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Posts posted by Caps

  1. If the uk leave it will be beginning off the end for the eu as other countries will follow.

    Nigel Farage gets knocked alot I do find I agree with a lot of what he says, he says he wants Europe to go back to separate countries who trade and cooperate with each other,

    Yep, and I see no reason why that can't happen...it did before we had all the other rubbish that came it to the package

  2. If the uk leave it will be beginning off the end for the eu as other countries will follow.

    Yes I think that. I also think that it will be a great shame because the things that started it all may be lost too i.e the EEC, the free trade etc. But having no marks like Junker dictating to countries and slowly trying to erode countries democracy is not on. I hope that if we leave it will be a kick up the arse for Brussels, lets face it most of the failed politicians working there are not needed. I think things like trade, security, climate change etc can be achieved by individual countries without No Mark Junker and his cronies meddling. I am not saying it might take a bit longer but I do think it is achievable.

  3. Can't really see Spain getting that anti, they may block the border, insist on visa's etc but not a lot of anything else.

    Because we have the means to deal with it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

    Do you mean we could send our ship navy?

    It worked in the Malvinas Falklands........................

    Back then we had lots of ships, more than one at least.

    cheesy.gif Be carefull CM, if you down play the statistics too much people will start to think you are Brexit thumbsup.gifcheesy.gif

  4. Irrespective of what they are, the Germans are not going stop selling cars to us, the French their wine (I prefer new world anyway) etc etc. It will get ironed out. What happens happens and we as a country will have to deal with it. But business is business and I don't see big companies cutting their nose of to spite their face

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  5. Gibraltar wants the UK to stay in the EU, if it doesn't life could get difficult:


    Can't really see Spain getting that anti, they may block the border, insist on visa's etc but not a lot of anything else.

    Because we have the means to deal with it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

  6. So if Britain is clever, it will realise that it is not a world power on its own, that it will lose much with a yes to Brexit on June 23, and gain nothing but a brief moment of pride.

    For me this is the b

    est statement I´ve read since Cam announced the referendum. Sums the whole discussion up nicely!

    Well that's great,we have a Irish nationalist,who always takes the opportunity on many different threads on THivisa to criticized the UK, joined by yet another German citizen giving Unbiased advice to the Brits. This I could accept if they were upfront on their origins.

    Don't you just love foreigners giving pearls of Wisdom cheesy.gif

    On another note

    BBC Question Time from the 9th June

    Izzard is a right plonker cheesy.gif

  7. One of the most disturbing aspects of the Brexit campaign is the thinly veiled undercurrent of racism and xenophobia. At least the football hooligans are being honest about it.

    I dont see it being thinly veiled , most of us make it quite obvious , we do not want hordes of backward thinking young men ,who come from countrys that have not yet left the middle ages ,descending on Britain , i am sure that is not thinly veiled , and i do not see it as racist .

    To which European countries are you referring?


    I don't think he was specifically on about European countries, just countries in general

  8. I was all for the EEC, it was a great idea to allow economic integration among its members. I also think that the European Free Trade Agreement allowing the EEA to come into existant was great too.

    All this IMHO made for a good Europe.

    What spoilt it for me is when it started to change in to the EU, I think it was with the Maastricht Treaty which gave powers to the European Council....I am sure someone will correct if it is wrong! But whatever it was!

    Now we have Junker.., we as a country (I believe)didn't even want him. Who voted for him? I didn't, did you? Yes we vote for our MEP's and I think thats about it. He is just some no mark who failed in Luxembourg. Now this no mark whats to play with his train set. Maybe we should let the House of Lords vote in our next PM and not let the public decide

    Why do we need a European Tax number? What has it to do with them how much tax I, we pay. Its another route of a slow, stealth take over. I am not saying we have a great Tax office ourselves but its ours

    Why do we need an EU army which in my eyes would be detrimental to HM Forces? I am all for military exercises and common goals but as for the EU Army! Quite a lot of the countries in the EU are in NATO, which quite frankly doesn't have a lot of back bone anyway (look at the Ukraine). Do you think the EU Army will have more, not a chance. It will be another bottomless money pit to pay into with nothing in return. Again its another way of a closer take over

    Why do we need a EU Police force? We have interpol and yes the EU arrest warrant is ok, but I am sure countries could have this agreement without all the other stuff that goes with it and I believe there is a new arrangement to allow countries to take their ar53holes back quicker, I am pretty sure that if countries worked at it they could have this also. That way it would not be another bottomless money pit

    We also as a country have to be careful who we as a 'Democratic Country' vote for, because according to No Mark Junker if he doesn't like the person a country democratically votes for he won't deal with them, eh! Who does he think he is? Isn't that more like a dictatorship? I hate being dictated to

    Then he had the gall to threaten us

    I am also for people coming to the UK to live and work. But I also believe it should not be a right of passage for everyman and his 3 legged dog.

    As for Law, Legislation and Finance. What is good for one country is not always the best for another. Its a shame really but Greece is down the pan and will possibly need another bail out...more bottomless money pit and what a waste of money from the UK, I am sure we have better things to spend it on! Maybe Italy and Spain won't be far behind? Again it will be a shame but it could happen.

    So yes there are a lot of advantages of being a member of Europe but I think that no marks like Junker and his cronies are going to stop at nothing till we are completely under their power/thumb.

    I don't want that and I will never want that.

    I know this is not the choice of all on this thread, but its mine and I have earned it wai2.gif

    On a lighter note, apparently there is a new European Regulation that came into force on 1st May. If you hire a car in Switzerland you can not drive it into a neighbouring country because The rule bans EU citizens from driving non-EU registered hire cars in the EU A European commission spokeswoman said: “EU citizens should try to inform the car rental company in advance if they intend to … drive into the EU. cheesy.gif What another load of b0!!ocks

  9. Go on then, enlighten us with your pearls of wisdom as to why? Or are you someone who comments who knows naff all about it
    The Spanish and the Dutch have relinquished power and she's 90 years old! I guess you Brits are above that 55555

    So what!

    Yep, I was right, someone who comments and knows naff all

    maybe you are an unhappy colonist

    "Nalf" a colloquialism. In Thailand you would be lo-so.

    We haven't been "colonists" since 1776 and soundly beat your butts twice. Maybe she's hanging around in case you people woke up and realize you don't need a monarch. Just another reason I don't give a rats ass about that impertinent little island. You can include yourself and JT and ardokano on my ignore list

    Yep I hit the nail on the head

  10. It's past the time Charlie should be king. Arrogant old woman

    Do you take the same stance on other Royals.

    Or do you hold your tongue in fear ?

    Just a comment:

    The British people don't have draconian laws on what you can and can't say about the British Royal Family. So you can legally say what you want without fear of being arrested or put in prison.

    Actually you may find if posting from Thailand then you might just be subject to the same rules regarding Royals of other Nationalities.

    I'd be most interested to hear the opinions of you lot on the Thai Royal family.

    A PM will do if your to scared to speak out like you do against the British Royal Family.

    Maybe its jealousy because HM the Queen has been on the throne longer than the birth of some of the countries who might be speaking out against the Royal Familycheesy.gif

  11. But some are educated and informed but still choose to go down a different path and suffer some of the consequences that might not be at bad as people are making out. Time will tell

    ! ?

    But I am sure you will be fine looking down on us uneducated and uninformed people from that ivory tower you are sat in.

    Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them uneducated or uniformed

    Most Brexiteers in this thread don't have the capability to understand all the issues, they can't process all the data to build a picture of their own so they join the Buccaneering camp by default because it's revolutionary, a bit like me having a poster of Che Guavera on my bedroom was when I was a teenager, it was romantic. I read a blog the other day that was just great, it ended with the words, "forget the dentist, the sweet shop is open", it sums up many Brexiteers almost perfectly.

    But you could say the same for the Remainians on some points, I am not saying its perfect, far from it and thats both sides of the fence!

    Whilst I do agree about it being on both sides, it's a waste of time perhaps to try and remind that the vast majority of reported news on this subject has come from the Remain side whilst almost non has come from the Brexit side. I've posted over 20 news articles from respected sources and all have been met with silly if not stupid replies, many of them from people who haven't even opened the links, let alone understood the content.

    No I'm sorry, whilst there are shortcomings in both groups there's a glaring intellectual and informational shortfall in the Brexit Team, astonishingly so.

    Yes you have posted and I have looked at the majority of them and I don't put stupid replies...really the only time I comment is when people try to be-little other people just because of their point of view...ill informed or not, again from both sides of the fence. There is no need for it, I thought we were all adults from varying backgrounds trying to put our views across. Even educated people can make very bad decisions, I have seen it first hand in the military and you see it in the UK quite a lot, so really the uneducated or educated can make ill informed choices

  12. No! Of course not!

    Most are uneducated, are uniformed and don't understand the consequences! ?

    But some are educated and informed but still choose to go down a different path and suffer some of the consequences that might not be at bad as people are making out. Time will tell

    But I am sure you will be fine looking down on us uneducated and uninformed people from that ivory tower you are sat in.

    Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them uneducated or uniformed

    I was actually being facicious. But some are indeed uniformed and uneducated and don't understand. Basta.

    Now, this has been a useful debate but please calm down. Chiang Mai HAS provided some very useful insights.

    I have been in the British Club today, and spoke with the new Ambassador. Very bright chap!

    At our table of 12 there was only one Brexit supporter, who, after being accused of being a bigot, left!

    I think the polls are a bit dodgy. The odds are not much changed

    Now, if you will excuse me, I'll have another Famous Grouse at the Churchill Bar! Cheers!

    Incidentally, the ivory tower "I am sat in" is quite comfy!

    Basta.....That would depend if it is reciprocated

    Being bright doesn't make you any better than the next guy....I have experience of it

    Enjoy the Grouse, prefer a Single Malt myself

  13. Another poster arguing that only the stupid and uneducated would vote to leave sad.png .

    Are most Brits that insecure that they fall for this line of argument?

    No! Of course not!

    Most are uneducated, are uniformed and don't understand the consequences! ?

    But some are educated and informed but still choose to go down a different path and suffer some of the consequences that might not be at bad as people are making out. Time will tell

    But I am sure you will be fine looking down on us uneducated and uninformed people from that ivory tower you are sat in.

    Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them uneducated or uniformed

    Most Brexiteers in this thread don't have the capability to understand all the issues, they can't process all the data to build a picture of their own so they join the Buccaneering camp by default because it's revolutionary, a bit like me having a poster of Che Guavera on my bedroom was when I was a teenager, it was romantic. I read a blog the other day that was just great, it ended with the words, "forget the dentist, the sweet shop is open", it sums up many Brexiteers almost perfectly.

    But you could say the same for the Remainians on some points, I am not saying its perfect, far from it and thats both sides of the fence!

  14. It's past the time Charlie should be king. Arrogant old woman

    Go on then, enlighten us with your pearls of wisdom as to why? Or are you someone who comments who knows naff all about it

    The Spanish and the Dutch have relinquished power and she's 90 years old! I guess you Brits are above that 55555

    So what!

    Yep, I was right, someone who comments and knows naff all

    maybe you are an unhappy colonist

  15. Only for Brits with Brain:



    It's rare to see historic moments coming, because it's impossible to know how history will change and what course it will run. But sometimes you do see it. Sometimes you know something is about to happen that has the potential to change our world.

    If Britain is clever, it will remain a member of the EU, because it will recognise that the future of the west is at stake.

    This vote is about preserving Europe's competitiveness in times of change and struggle between world powers. It's about nothing less than the future of the peace project started in 1946 by erstwhile enemy nations on a devastated continent, ("Let Europe arise!" as Churchill put it). It is a project that has unified western Europe for seven decades.

    The words are becoming increasingly heated. EU opponents are comparing Brussels to Hitler and producing dangerously false statistics, while the dominant tone among EU supporters is pathos. For once, the latter is justified, because fundamental principles are at stake.

    Britain is a bridge between Europe and the US. If Britain leaves the EU on this side of the Atlantic while Donald Trump becomes president on the other, then seemingly permanent alliances will wobble, and a weakened Europe would end up alone, helpless amid myriad global crises.

    If the right-wing populists grow stronger, because Europe suddenly weakens and shrinks just as they are on the rise, what will remain of the ideal of tolerant and progressive cooperation that defines the west?

    So if Britain is clever, it will realise that it is not a world power on its own, that it will lose much with a yes to Brexit on June 23, and gain nothing but a brief moment of pride.

    If it votes to leave because a disproportionately high proportion of older and less well-educated British want it so passionately, Germany and the rest of Europe will have to accept that today's EU is dysfunctional and unattractive. The EU should then mourn the loss of departed Britain and learn from it, and it should cease giving humiliating gifts to those who have left and develop some resolution.

    Or else, hopefully, it will be the other way round: Should the British vote against Brexit, perhaps by 55% or 60% rather than 50.1%, then that would be a mandate. Then the British should stop doing the things that have irritated the rest of Europe for years: special requests, self-pity and wretched haggling over every last detail.

    The day after the vote, the British should understand that they themselves helped create this detested Europe that they were so close to leaving, and start building a better one.

    Another poster arguing that only the stupid and uneducated would vote to leave sad.png .

    Are most Brits that insecure that they fall for this line of argument?

    No! Of course not!

    Most are uneducated, are uniformed and don't understand the consequences! ?

    But some are educated and informed but still choose to go down a different path and suffer some of the consequences that might not be at bad as people are making out. Time will tell

    But I am sure you will be fine looking down on us uneducated and uninformed people from that ivory tower you are sat in.

    Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them uneducated or uniformed

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