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Everything posted by tandor

  1. i trained in the 70s and 80s
  2. don't worry, they will be a permanent fixture in the not too distant future (crystal ball gazing face)
  3. Thailand sure is a life changer. RIP
  4. they wanted a take away
  5. did she look dehydrated
  6. apparently it's difficult to share what you see in your mind
  7. well I'll go to the pictures!
  8. Imagine all the Pimps, low-life standover merchants, extorters and private protectors that will emerge from the wormwood.
  9. Ok..i was quite specific and mentioned Tinnitus only. Case by case. In my case i suffered both at the same time from a non-consentual neck manipulation causing Tinnitus not in my ears but in and around my head, i suffered 70% hearing loss in one ear. The Cilia in my (R) ear have flattened and will never stand up again. Best of luck with your prognosis.
  10. based on the news article, my bet is on the 16 year old drugged up brother. (but what would i know)
  11. i think all long time Tinnitus sufferers have seen, read a plethora of cures and nothing to date has done anything to alleviate this chronic curse. OP If you find a cure or treatment that quietens it, please reveal. Good luck with your plight.
  12. put a diagonal line through the copy of the photo page and sign it.
  13. well to be fair..recently a government clerk was sentenced to 50 years imprisonment for using a government vehicle on three occasions for his private use; so you would expect this guy will get fned at least 20 THB per person.
  14. ..rice paddy near me, crop cut two weeks ago..still water-logged, farmer spot burning some dry stubble..why not just plough it in seeing as the ground is sodden.
  15. + the Candiru which can swim up your penis!
  16. and how about the distinct possibility of contracting parasites and other blood borne viruses!
  17. the officer on the left has him firmly in his sights..good work men
  18. i didn't know there was a silent 'P' in filming...there is one in swimming however
  19. will the Agriculture Minister have any control over the dispersement the funds, i wonder as forest/rice stubble burning and PM2.5 levels would be a priority
  20. by the Statutory Declaration you will be made sign and have Notarised.
  21. his wife has that 'sad puppy' face on too..God bless them. 😔
  22. i hope the idea catches on up here in CNX
  23. Immigration Police don't have balls, in fact no RTP have them.
  24. excitable little curry puffs!
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