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Posts posted by Caps

  1. "The United Kingdom is a country that includes England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Its official name is “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.” England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are often mistaken as names of countries, but they are only a part of the United Kingdom."

    That's from infoplease website. It's interesting because I thought England, Scotland and Wales were countries. That's the past and there are only UKers now. Calling someone English is like calling someone Texan? All confusing to me.

    But I am English....not British or European

  2. If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

    There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

    I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

    So much misinformation...

    Oil: it is not the entirety of the Scottish economy. We have a very mature and diverse economy. However, once we get rid of Faslane, we will be able to open up the Irish Sea to exploration, and advances in technology are already making West of Shetland accessible.

    Free Prescriptions / university fees: Scots are already UK tax payers so we are already covering the cost of prescriptions and university fees.

    Currency: we do have a currency. It is called the pound.

    But thanks for the good wishes. Likewise.

    I don't see anyone else getting free prescriptions and Uni places, the point was not you getting them....but will you still get them if you leave? Cant see the EU doing it!

    Yes of course you are tax payers....if you read the post I stated UK tax payers

    The currency is that of the UK, if you leave do you expect to take it with you? Doubt it, Euro it is

    The good luck was meant, whichever way it goes

  3. If they want to vote to go then let them...but maybe they might want to wait until further down the road just to see what is happening.

    There is over 2 years to go before people want to start getting excited.

    I don't know how Scotland would cope in the EU, the oil is running out and the price is not as good as it was. They would loose the free Prescriptions and free University (which the UK tax payer pays for) unless they have loads of money to pay for it, how would they pay into the bottomless pit of coffers which the EU wants every month? They would have to take on the Euro as they do not have theit own currency! But if thats what they want then Good Luck

  4. I think the main benefit that the UK has gained from leaving the EU is that they will now be free.

    Free to determine their own future by their own citizens.

    The alternative of handing over permanent control to the bureaucracy of Brussels would have dishonored all those who died

    in the defense of Britain in both World Wars.


    There is no benefit unless you count ending beneficial Immigration.

    I have never read so much Moronic drivel before, thanks for all your posts...utter garbage

  5. Well congratulations Brexiteers!

    You won!

    I hope you get what you wanted!

    For me it's a truely disastrous result.

    Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

    Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

    My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

    Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

    You just can't help yourself

    We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

    Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

    May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

    You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

    I thought you might have stopped since Brexit

    But no, YOU have to continue with your cheap unpleasant Chavish comments. You are now ignored

    Having a conversation about the topic in hand is fine, listening to you go on about what you have and don't have is not what we are here for. So why is telling the truth chavish. So what is ignoring? Ummmm

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  6. Well congratulations Brexiteers!

    You won!

    I hope you get what you wanted!

    For me it's a truely disastrous result.

    Thank godI moved into USD which I will move back at some point and make a few quid

    Also, at least I bought a place in Edinburgh and got out of Yorkshire (though I note my most recent base, Harrogate voted remain)

    My memory of the night will be Farage's first "speech". Awful man, made me want to vomit!

    Anyway, well done one and all who voted out!

    You just can't help yourself

    We are not interested how much you do or don't make or how many properties you have or don't have

    Harrogate has always thought it better than the rest of Yorkshire

    May be insecurity is the cause of you always bragging to people that really don't careless what you have or don't have

    You lost and if you want to live in Scotland or change your nationality then crack on but please don't bore us with it anymore

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  7. America is in Europe playing Winston Churchill, willing to defend EU borders to the last American dollar; meanwhile Europe plays Neville Chamberlain and don't seem too bothered with Russia building 3 new divisions on their borders spending a paltry 1.35 % of GDP on defense.

    Many of us believe it is time for these roles to change.

    No need to make any of the radical and irresponsible changes Donald Trump is proposing from out of the blue, i.e., absent facts, data, information. Or as suggested by anyone else who might be equally ill informed and misguided.

    Nato countries in Europe (that is, not including the United States) spent $242.8 billion on defense in 2013 while Russia spent $98 billion. Even if Russia increased its military budget by 50% it would be more armed but waaay behind the Nato countries of Europe. USA and Canada are the only Nato countries outside of Europe and the two between 'em spent $ 601 billion in 2013 (USA $582 bn and Canada $19.6 bn).

    The USA-Canada $601 billion combined (2013) plus the $242 bn spent on defense by the Nato countries of Europe total more than $800 billion. Nato is a defensive alliance formed in 1949 to defend Europe against Stalin and now it is defending Europe against Putin, both of 'em Kremlin guyz.

    The wake up data in this equation is that Nato countries' GDP (excluding USA GDP) is $18 Trillion, so 1.4% of $18 Trillion supports 3 million Nato active armed forces that have more weaponry land, air, on the sea and under it than Russia could dream of having to include the total number and quality of armed forces personnel.

    The Nato secretary general is always from Europe while the Nato supreme commander is always from the USA (going back to General Eisenhower in WW2).

    Trump and the people who think Nato countries in Europe aren't carrying their share of the load are completely ill informed if they are informed at all. Same as Putin himself, they all make a lot of noise to include The Ignoramus Donald Trump. And when Nato initiates an attack on Russia I'd want to be among the first to know.


    That's a lot of blah, blah, blah. Lets look a two recent European events that took American intervention, Kosovo and Bosnia. Took the USA to come over there twice, to put the county sized country of Serbia, back in its box. You really think the EU has a chance against Russia? Think again, Russia could be in Berlin in 4-5 weeks. Their weapons procurement is many times cheaper, military pay is similar cheap and they don't have the west's legacy costs. Add on the ability to draft instantly and no protestors.

    Remember France had the largest Army in the world, backed by the UK and was smashed in a few short weeks. Numbers, especially with $ are far from everything.

    Let's not start on the US is great thing!

    You could say they are as bad if not worse than Russia

    You could also say they also would not stand a chance against Russia.

    You could also say that the only conflict they did on their own went downhill

    So really not that superior than other countries on the planet

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  8. It's a very sad day for the EU and for the UK too.

    We're all, Europeans and Britons, going to pay a lot for this. Talk about durable recession in the region.

    We all know that the Atlantic Ocean has always been much narrower than the Channel in the heart of many Britons, but things don't work this way as they'll find out soon.

    Anyway, your choice.

    This is the crux.

    Yes, we will make mistakes, we will fix them.

    We will flourish.

    2 world wars, 1 world cup and a EU refurendum will be the new chant at the football

    Britain 4 Germany 0

    ... err, let me be the first Brit here to acknowledge that the Americans won the two world wars, certainly the second. We played a big part in keeping it warm for them while they made their mind up. We also had the resolve and intellect not to bend over and take aggressive moves. Those were the days when politicians in the US had no appetite for global warfare! Pity that era passed.

    I have never known such much drivel typed on a thread

  9. If/When leave wins I think Cameron should stay and get on with sorting the country out, but he will need to work with and listen to the people and other MP's. Calling an election or resigning will be too much at this point in time

    I disagree.

    His position is untenable. He should resign now.

    Get people in place to take the UK forward. That does not mean any of the leave camp leaders either.

    The days of career Politicians are over. If it worth shaking it up, at least do it right.

    Yeah good point

  10. Congratulations to Scotland, for the upcoming future. Freeeeeeedoooooommmmm!!!

    I am genuinely happy for you. really. I would be worried now joining the EU. You and the other new nations of Albania et al can all fight to see what scraps are left. The Dutch and possibly France will be following. so really it will be another empire run by the Germans. Once again good luck as you are going to need it.

    Good on Scotland, now a vote to leave the UK ??????

    No more free university places no more free perceptions when they join the EU, Awesome, I hope they can afford to do it if its what they want

  11. Its a bit depressing though for those of us living in Thailand, as the exchange rate has gone from 51 (point something) first thing this a.m., to 47 (point something) now.

    It ain't going to stay like that forever

    Just the next 2-20 years (or until the THB takes a battering),

    We will see, but I doubt it, I have some rope for all the doom and gloom mongers thumbsup.gif

  12. Well done the Dutch...glad to see its not just the UK p!55ed off with the EU and Junker

    Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

    Check it out

    The Brexit contagion: How France, Italy and the Netherlands now want their referendum too


    cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif awesome

  13. If leave wins, will Europe close it borders for Brits?

    Under Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty there's a two year withdrawal period. Probably take longer.

    Yes, but...

    The great danger for Europe would be a contagion to other Euroseptiques countries like Sweden, Holland, Dannemark and even France.
    For this reason she will do everything to sabotage any agreement or facility with the "deserter"
    The result promises to be painful.

    Dutch have already stated today they're going to hold a referendum. End of the failed EU project and the Euro is in sight.

    Well done the Dutch...glad to see its not just the UK p!55ed off with the EU and Junker

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