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Posts posted by Caps

  1. I am with the HSBC and they are good doing transfers, never really had a bad one. But after I have paid the £4 internet fee I get charged another £16 ish. When I rang them up they said that the money goes via HSBC Thailand (which I found out is only Commercial) as they don't have a direct link to SCB in BKK. So I end up paying because HSBC in the UK has to use an intermediary Bank (even though its the same Banking group), has anyone else found this?

  2. Has Britain ever been considered a true part of Europe?

    Or just claiming to be part of it, when ever it suited them for political gains?

    We just save it...twice!

    I just Checked the history book, thanks.

    I appears that Britain had it's ass handed to it and then kicked out of Europe in 1939,by the Nazis, four years later the USA and Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis.

    Since then, Britain has been telling everyone that Britain saved Europe.

    I also so read that before the USA and Russia came along Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war.

    Go Figure.

    Yeh Britain had its ass handed to em . We done absolutely bugger all in both wars, we just pretty much waved the white flag. Britain has always been weak and has never won a conflict ever. God I feel so ashamed to be British. Thank God for America and Russia. Surprised you had to check the history books for it tbh, everyone knows the Brits through history have never been a great waring nation.

    I do hope there was a lot of sarcasm in that post......rather than someone else who doesn't look at the facts? thumbsup.gif

  3. What a fantastic decision.

    How many jobs are going to be lost, and how much are costs going to rise due to the removal of advertising revenue.

    Or is that another cost that the UK taxpayer will have to shoulder ?

    None. The advertisers will produce adverts that don't push young kids into eating disorders.


    Is that why obesity is growing at an alarming rate in the UK. especially among schoolkids ?

    You could argue that this is also down to advertising. Of crap food smile.png

    You could also argue that food with is deemed more healthy is more expensive to buy, so families not on great incomes buy what they can afford

  4. "Russia didn't come along, they were already involved and the only reason America got involved was because it got battered at Pearl or as you put it,,had its ass handed to it by an island about as big as the UK. Yes we may have got kicked out of Europe but that was because the rest of mainland Europe had lost or capitulated. But the Nazis didn't get on UK soil. I also think you will find it was the Yanks, British, Polish Free Army, Russians, Aussies and Canadians, possibly more that liberated Europe along with countless resistance groups. So if you are going to tell it please do it correctly"

    So, knowing this, we are all agreed now, that Britain DID NOT save Europe and should not be making false claims of such, or as you have put it "if you are going to tell it please do it correctly"

    If you look at the posts correctly...you can borrow my specs if you need them.....I never stated that and Yes I agree Britain did not save Europe, it was a joint effort with millions of lives lost...lets not forget that. I also quoted several posts so in theory I was addressing all

  5. In the event of a pull out, the UK is going to face a very expensive 2 years as it will be obliged to negotiate new trade and immigration treaties with every country that was relying on EU related treaties. 5,000+ regulations, directives in respect to statutes relating to the European internal market for goods, services, capital and people. 1,100 trade agreements that were made as part of the EU with other countries will have to be renegotiated.

    Wait until the bills have to be paid.

    I don't think the fans of Brexit quite grasp that they won't be able to prance into the EU to work, to visit, to shop etc. and that their products will be subject to EU duties.

    ... and you know that for a fact do you?

    It is more likely that the EU will cease to exist if the UK exits and others follow.

    I don't think Remainians grasp how big our balls are.

    I do hope you are correct...it will be the hugest upset on the planet cheesy.gif and it might wake up other countries who are fed up with it

  6. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.

    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Has Britain ever been considered a true part of Europe?

    Or just claiming to be part of it, when ever it suited them for political gains?

    We just save it...twice!

    I just Checked the history book, thanks.

    I appears that Britain had it's ass handed to it and then kicked out of Europe in 1939,by the Nazis, four years later the USA and Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis.

    Since then, Britain has been telling everyone that Britain saved Europe.

    I also so read that before the USA and Russia came along Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war.

    Go Figure.

    Russia didn't come along, they were already involved and the only reason America got involved was because it got battered at Pearl or as you put it,,had its ass handed to it by an island about as big as the UK. Yes we may have got kicked out of Europe but that was because the rest of mainland Europe had lost or capitulated. But the Nazis didn't get on UK soil. I also think you will find it was the Yanks, British, Polish Free Army, Russians, Aussies and Canadians, possibly more that liberated Europe along with countless resistance groups. So if you are going to tell it please do it correctly

  7. If we leave,then the E.U will eventually disintegrate


    I hope so. Its nothing more than a dictatorship with unelected officials calling the shots.

    Yes it is....agreed...and for those who think not....Junker said that countries need to be careful who they vote in to power (democratically i might add) because if the EU doesn't like them they won't deal with that country anymore....Ummmmm, is that not dictating

  8. In the event of a pull out, the UK is going to face a very expensive 2 years as it will be obliged to negotiate new trade and immigration treaties with every country that was relying on EU related treaties. 5,000+ regulations, directives in respect to statutes relating to the European internal market for goods, services, capital and people. 1,100 trade agreements that were made as part of the EU with other countries will have to be renegotiated.

    Wait until the bills have to be paid.

    I don't think the fans of Brexit quite grasp that they won't be able to prance into the EU to work, to visit, to shop etc. and that their products will be subject to EU duties.

    If I have to get a visa to go into Europe so what! Most other places I travel I need to get one, one more won't make a jot of difference.

    As for trade, I think you will find that we import more from the EU than what we export to the EU. If you think big business will cut of its nose to spite its face then good for you. But some how I can not see the likes of BMW, Mercedes, Audi, French wine, Italian clothes, dutch cheese etc etc saying that they aren't going to send their goods to the UK any more, and if they do then more fool them and I hope they can afford the loss in revenue

  9. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.

    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Don't think so and certainly hope not.

    Quite right. What people do not realize is that the referendum is only "advisory". Even is there is a slight majority for leave, it is up to the Government whether on not to leave the EU. The Government is unlikely to decide to leave the EU.

    Then why go through all the palaver of the referendum if they aint going to bother? Don't say to be democratic because if that was the case then they would honour it

  10. Yes Thais are bad drivers from what I have seen, but so are quite a lot of Westerners. I see a lot riding scooters/mopeds like complete muppets. Riding on the pavement, riding straight through zebra crossings when people are using them, not wearing helmets etc etc. Just because they choose to live,work or visit does not mean that you should behave like the locals. A lot of people think that they are a lot better than Thai's in many ways...well why don't they show it and stop riding/driving like flaming morons. Maybe if we ride/drive correctly it might catch on...i did say 'might'

  11. No surprise from The Sun! Unfortunately it looks like Brexit will win. The whole campaign has been poorly managed by Cameron. Hopefully he will be out as a result. Are we getting nearer to a Corbyn government?

    The Sun is Murdoch so as you say, no surprise there.

    I wouldn't be too confident about Brexit having won anything at this stage, the fat lady hasn't even murmured!

    FT poll of polls put it on 45% to 47% in favour of Leave with 9% undecided.

    Ladbrookes says 58% chance of remain with odds on leaving at 5/4. http://sports.ladbrokes.com/sports-central/uk-eu-referendum/

    I don't do polls and odds but I can agree with the fat lady,,,,it ain't over till it's over and no one will know until the results, it can't be predicted

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  12. The French journalist and jihadhist expert David Thomson reported that Abballa had used Facebook live to post images of the attack — a video which is being examined by police. Thomson reported that while the attacker filmed himself, the three-year-old boy was behind him on the sofa. The attacker said: “I don’t know yet what I’m going to do with him.”


    ISIS terrorist live Facebook streamed killing of French policeman and wife in front of toddler son


    It makes my blood boil, can't say what I really want to say

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  13. No surprise from The Sun! Unfortunately it looks like Brexit will win. The whole campaign has been poorly managed by Cameron. Hopefully he will be out as a result. Are we getting nearer to a Corbyn government?

    I wouldn't go as far to say it has been poorly managed, it's just that people are fed up of the tripe that comes with the EU but are quite for something like the EEC

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  14. We don't disagree on that.

    After looking up some example prices (two weeks from end of June) there are about half a dozen airlines that are cheaper and better.

    I expected that Turkish would be bloody cheap like <20k return or so.

    But no.

    coming from the UK

    OP looks for the opposite direction.

    cheesy.gif yep, whoops

  15. I traveled turkish airlines cattle class for years with work, UK to Istanbul, Istanbul to Iraq. I would sooner walk!

    Some more details would help.

    And Bangkok is not Iraq (not one of the popular destinations).

    I know some German folks who flew Turkish with no complaints (cattle class).

    Crap seats, crap in flight entertainment, crap food

    Maybe not...should that make any difference, to me it doesn't bode well for other destinations

    So again...I would sooner walk

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