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Posts posted by Caps

  1. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-anger-bregret-leave-voters-protest-vote-thought-uk-stay-in-eu-remain-win-a7102516.html?campaign_id=A100&campaign_type=Email

    Brexit: Anger over 'Bregret' as Leave voters say they wanted 'protest vote' and thought UK would stay in EU

    Some said they had not forseen the immediate economic impact, while others were angry at Nigel Faraga's admisison that NHS funding claim was a 'mistake'

    Over 2 mio signatures for new referendum now.

    Yes, many were protest votes, so will now have to live with the consequences. No way there will be a new referendum.

    You're right, CNN just reported over 2.6 million have signed. I don't know much about UK rules and regs, but if there is no chance of another referendum, what is the point of this petition?

    We could have a new Referendum if voted for in Parliament and also just because we voted out the Government does not have to invoke Article 50

  2. The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

    Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

    Dumocracy in action...

    Did you vote for the EU presidents?

    Did you vote for the PM of the UK (and I don't mean who won, I just mean did you vote)

    Yes & Yes.

    Unless you are an MEP/Country leader you did not vote for the EU Presidents

  3. The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

    Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

    Dumocracy in action...

    Did you vote for the EU presidents?

    Did you vote for the PM of the UK (and I don't mean who won, I just mean did you vote)

    It would not be so bad if they did the same as the US does and the candidates go around all the different countries and says here I am this I what I want to do please vote for me

  4. There are a lot of credible reports that many of the Leave voters never expected Leave to win. More like protest votes. There is a lot of regret. Now that the Brex-sheit is hitting the fan (pound and market crashing, years of uncertainty, Scotland and Northern Ireland likely to leave the U.K.) I reckon the vote would be different right now. Don't you agree?

    Perhaps two out of three?rolleyes.gif

    Seriously if there is any way the U.K. can do a DO OVER on this massively consequential decision, they really should.

    It was obviously a huge mistake. How to tell? trump likes it, the xenophobic moron that didn't even know who Boris Johnson was and didn't even know that Scotland voted STAY (while in Scotland on the day of the results).

    Yes I think the vote would be different now. But I hope whatever the outcome it would be a wake up call for the EU

    But I don't think it was a huge mistake, it was a massive shock for the UK Government and the EU Muppets

  5. The remain people are not going to go away. I never understand them. How can you want to be part of an establishment that is Anti-democratic.

    I dont understand it either...but if the Remainers had gone about it a different way i.e. saying things like yes I understand your frustration and I promise I will get more reform on these points etc instead of trying to scare folk and filling their heads full of figures might have been different

    Personally I think the way Cameron and his team was totally wrong

  6. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36629324

    A petition calling for a second referendum on UK's membership of the EU has gained more than one million signatures following the vote to leave.

    The petition will be considered by Parliament as it has passed the required 100,000 threshold.

    The UK voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48% in Thursday's referendum but the majority of voters in London, Scotland and Northern Ireland backed Remain.

    David Cameron said he would stand down as prime minister by October.

    The petition, set up by William Oliver Healey, states: "We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the Remain or Leave vote is less than 60%, based on a turnout less than 75%, there should be another referendum."

    Thursday saw a 72.2% turnout, significantly higher than the 66.1% turnout at last year's general election, but below the 75% mark suggested by Mr Healey as a thres

  7. Yep, if you like being a Brussels whipping boy then fine, a lot of people didn't.

    As for financial problems, they will sort themselves out in time

    I like your optimism! Even though most people, I assume, would rather call it naivety ...

    Call it what you like...its happened...get on with it which ever way it pans out, 2nd referendum, no article 50 given, fresh negotiations, leaving...only time will tell

  8. Better to have someone you voted for democratically deciding the rules rather than some muppet in Brussels who you didn't vote for and don't try telling me they are voted for democratically because they are not....they are voted for by MEP's, the UK didn't want Juncker and he was the only nominee any way....so...how is that democratic? Don't say we voted for the MEP's, yes we did...we also vote for all the councillors in the House of Parliament...so should they vote on a new PM? Is that democratic...nope

    But all you are doing in the "new" system is voting for your government to choose other people to make the decisions for you, exactly the same as currently happens.

    Currently - You vote for your government, your elected government then appoints MEP's to represent them in the EU, the EU then makes decisions.

    Proposed - You vote for your government, your elected government then appoints people to make the decisions.

    So basically, you elect the government and they choose people who decide for you. The only difference is the location, it will now be London where once it was Brussels.

    That may be the biggest issue for you and the ever so slight changes I have described could be exactly what you want, but to me if that is the main reason for leaving the EU it seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    Personally I would look at the financial and personal costs of staying or leaving which from what I have seen/read seems to suggest it is overwhelmingly beneficial to stay, but I do understand for some people it is more important where their bureaucrats are located.

    Yep, if you like being a Brussels whipping boy then fine, a lot of people didn't.

    As for financial problems, they will sort themselves out in time

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  9. Juncker knows that brexit encourages the populations of other member countries to start thinking about leaving the EU.

    It makes sense therefore (from the EU's point of view) to start negotiations immediately, and make it clear that the EU is v harsh on those countries that dare to leave.

    I doubt the EU can force the UK into invoking article 50 before the UK is good and ready. But perhaps I'm wrong?

    I think you are correct and for once the ball is firmly in the UK court and they don't like it hence the child-like response.

    Its common sense from their point of view.

    How are they going to stop the population of other countries demanding their own referendum? By immediately making it clear that those that leave will be dealt with v harshly. 3 months down the line (as is likely to happen unless the EU can force the UK into invoking article 50 immediately) is already too late. Other countries are already saying that they should also have a referendum.

    What you mean is that other politicians like Marie Le Penn have called for a referendum in those countries. Can you name one country where the governing party is demanding a referendum?

    However all the rest is pure speculation on your part.

    However like Boris you sound so convincing now you have won it fills me with great confidence. I see now that the plan is, lets wait and see if any others follow before we do anything on our own. There was me thinking we couldn't wait to get out of that accursed organization and save all that money.

    There wasn't a governing party demanding a referendum in the UK

  10. End of muslims flooding into Britain and no longer dictated to by EC.

    What a disgusting use of words and comment!

    Perhaps if you had done your research on main reasons why Brexit happened, you wouldn't write such a comment or

    maybe you are a muslim.

    Perhaps you should have...or perhaps you can explain how this is "End of muslims flooding into Britain"?

    Do you realise some of the biggest promoters in the leave campaign were doing it so they can get more Asian immigrants? They just don't want eastern European immigrants.....that is the only thing it will have an affect on.

    Asian doesn't mean Muslim and why not take immigrants from the old commonwealth countries. Better to have a choice than to be dictated who and how many you will take..is it not?

  11. "The United Kingdom is a country that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its official name is “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.” England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are often mistaken as names of countries, but they are only a part of the United Kingdom."

    That's from infoplease website. It's interesting because I thought England, Scotland and Wales were countries. That's the past and there are only UKers now. Calling someone English is like calling someone Texan? All confusing to me.

    But I am English....not British or European

    Still confusing. England is not a country. It's just a place, a part, or a state. I guess the next step is for the UK to break up.. or England to wipe out the Scots and Welsh and take over their land claiming it to be English.

    Nothing confusing really, England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland are classed as countries and come together to form the United Kingdom. You will also find the Wales is principality hence 'The Prince of Wales"


  12. Yep, totally agree, time to take a breather before moving on, and I am pretty sure is does not say how long you have to invoke article 50. I think Juncker misunderstood the British Public...we voted not to bow to his every whim...so he can wait until we are ready


    UK populists: I want to leave. I want to leave!

    .. vote results come and the fan is messy

    EU: Fine, you voted to leave. Let's get this over with.

    UK populists: I'm not ready to leave. I will leave when I ready to leave.

    Yep, if you like jumping in with both feet then fine, thinking then walking works much better

  13. Juncker, Tusk, and Schulz represent all that is wrong with the EU. Political fat cats

    wanting nothing to do with democracy feeding at the public trough protecting there

    fiefdoms and lording over the little people. All of them corrupt and 100% slimy. bah.gif

    You sound like Boris, one moment you want a divorce and the next moment you complain when the other party agrees and wants it done as quickly as possible.

    Just accept you've won now please get it over with as soon as possible and we can all move on with our lives.

    Why on earth would Brit. govt. want to invoke article 50 immediately?? The EU is still reeling from the shock and 'demanding' that the UK do exactly as you say - so that they can frighten other EU countries that are considering whether they should leave too.

    The Brit. govt. is right (although possibly for the wrong reasons, hoping that they can re-negotiate terms and call for another referendum).

    From the Brits' point of view it makes far more sense to let individual EU countries make it clear that they need exports to the UK market, and waiting for things to calm down - before invoking article 50 and starting negotiations.

    Yep, totally agree, time to take a breather before moving on, and I am pretty sure is does not say how long you have to invoke article 50. I think Juncker misunderstood the British Public...we voted not to bow to his every whim...so he can wait until we are ready

  14. This is the meeting that Hollande and Tusk are told by Merkel that they will DO NOTHING that will impede Germany's massive export market to the UK.

    Reciprocal trading or cutting off noses.

    Countries in the EU stand to loose a lot if they cut of their noses. If they can afford to do that then all well and good, but I don't think so...there is a lot of money involved
    We shall see over the course of time after the UK has spent long enough in the naughty corner. Juncker looks like he wants to cut off his nose, who voted for him?

    no one of the public domain and even the UK MEP's/Leaders didn't, plus he was the only nominee, Ummmmm, smell a rat! Its a bit like the house of commons voting in our next PM, very democratic...not

    • Monday – Tusk and Hollande travel to Berlin to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel

    This is the meeting that Hollande and Tusk are told by Merkel that they will DO NOTHING that will impede Germany's massive export market to the UK.

    Reciprocal trading or cutting off noses.

    Countries in the EU stand to loose a lot if they cut of their noses. If they can afford to do that then all well and good, but I don't think so...there is a lot of money involved

  15. I for one hope that other countries vote to leave and the EU collapses in on its self. Then from the ashes something like the EEC and the EFTA rises with a select few countries, as it was before Bureaucrats got their fat fingers in the pie and ruined it.

  16. So much misinformation...

    Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

    Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

    Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

    But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

    I don't see anyone else getting free prescriptions and Uni places, the point was not you getting them....but will you still get them if you leave? Cant see the EU doing it!

    Yes of course you are tax payers....if you read the post I stated UK tax payers

    The currency is that of the UK, if you leave do you expect to take it with you? Doubt it, Euro it is

    The good luck was meant, whichever way it goes

    Here is how it works - the Scottish government gets a block grant based upon head of population. This grant is equal, per captia, to that of England, Wales & Norther Ireland, plus a factor (the Barnett Formula) to cover the additional costs associated with delivering an equal service across a much larger geographic area with a much lower population density. Scotland chooses to use its allocation partially to fund prescription costs and university places. Rather than decry our people that, why not ask your own representatives why they cannot offer the same services south of the border. We have proven that it can be done.

    Of course we expect to take it with us. We created it in equal part to the other union partners.

    I don't doubt that you wish Scotland well. It serves nobody to have animosity across a border.

    thats a fair point.

    I still don't think you will have the pound, now't to do with you not being able to take it, more to do with you having to take the Euro as part of the joining the EU agreement. If you meet all the criteria and can join. Having said this I could see the EU doing a good deal for you just to spite the rest of the UK thumbsup.gif

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