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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Looking at it as an outsider there has been a lot of Black killings which may/could have being avoided. It was only a matter of time before some people flipped and with guns being readily available its only going to go oneway! (and no I am not anti gun, just stating)

    My condolences to the families

    You know a simple truck can be more destructive ...
    Each week brings a lot of desperate acts by people with reduced Faculties.
    Will he establish a society alive degree?
    My condolences to the families of innocent victims.

    Really, thanks for that!

  2. As a Brexiter I agree we need a good trade deal but for me it was not about not having trade or immigration etc etc. I have always liked being apart of Europe i.e. the EEC and the EFTA. But the EU is not for me, we got along perfectly well before the EU and its a shame that we can not just go back to how it was before a so called Parliament was formed to start ruling/controlling/dictating. Ruling should be done from each individual countries Government and we have proved in the past it can work and for Europe to be a good working system

    The EFTA option would not really be brexit, it would be more of what you have now but with no say at all... at least that is what I am lead to believe is the "Norway option".

    That is completely accurate.

    A close look at EFTA tells you it is no free trade deal at all.

    And that's important for the sake of the Brexit, which was secured on the explicit understanding that UK would have a free trade deal.

    I was not going in to the ins and outs of it and but it was far better than what we have now, It was an agreement which worked without all the crap which comes with being in the EU, besides the UK left the EFTA in 1973 when it joined the EEC I think? Which also worked If you got rid of all the EU parliament rubbish and each country ran its self as before then things would be far better and we could still have cooperation. As we used to have

  3. If Erdogan wins, he'll go full Islamic now.

    And a massive amount of the population will be with him , you cant trust any of this lot sad.png and Merky wants to let them into the E.U thank God we are out .

    Thank god the UK is out. The EU does not need racists like you!

    Why is it racist not to want thousands of turks coming it to your country? You weren't saying thank god the UK is out twice in the last hundred years, it surprising how short memories are when things don't suit them.

    So before you start bumping your lips about being racist, think of how many lives we wasted so you could say it, and not forgetting the US, Canada and Australia etc

    I get fed out with people shouting racism, its people like you that help the Paris attackers and the Belgium Airport attackers. If you want to hug them all then good for you...just not in the UK

  4. May's statement following her recent trip to Scotland might suggest that Scotland's Government must agree to Brexit before Article 50 is invoked. Quite right too imo. We are the UK, we stand in support of each other. If Scotland says no, that is fine by me- it can't go ahead.

    Funny that...i was reading that..... May is willing to listen to options for Scotland future in Europe and after talks in Edinburgh, May appeared unwilling to consider a second referendum on Scottish independence. She also said that she won't be triggering Article 50 until she thinks that we have a UK approach and objectives for negotiations.

    That to me does not say Scotland must agree?


    It's very nuanced, and I suspect meant to be. It would certainly be difficult to move forward on Article 50 without Scotland's consent as there might be profound constitutional implications. Personally I chose to use the phrase might suggest.

    In my opinion it would be a very pyrrhic victory indeed if the cost was a useless trade deal, and the break up of the UK.

    As a Brexiter I agree we need a good trade deal but for me it was not about not having trade or immigration etc etc. I have always liked being apart of Europe i.e. the EEC and the EFTA. But the EU is not for me, we got along perfectly well before the EU and its a shame that we can not just go back to how it was before a so called Parliament was formed to start ruling/controlling/dictating. Ruling should be done from each individual countries Government. We have proved in the past it can work for Europe and for it to be a good working system

  5. May's statement following her recent trip to Scotland might suggest that Scotland's Government must agree to Brexit before Article 50 is invoked. Quite right too imo. We are the UK, we stand in support of each other. If Scotland says no, that is fine by me- it can't go ahead.

    Funny that...i was reading that..... May is willing to listen to options for Scotland future in Europe and after talks in Edinburgh, May appeared unwilling to consider a second referendum on Scottish independence. She also said that she won't be triggering Article 50 until she thinks that we have a UK approach and objectives for negotiations.

    That to me does not say Scotland must agree?


  6. I am just thinking what would have happened had Turkey been in the EU... gigglem.gif

    That would have been like putting a ferret down Junkers trousers cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Be serious, not one European will accept Turkey in the EU.
    These was the USA (as always) supported by their first ally GB who maneuver for that NATO member countrie to be integrated. And it took deploy treasures of diplomacy by EU leaders to pretend accept the principle without ever opening the door.
    After Brexit the future is much clearer. Muslim Turkey will remain outside.

    Eh!.........Did you fail to mention Merkel and what she as done to get Turkey in and EU restarting talks now the UK has voted to leave? Or was it just another jibe at the UK!?

  7. A UK paper the Daily Mail published an article yesterday from someone in the French military stating France may be one major incident away from civil war. If this turns out to be so I have thanks to give. Thank you to the champions of mass immigration from hostile third world cultures. Thanks for not tackling the no go zones and hate preachers. Thank you for lying and concealing the motives of terrorists. Thanks for two tier policing. Thanks for shaming and prosecuting all those who warn about this.

    In other words thank you left wing globalists for the ruin you have knowingly caused, I hope there is a hell for you to rot in.

    You forgot to thank the French for invading their countries in the first place,last century and leaving a mess behind.Colonization is where this all stems from.

    Or that France more than any other colonial power still meddles in the affairs of its "Former Colonies" destabilising Governments and ensuring French dominance of their Economies.

    May be its to deflect the fact that they have had their @r5es kicked on more than one occasion cheesy.gif

  8. Johnson is not the clown he looks like, good choice

    Absolutely right and it is inconceivable that Boris would not be involved in someway. Not sure I saw the Foreign Secretary role coming though - good luck to him and well done May.

    You don't get to become Mayor of London by being a clown...................................... oh, wait - there was Ken Livingston of course.

    Oh well.......exceptions to every rule and all that smile.png

    I would rather have a clown than the Mayor London has got now
    At least you're opaque in your reason for leaving and also your dislike of the new Mayor.

    Quoting Caps from another thread:

    'They is nothing Racist about wanting to protect your countries way of life and to look after your citizens by preventing Leeches (and lets face it thats what the majority of them are) coming in and trying to take over, ruin things, commit acts of terrorisum, put pressure on housing and benefits'

    Also quoting Caps:

    'My GF is from Isaan. We have been together 18 months and live in a very modest apartment in BKK. She works in a restaurant every day for a pittance and contributes to the rent and food where she can. She does not want to live in the UK but would like to visit, and we are thinking of moving to her village area to settledown.'

    A telling and somewhat hypocritical (not untypical) Brexiter TV profile. Many other brexiters on this forum deride Thais and Thai xenophobia ironically. Will give you credit at least this is not evident in your profile. Bottom line, wish majority of brexiters would just be honest and state flat out the primary reason they are leavers stems from their xenophobia and fear of immigrants, instead of using 'dog-whistle speak' in a vain attempt to thinly veil this base fact.

    Edit to add: BoJo is an embarrassing self-opportunist clown, full stop.

    Glad you ain't got nothing else to do but quote me.

    But what Muslim mayors, leeches and my GF had to do with everything is beyond me

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  9. They is nothing Racist about wanting to protect your countries way of life and to look after your citizens by preventing Leeches (and lets face it thats what the majority of them are) coming in and trying to take over, ruin things, commit acts of terrorisum, put pressure on housing and benefits, try and install a hatred in the country that took them in, etc etc.

    The Navies should bot be pick no one up they should just be blockading, that way they may think twice

  10. Johnson is not the clown he looks like, good choice

    Absolutely right and it is inconceivable that Boris would not be involved in someway. Not sure I saw the Foreign Secretary role coming though - good luck to him and well done May.

    You don't get to become Mayor of London by being a clown...................................... oh, wait - there was Ken Livingston of course.

    Oh well.......exceptions to every rule and all that smile.png

    I would rather have a clown than the Mayor London has got now

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