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Everything posted by tandor

  1. Best call the Thai Revenoue Office, I'm sure they will oblige.
  2. could afford to fly in a big silver tube!
  3. criticise the journo who wrote the article as it wasn't the words of Kanya.
  4. OFX.com very good service and rates, and have Main Office in Sydney.
  5. yes..i already apologised..Merry Christmas.
  6. for the 'confused' people; my reply implies any driver concentrating on his journey should be able to see a person dressed in bright orange crossing in font of them and take evasive action.
  7. Mr. Watcharesuan Naonongwai needs to re-sit his color blindness and brake reaction test. RIP Phra
  8. he needs to be careful in Thai traffic ...he might get rear-ended like that car next to him
  9. rushing to the scene won't slow down the peeling process...don't you know!
  10. not apologising one bit..Rama 10 reduced it to one year..best seek an audience with Him.
  11. no thanks..have a safe and Happy Christmas
  12. take it to Court..no big deal, you can call witnesses, present photos and sketch of the scene..lodge the Summons and represent yourself. Don't be conned by anyone, and don't pay them one baht is my advice. Good luck, hope your s/daughter was not injured.
  13. leave him alone...he returned voluntarily to Thailand and is serving out the remainder of his sentence under the control of The Department of Corrections..end of story.
  14. insensitive reporting. RIP young man.
  15. definitely get an STD for FREE
  16. School Holidays finish soon, the OP had better get a wriggle on!
  17. Male virility..they would be proud
  18. the rider, (plus others) had stopped about 2metres in front of the white line associated with the intersection (on the pedestrian crossing), then rolled forward another 2+ metres before the lights turned green..he had no hope!
  19. apologies..should read 1669
  20. correct Sir..i did Edit it immediately but it hasn't shown..apologies if i mislead others.
  21. obviously no-one close to you wears black sneakers.
  22. ...a bit like pin a tail on the katoy
  23. ..seems i wouldn't know a real naked lady if i tripped over one
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