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Posts posted by tandor

  1. 9 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Hardly the crime of the century, is what i posted.

    I never said ignore it, there are a lot more serious things going on that require police attention.

    ..well easy to say...but you can't be everywhere at once..you can only act on the public's complaint or find them offending, which is quite difficult...weed out the corrupt and non-performers ..the remainder aren't doing such a bad job for the training they get.

  2. 11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    I don't care. This scum bag deserves lots of bad publicity for his cowardly attack on the girl. I really hate the Thai way of paying a few Baht and being able to walk away from criminal offenses with no further consequences, when jail time is really warranted.

    ..a vigilante group was the first thing i thought of...we'd be busy!

  3. 7 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

    Good for her, she did what she could, considering the system. Thailand is going to need some more of this outrage before things get fixed.

    ...many, many climb structures to sadly draw attention as all other means are ignored only to be hustled off to a hospital and be certified mentally unstable..complaint filed, no action. Sorry for this young person and the relative to have to go to these lengths.

  4. 5 hours ago, oxo1947 said:

    "He said it  "may" have been triggered by Thaiday's long-term cannabis usage,
    Thank you for the link simple1---it seems that the  "May have" was not worth reporting in any other news outlet,  so I had a problem finding it--possibly because of the opinions of all the other psychiatrists --who discounted this out of hand---again thank you for the link



    Several psychiatrists have spent the past two years trying to unpack what was going through Thaiday's head when she went on the rampage, early on December 19, 2014.

    One thing was abundantly clear, they say. She was not on drugs or affected by alcohol. She just simply had not understood what she was doing.



    ...she picked up a knife..hmm..she wasn't going to peel spuds..and she didn't peel spuds..i would say her intent was clearly expressed..maybe she has a diluted diminished responsibility as a result.

  5. 17 hours ago, NancyL said:

    Hubby walks for exercise nearly every morning around the Old City, usually around 4:30 - 6 am, just as the ladyboys are clocking out at  Thapae Gate.  He says he likes to see "the changing of the guard at Thapae Gate", i.e. when the ladyboys go off duty and the monks come on duty.


    I asked him if the ladyboys ever approach him and he said, naw, most know he's out walking for exercise.  Sometimes, one is esp. hungry and does try to start a conversation.  What do they say?  I asked.  Where do you go, I go with you.  Would you like massage?  I give you good massage.  That sort of stuff.  In other words, don't make eye contact and just keep walking.


    I pointed out that sounded tamer than a tuk-tuk driver trying to hustle a fare at the Night Bazaar and he had to agree.


    Who could possibly complain about that, except maybe for someone who actually stopped to talk with one of the ladies thinking they worked for TAT as welcome hostesses and tour guides.

    ..all part of the flora and fauna one sees here daily.

  6. 31 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    I don't remember seeing beef in an Indian before but it has been a while and some days I struggle to remember my own name emoji51.png

    The closest I get to a curry now is in the " restaurant south " as my gf calls it !
    Some unrecognisable meat in a really spicy sauce !! It's actually very good emoji4.png

    ..so thats where my two cats went.

  7. 8 hours ago, fforest1 said:

    O really I have checked out the Indian restaurants across from Centeral Festival at least 100 times in the last few years including prime time 7-9 PM and have seen zilch for customer's ever...Not even once....

    ...the same clientele frequent the tailor shops and ruggeries.

  8. 3 hours ago, Lone Ranger said:

    Worst immigration in Thailand I believe.


    Left 5 yrs ago but not after confronting Head of Immigration & respectfully pointing out that animals were treated better than Farangs & shouldn't he do something about the disgraceful,squalid conditions not to mention the inefficiency & time it took & he actually nodded & changed the rubbish ticket system slightly but still an appalling,disgusting inhumane place more akin to a prison !

    I also tried to complain to British Consulate in CM but I was told not his area-useless man -classic inept diplomat.

    ...have you tried Grumpy-land.

  9. 10 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Ref the venus story. I have a 9.25 Celestron CPC telescope, and my favorite eye piece is the 13mm

    Ethos.  I also have a 70mm Celestron Astro Master that is very portable and I use it when I am away

    from my part of the country I live in. Astronomy is my favorite hobby. the general camping and

    travelling around.


    ....that's nice dear.

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