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Posts posted by Watchful

  1. 19 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

    The republican cut the budget for protecting US Embassy's with 100 miljon USD prior to the Benghazi attack.


    And that, my friends, is an attempt by the fake news to re-write history.


    The budget passed was bi-partisan and signed by Obama. Further, according to Obama's State Dept:


    "A State Department official told The Washington Times that there was no impact on security in Benghazi from the cuts."


    This budget item included huge construction projects for modernizing embassies. Only the Democrats believe in spending to oblivion just like they have done in PR. 



  2. 1 hour ago, Skywalker69 said:


    And that, my friends, is another clear case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).  Clearly the author is a very sick individual who should not be allowed to own a firearm arm, drive a car or pilot a plane.


    To compare the deaths of 4 brave soldiers sent to help combat Muslim terrorists to the deaths of innocent civilians in the diplomatic core is totally absurd.  Further, the underlying issue at Benghazi is the failure of Hillary Clinton's State Dept. to provide adequate protect when Ambassador Stevens begged for protect 27 times. Compounding this failure, the lying Obama administration blamed the attacked on a video to hide their incompetence. Fortunately the lie was exposed during the election and NOT by hacked emails, but by emails released under court order by ... wait for it .... the US State Department.


    While lying to the American people is not a crime, it clearly contributed to the Democrat's loss in the election. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Bonefish said:

    That's a very good idea and a first step towards making them illegal!


    Drones are unnecessary toys and should not be available to the public, same as assault weapons . The bigger ones can carry payloads of 20 kg or more, and are potentially extremely dangerous delivery systems for explosives, chemical and biological weapons and other nasty stuff.


    Why they were ever allowed to be made available to the public is totally incomprehensible to me.


    If you think you can sleep better at night because drones and assault rifles are banned, I have some bad news for you.  The devastating argument against these bans, is that terrorists and criminals do NOT care about laws.  They ignore them totally and consistently do so.


    Just look at Paris!  Most stringent guns laws in the world, yet the terrorists had all the AK's they needed.


    In short, put your "worry cap" back on. You are NOT safer because of these laws.

  4. 42 minutes ago, SpeakeasyThai said:

    Lets hope if the wall is ever build the likes of you and Trump remain behind it indefinate.

    Purpose of the wall is NOT keep people inside, but to keep "deranged" people like you .... OUT.


    People with TDS should no longer be allowed to own a firearm, drive a car or fly a plane.

  5. 8 hours ago, free123 said:

    trade imbalance roots in buying power imbalance... Thailand compare to the US has much less buying power... the Jobs are less payed so the products naturaly are cheaper here and to sell to the US... american have plenty of buying power and consumes whatever Thais sell them cheap on reverse their wages are high that makes US products very expensive for low payed thais... so once the expensive produced US product reaches Thailand it is heavy taxed... on reverse US has lowered or canceled import tax on many products... 


    Contrary to most of the nonsense posted in this thread, free123, your post attempts to explain the causes of the trade imbalance.


    You make some excellent observations. Trump is furious about these imbalances and has no problem with using border adjustment taxes to bring trade more into balance. 


    Merkel, of course, is furious that Trump would levy taxes of 20% on German built cars. Naturally, Merkel is more than happy with the 20% levy on American imports to Germany.


    So name calling and blowing smoke is the only answer the politicians have in attempting to hold off Trump's demand for fair trade deals. Anyone who looked at these border taxes can see why the imbalances occur and most are terrified that Trump will fulfill his campaign promise to "level the playing field".


    At the same time, Trump doesn't trust China and their relationship with NK. He also wants Thailand to stop sourcing raw materials from NK. 


    Thailand will have to decide what is in their best interest. If they side with NK and China, chances are they will have to develop markets in those countries to replace sales no longer going to the US.  Nothing easy here and no simple answers. 

  6. 1 hour ago, kharmabum said:

    I couldn't help notice the guy the OP met is in Thailand for 9 months on paid leave from his police officer job in the UK.   It made me think of all the posts I've read on the 'multiple entry tourist visa' thread in the immigration forum about how when people go to a Thai embassy in their home country to try and get the Multiple entry tourist visa that gives you up to 9 months stay they ask for proof that you have a job in your home country.  Many people's reaction to this request is 'what?!  who has a job that gives you 9 months off and still have a job to go back to?'  I guess now we know.  police officers in the UK.  What a great deal for them!  Not only can they get 9 months paid time off to frequent prostitutes in Pattaya, but if they get depressed they can go back to their job and pick up right where they left off arresting people in the UK for doing the same thing.  what a world we live in.


    Excellent points!  


    How the heck do the UK taxpayers allow this?  Even Brexit won't help a country saddled with totally irresponsible policies. Is it commonplace in the UK for everyone to get a nine months paid vacation?

  7. 21 minutes ago, JemJem said:


    Have you all noticed that recently many  Islamist terror atttacks have been very much 'underreported' and given very little air time ?! For example, I am now watching the France 24 channel on TV; and the first thing they have covered in the news bulletin was the Catalonia referendum ! And, this is a French channel.


    A terror attack in which 2 people have been killed in the middle of a major European city is NOT  a minor attack at all.


    Maybe, this 'underreporting' is intentional, so as not to cause panic and worry ?!  Anyway, I find it baffling.



    Jem, this is a very good observation!


    I doubt the liberal press is concerned about "worry and panic". It's more likely they are concerned about nationalistic trends breading more Brexits.

  8. 10 years is a long time to be together. Why don't you attempt a "trial separation" of a month?  


    That is, you live apart for an entire month. At the end of the month, you get together in a public place to decide whether to make the separation permanent. If both are happier after one month the answer, the answer is fairly obvious. (You might even find yourself suffering from loneliness. You might find that with both making a few behavioral changes, you might try together again.)


    I just think it's premature to so cavilarily through away 10 years. 

  9. 1 hour ago, yardrunner said:

    And don’t forget the sign

       "Give me your tired, your poor,

     Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

     The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

     Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

     I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

    Obviously it doesn’t apply any more

    Correct!  It doesn't apply anymore!


    It could and I believe in open borders, but you cannot be a welfare state AND an open border state. Milton Fired an proved 30 years ago that you must shut down one or the other.


    Back when we had mass immigration there was no such thing as:

    • Food stamps
    • Free medical
    • Free housing
    • Free cell phones
    • Free air conditioners
    • Free utilities

    In short, the immigrants had to move in with relatives and quickly find work!  I prefer to end all of these programs and to re-open the borders.  Liberals would never support this, because they need the votes from those millions who get all of this "free" stuff.

  10. 8 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

    FYI, doctors give their opinion every day on matters of health without interviewing patients.  Data, testing and analysis form the basis of professional judgement, not what a patient tells a doctor, and particularly not a patient who is a serial liar.  Btw, if you can't see that Trump is unfit for the job then that is your problem.


    OK, perhaps you will share with us what "tests" these folks conducted?


    Data?? They have data?  What is the source and where is the analysis?


    Hillary Clinton is a serial liar. Does she also suffer from "a serious mental illness"?


    These people are guilty of serious malpractice and should lose their license unless, of course, they can should "test" results and complete data analysis.

  11. 7 hours ago, Slip said:


    Dr Gartner started an online petition earlier this year on calling for Mr Trump to be removed from office...


    The petition has so far garnered more than 41,000 signatures.

    It states: “We, the undersigned mental health professionals (please state your degree), believe in our professional judgment that Donald Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of competently discharging the duties of President of the United States. 

    Yes your "game" is in serious trouble when you are left with nothing but quoting "quacks".


    Thank you for the link to that petition as every doctor who signed it should lose their license to practice.  Indeed, it is malpractice to make a diagnosis like this WITHOUT ever having interviewed the patient.


    Every single one of these "doctors" or perhaps "soon to be ex-doctors" should be forced to take the complete set of exams to prove they know what the hell they are doing.


    It is idiots with this Gartner who give the entire profession a bad reputation. 

  12. 7 hours ago, yardrunner said:

    but where will you get a positive trump story that isn't fake news 

    Sorry to disappoint you, but...



    The total irrationality of Trump haters becomes clearer each day. So sorry, but the world moves on... the election is over and Trump is president of the US and will remain so.


    So many liberals here argue that this Thai student's problem is an immigration issue.  It is NOT.  The issue is what to do with people who INTENTIONALLY violated a country's immigration laws.  


    In seeking a solution to this problem there is nothing at all wrong with looking at how other countries deal with this very issue.  Is there any country in the world that would say, "OK, you violated our laws. You jumped ahead of people who legitimately waited to immigrate, so we will reward you for line jumping and make you a fully vested citizen."


    Is there any country who would do that?  Anywhere?


    Those of you who think this is a good idea, should stop complaining about the Chinese who jump ahead of you in line.  In fact, you should kiss their feet and say "thank you, please do it again!"

  13. Rumor has and I repeat rumor, that Trump and his administration is putting pressure on both Saudi Arabia and Egypt for Egypt to take full control of Gaza. (Prior to the war, Gaza was part of Egypt.)


    Israel pulled totally out of Gaza back in 2005.  


    Were Egypt to assert control over Gaza that would end effectively Hamas' desire for perpetual war. Thus, Hamas now wants to make peace with Abbas which from their perspective, is the lesser of two evils.


    Abbas has a similar problem as Trump's administration would like Jordan to take back the West Bank. 


    Appearing unified and willing to talk, just might keep the Palestinians intact.

  14. On 9/17/2017 at 8:33 PM, Srikcir said:

    Where do you find this?

    • The idea of Senator Mitt Romney should scare Trump.”
    • "Polls there [Utah] showed Trump’s favorable rating as low as 19 percent and his unfavorable rating as high as 71 percent, largely thanks to Mormons disliking him.”


    • “If I could get a really outstanding person to run for my position, I might very well consider [retiring],” .... “Mitt Romney would be perfect.” - Sen. Orin Hatch


    Romney doesn't need Trump.

    Really?  How about this...




    Just as I predicted, Romney will be saying good things about Trump!  


    Quoting liberal rags means nothing and doesn't mean you know anything about American politics.  Any politician running for office will seek support from others within their party. Only an idiot would think otherwise. 


  15. 5 hours ago, The manic said:

    Thanks. I'm gonna get one. It will improve the quality of my life.


    Until you get one, attach a squirt gun to your bike full of ammonium.  


    It won't harm the dogs, but they hate the smell and will avoid you. You only have to squirt them once ... they remember!

  16. 3 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

    Understatement of the year.





    Are you aware that Romney is seeking The Donald's support in his run for the senate?


    Will you then post all of the nice things Romney will say about The Donald?  Just wondering whether you really care about Romney's views or whether you just look for any negative comments about Trump.


    Oh, BTW, Hillary's recent pols are below Congress and way below Trump.

  17. Interesting problem! Immigration is a hot topic these days. On this forum there is a lengthy thread on the DACA problem in the US.


    Seems to me both the UK and US problems have a similar root cause... namely illegal or unintended immigration that just drains significant sums from government welfare programs. Amounts so staggering that threaten the very foundation of these programs.


    So in response, governments tighten up the legal immigration rules with the noble intention of taking economic pressure off of the welfare programs. Naturally these "tighter rules" just breed more illegal and unintended or loophole immigration. So once again we must tighten the rules .... and we are on a merry-go-round that we cannot get off.


    It seems to me the only answer is to address the root cause ... that is we all must deny welfare benefits to non-citizens.  I know that seems heartless, but you have to start somewhere.


    So when an immigrant comes to welfare and says, "I don't have any food for me and my five kids." The response should be,  "Bring them in and we'll feed the lot of you and will do so while we are returning you and your kids to your home country."


    Heartless?  Yes, probably, but we all must remember that 30 years ago Milton Freedman proved that you cannot be a welfare state AND an open border state. One or the other must be shut own!


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