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Posts posted by Caps

  1. Should have bought American...our warships don't seize-up when put in water laugh.png

    You state that US warships dont seize up when put in water, WHY????

    That is a false statement, please check your facts, your first littorial ship did something very similar when it was launched.

    USS Freedom lcs 1 to be exact.

    Its far easier to try and be-little something and talk rubbish than look for actual facts whistling.gif

    I'll bet on the US Navy against any other you want to put up against it ?

    Good for you

  2. The Truth is the maintenance money for these ships goes to the EU in Taxes! The money will eventually get to Comrade Merkel, so she can start the

    New EU Army! Comrade Merkel has said Germany will supply the New EU Army with all the Cooks. Britain can supply all the combat troops. So Vote Yes

    to BREXIT for the survival of Great Britain.

    Thought we were talking about the Navy biggrin.png

    German military food (Army) was disgusting back in the nineties

  3. Should have bought American...our warships don't seize-up when put in water laugh.png

    You state that US warships dont seize up when put in water, WHY????

    That is a false statement, please check your facts, your first littorial ship did something very similar when it was launched.

    USS Freedom lcs 1 to be exact.

    Its far easier to try and be-little something and talk rubbish than look for actual facts whistling.gif

  4. For everyone's sake I hope the ' grueling tests ' were exactly that and not anything like the educational system's grueling tests which everyone seems to pass with ease.

    i'm not suggesting these ladies may not be capable it's just the system here doesn't engender any confidence.

    Passing Grueling Tests does not mean they have even been in an aircraft yet. It could mean passing the test to start being a pilot...could it not....give people some credit, at least until we know different

  5. Of course Cameron is spot on with his comment re 'self-inflicted recession' and none more at risk than our Soi Buakaow BREXIT team who if they get their wishes will see their pensions knocked back in real terms as sterling takes an extended bath. The end result will be that some will be able to enjoy their pyrrhic referendum victory back home luxuriating in British winters. Life is grossly unfair when there are no downsizing options after Leo.

    This is of course your opinion.

    Others may or may not share it.


    Thank you for telling me that it is my opinion. That is really informative. As is the equally useless observation that others might not agree. Just about typical of the forum BREXIT supporters here who haven't a clue other than to cheerfully advocate cutting off their own noses to spite their faces when it comes to the economic consequences for pensioners living in Thailand. I am just trying to work out now which boozer in Soi Buakaow all this wisdom emanates from. I have my suspicions but it might be more than one.

    Can't see state pensions being affected and yes the pound may fall but it won't be forever...somethings we will have to put up with until it sorts its self out. Because unless you have a crystal ball you and no one else knows what is going to happen...its all just speculation and numbers from both side of the fence.

  6. I know you don't care about this today but you will next week if Brexit is the answer - the article is named, "Judgement Day" and no, it's not about a movie;

    "The day after next week’s referendum on European Union membership, the pound will either sink to the lowest level in more than three decades or climb toward the highest this year, according to a Bloomberg survey of economists. Most see a drop below $1.35 if Britons decide to leave the bloc on June 23, while the median estimate following a victory for the status quo is for it to jump to as high as $1.50.A Brexit vote “would certainly be a shock event for currency markets in a way that’s pretty unusual outside of major financial crises,” said Michael Bell, a global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management in London, which manages $1.7 trillion in assets. “The pound would fall very sharply.”


    I am not really great at searching, has anyone looked at the possibility that the Euro might even take a nose dive after the referendum?

  7. The latest polls have Leave with a 19 point lead and the Remain camp getting ever more desperate as the hours tick down. Only a few more days till we get our own independence day like the Americans thumbsup.gif

    Oh and the PP you do not understand is an old military term for P*ss Poor. It comes from the old 6 P's saying

    Proper Preperation Prevents P*ss Poor Performance biggrin.png

    Sorry, but you'll have to wait a little longer. The referendum result is not binding. Exit terms will need to be negotiated and then voted on by parliament. It's quite possible that after the terms have been negotiated, a 2nd referendum will be held, on "improved" remain terms, or Brexit. A similar thing happened in Ireland and France following their referendums on treaty changes.

    I would't be at all surprised if you are right. There'll be some ploy in hand to take away the democratic wish of the people.They'll have a two year window in organize this deceit, during which time everything will continue as now,including our payment to Brussels.

    But if I was Cameron I would be giving Brussels the bird if they started asking for more Bailout money for certain countries

  8. That is what you get if you start meddling in conflicts you know nothing about, in territory which is not yours and with a strategy nobody understands.

    If Bush had'nt removed Sadam Hussein and Muammar Khadafi, IS would have been eradicated long time ago.

    I am afraid that this is only the beginning.

    Eitherway it might also help that idiot Trump to get elected.

    Rip to the victims and speedy recovery to the injured.

    No need to go back that far. I do believe taking Hussein and Ghadafi out was a major blunder. But if the US had supported Assad there would be no Daesh. PC politicians will never get that.

    The US should make nice with Russia and China,after all we are the 3 major players and the others don't amount to much

    Major player in what?? Dictating/Bullying other countries to bow to your whim? Yes I agree you are a big country and have a lot of Technology but thats about it

  9. It is not difficult to understand the violence. Soccer, (football), is a game devised by the poor, uneducated people of the planet. You never see this violence at Rugby matches as this sport is played by educated and civilised people and followed by those who, unlike soccer fans, are educated and civilised, do not have to sit through an hour and a half of sheer boredom with there frequently be no score to either side. It is no wonder that the soccer fans. sheer boredom and frustation has to be expressed in uncontrolled and drunken violence, it is on a par with the intelligence of the game.

    I was not allowed to play soccer at school. It was considered a sissy game. I had to play rugger. It was a good idea.

    I didn't play soccer at school either, I played 'Football' because I went to British school and I also played Rugby

  10. ISIS will claim responsibility for any attack to western countries and people, just because they want a violent response back. Violence creates more violence, and more ISIS violent followers.

    To forgive and forget is the only response to stop with this madness. Leave the Islamic people and its countries alone!

    "To forgive and forget" is a mad response. Hunt down and exterminate is a far better solution. These Sunni Muslim hate groups hate the entire world, it happens in China, Russia, Europe, SE Asia and across the whole Muslim world. It is not just a western nation problem and no reason to be scared, appeasement is weakness and the bad guys will take full advantage of it.

    "Hunt down and exterminate" is what the USA has been doing since 9/11. Have a look around you and see where that has brought the world.

    Blowback is an awful thing to contend with. Would we be facing the situation we are in, right now, if Tiny George II had not invaded Iraq? Had we stayed away from Afghanistan, would ISIL be in existence? Would the Taliban and Al Queda be more, or less powerful than it is now? Certainly, the recruitment process would be more difficult. The Saudis make is easier, with the billions they use to fund the Madrasas. They are the number one enemy of the US, and the free world. Along with the Pakistanis. #1 and #2.

    I thought the Saudis and the US were in bed with each other?

  11. If true.......Payback's a bitch Obama!......But this is what you want!!.....Perpetual war serves you (the corporate schill) and your corporate buddies ....

    Added bonus........you get to crack-down on the people at homesmile.png ..........

    All these wars in the middle east are at the heart of this hatred towards america and it's 'allies'

    The USA seems to forget that its fighters used the same kind of tactics against the British many years ago in its efforts to rid itself of a much more powerful and oppressive occupier. They were considered "freedom fighters" and "heroes of the nation". Now that the table has turned the same kind of fighters using the same type of tactics are labeled "terrorists" and "savages".??? Get out of other peoples countries and you will find these attacks will all go away! But then as mentioned above, having an external enemy makes it so much easier to manipulate and control the population at home for the benefit of the corporations.

    We dont need the USA and its manipulated "allies" to "save" the rest of the world because as history has shown it seems to have the opposite effect.

    Was Korea better off after the US "saved" it? Was Vietnam, El Salvadore, Iraq, Libya etc better off? Libya is a prime example....were there thousands of refugees fleeing and risking death on the Mediterranean before the USA & Co rescued Libya from the supposedly "oppressive" Gadaffi ??

    Yep, I can concur there. Coming from a country that always get roped in when the US is having a go at another country and a ex serving member of HM Armed Forces who was involved in the 2003 fiasco, WMD my @r5e

  12. It's past the time Charlie should be king. Arrogant old woman
    Do you take the same stance on other Royals.

    Or do you hold your tongue in fear ?
    Just a comment:
    The British people don't have draconian laws on what you can and can't say about the British Royal Family. So you can legally say what you want without fear of being arrested or put in prison.

    Edited to note that this has already been covered. !

    But Thailand does and the lese majeste law covers foreign heads of state as well - so Queen Elizabeth is covered.


    The third group is insult against the head of state of foreign countries or lèse-majesté. Insulting or threatening the king, queen, consort, heir-apparent, or the head of state of foreign countries (Section 133), which is an offence against friendly relations with foreign states, is punishable by one to seven years imprisonment or a fine of 2,000-140,000 baht, or both. The penalty for defaming, insulting or threatening the Thai monarch, the queen, heir-apparent, or regent (Section 112) is imprisonment for three to 15 years. Insulting or defaming a representative of a foreign state accredited to the royal court has the penalty of imprisonment for a term of six months to 15 years or a fine of 1,000-10,000 baht, or both.

    The lèse majesté law also covers foreign heads of state but is not enforced. Private Eye Magazine is sold in Thailand and it makes fun of every members of the British royal family:
    freedom of expression is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately some citizens will never know real freedom of speech.

    Yes I can agree there, but slating some thing that does not concern you to bait people from that country is not on. We can all slate other countries so let's not get started down that road.
    As for the British Monarchy, it's older than some countries on this planet. So let's show a little respect. Especially if you are not even British

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer
  13. I read there is now a 19 point lead for BREXIT.

    I seriously doubt the truth of any poll, but hope deep down in my heart that it is such a huge lead. If it is and we really do vote OUT there will be dancing and partying in the streets.

    well, it's dancing into the Doom's day. Tears and mourning comes later

    If Brexit do win,it will be a day of rejoicing, how those who are so anti-British such as yourself react,I could't give a fart.

    "those who are so anti-British such as yourself" - that's going too far, uncalled for and unpleasant.

    Maybe a little! I think we all support Britian just in our own way. There are some of use that want to be ruled by no marks in Brussels like Junker and others that want to be ruled by our democratically elected government no matter how sh!te they might turn out to be

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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