in shutting the stable door now the horse has ran off, way too late for that!

  3. Btw. I have to give it to Hamilton. This time, during the podium interview Hamilton sounded like a normal human being, instead of being an android, repeating the love message from planet Mercedes. It sounded that he was talking his own real feelings.

    Yeah, I specifically liked the bit where he said to the fans.. I am catching 'him'

  4. What will happen after the EU Army is formed ?

    What you say ? Look it up.

    The World will look in Wonder at this magnificent Peacock Army. The Dream of French officers, German Sergeants and UK Soldiers in the Army "Europa Grande Armee" then when we pick ourselves up off the floor after laughing so much the World will carry on as before

    Cant see how that will happen with the UK soldiers....due to a little thing called Brexit and yes I can agree it will be the laughing stock

  5. How to explain what seems childishly simple:
    EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
    NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

    NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

    It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

    All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

    Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

    It's true that NATO is portrayed that way, however the reality is that without the US it would be a toothless tiger. As such NATO is just an extension of the US military, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and disbanding of the Warsaw Pact there actually was no actual need for NATO, so why wasn't it also disbanded?

    NATO keeps Europe as vassal states to the US, it is currently restarting the Cold War, perhaps to justify its existence or to boost arms sales or due to Russiaphobia, who knows? Why Europeans want to remain a potential nuclear wasteland by trying to provoke a war with Russia is completely insane. Europe benefits with trade with Russia and yet has put sanction on them, Europe would benefit from the Chinese Silk Road project but are uninterested. Or could it be that the one country that would be a loser from the Silk Road is the US and Europe are just doing as instructed?

    Ok but I still disagree...The US can leave for me and probably a lot of other people because all they bring to the table is problems like you have just stated, money and technology.

    Yes I think getting closer to Russia would be a good thing. Better to have a self interested country on your door step than have one thousands of miles away who drags you into on conflict after another.

    Glad you liked it Happy joe but you are still dodging the question I have put to you twice...maybe third time lucky....Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

  6. I don't think it's fair to blame their religious literature. It's much more complicated than that. Sure there are messages in Islamic dogma that justify the terrorism we're seeing, but in no way do modern people need to act on those messages.

    I don't think it is complicated.

    Islam is a religion that originally had the sole purpose of creating an utterly obedient army that was convinced they would be paid in the hereafter for obeying the word of allah mohamed. He did not have enough cash to pay them otherwise. Turned out the scheme worked extremely well, and has been employed so successfully that a third of the world's population now dedicate their existence to it.

    I do not consider that any member of this religion can be called modern. 1,500 years of scientific progress has left no discernible mark, and the call to be a "good muslim" essentially leaves them morally and intellectually stuck around 500 CE.

    There IS a fundamental need to act on the islamic dogma, because to do anything else is utterly denying the religion in its entirety.

    Your talent to rewrite Religion History is amazing. I bet you already had some request from Michael Bay for a movie or two

    Not yet, but I live in hope.

    Mohamed clearly had ambitions when, inspired by the power of the Christian religion to create dedicated adherents through belief in a god, he came up with his own pet god and a few motivational stories. After a while he was very successful and became a threat to the Meccans. It took about a decade to create an army of 10,000 converts, with which he took Mecca and destroyed their religion.

    Now there are two billion of them, all totally convinced that their god is greater.

    I may have left out all the details, but that is the essential story.

    Yes and he took Mecca during Ramadan which is one of the reasons more happens during the period

    The belief in Ramadan as a month of war comes from Islamic history itself. The Prophet Muhammad waged his first jihad, known as the Battle of Badr, during Ramadan in 624. Eight years later he also conquered Mecca during the month of Ramadan, thereby claiming the city which houses one of Islam's most holy sites today: the Kaaba.

    But hey...if they are killing each other let them crack on, better them than us

  7. How to explain what seems childishly simple:
    EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
    NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

    NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

    It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

    All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

    Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

    Out of the equipment and US divisions NATO does not exist.
    In peace time the only weapon available is the economic weapon. EU for Europe which established the blockade for which the British have weighed heavily. Quasiments all countries of central and southern Europe was against.
    In some time the EU got rid of UK (US pawn) will resume the exchanges of any kind with the big Russian neighbor.
    That is why the US attempt to use NATO for provoke tensions with Putin and block as more as possible this rapprochement.
    For several time I try to expose this perspective here. Unfortunately it seems that the distinguished members of Thai Visa does not want to admit.

    I don't see anything wrong with trying to resume exchanges and talks with Russia, I would prefer that than being a US pawn as you put it.

    If the US want to take their divisions I am sure that NATO will cope,,,,but some how I find that hard to believe that they ever will but thats got nowt to do with NATO its all about the Yanks wanting a foot hold in Europe...because if they ever left NATO then they would probably be out of Europe...I for one would not loose any sleep over it

    Besides..the US wasn't interested when Russia went in to the Ukraine..Putin was laughing himself to sleep at night ....and before you come back and give it Ukraine is not in NATO do your research and you will find the obligations

    I still don't understand why it will be much less after Brexit??? When as I have already said they are two totally different issues

  8. How to explain what seems childishly simple:
    EU is the economic ally of the US against Russia. It will be much less tomorrow after Brexit.
    NATO is the military arm of the USA against Russia. They reinforce in imaginary dangers pretext to compensate.

    NATO is not the military arm of the USA.

    It is a joint adventure by different nations but was founded by 12 in 1949. The treaty was signed in Washington, but sorry that doesn't give you ownership.

    All it does do is allow the US to have a military presence in Europe and a say at the table on what goes on (more fool us)

    Can you explain why it will be much less after Brexit??? Brexit has naff all to do with The NATO Alliance, two totally different subjects

  9. May be if folk looked after their dogs rather than just let them roam the streets all day barking and annoying other people then they wouldn't get poisoned.

    Its probably someone who is fed up of all the dogs roaming about, can't blame them really

  10. I transferred my military pension the other day from my HSBC account and it was 44.71 THB to the Pound

    That's always the problem banks tend to give lower rates pity you have no other way of getting the cash to you, then changing it here.

    Once I get settled on a more permanent basis I can have it sent to Thailand direct from Pensions (from what I understand anyway) so that might be better?

    exchange rates for transfers do not vary depending from where it is sent.

    So are you saying that all the banks and pension offices in the UK will be sending money all over the world using exactly the same rates for that particular country they are sending to? So its a central rate rather than an individual bank rate?

  11. I transferred my military pension the other day from my HSBC account and it was 44.71 THB to the Pound

    That's always the problem banks tend to give lower rates pity you have no other way of getting the cash to you, then changing it here.

    Once I get settled on a more permanent basis I can have it sent to Thailand direct from Pensions (from what I understand anyway) so that might be better?

  12. Disgusting animals. There'll be a huge backlash in time.

    Fingers crossed, I hope so.

    The problem is people/countries are too scared to do anything because they do not want to be seen as being racist...sod that...get them dealt with harshly and kick them out.

    Our rules our law, if you don't like it then don't bother coming...bonus!

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