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Everything posted by tandor

  1. hope you heal quickly...no doubt some CCTV footage will surface. Good luck.
  2. ..he was pretending he was in his futuristic hover Cab..hand on the joystick
  3. all this hatred..all of the Gods of all religions have had ample time to intervene and reset the lot of them
  4. forgot to put your new glasses on!
  5. what a wonderful heart-felt gesture Thailand.
  6. they stopped on the way at 'that' banana shop.
  7. sure..a 30 deg bend is ideal..i am just saying here a standard 90 deg or 'T' bend doesn't have a threaded cap for accessing. Maybe you can get them online or from factory..Ive certainly never seen them at any of the larger hardware stores, hence installers don't use them.
  8. he wears his beach towel waiting for the moment.
  9. DTAC 004 61 number, @ 7 baht p.min
  10. not knowing where the OPs home is situated; most moobahns have deep drains and formed shallow gutters to take off any runoff from rainwater, if that's the case you can put your own drain box inside your wall, run all your grey water pipes into that, then one outlet into the street drain. If he is more remote then a second 3 ring drainage well would be ample; however i would not be mixing a septic tank overflow with grey water. All the Thai builders i know and have dealt with do this. I can give you my builders' contact details if you or OP wishes.
  11. It is written, deep fried bananas do have a calming effect.
  12. they probably haven't seen so much pale skin exposed..next season the novelty will have worn off. Have you thought or growing a high hedge or row of pencil pines!
  13. i would get a friend o/seas to mail you some 30 and 90 deg. bends with IOs so you can access in event of a blockage, same applies for 3 or 4" drain Ts
  14. IMO all your grey water should be going to a street drain or a separate drainage well..the septic should be entirely separate. Good luck with it.
  15. does this mean you will request all your posters to use understandable English in their content?
  16. if supplying a printed copy you should put a diagonal line through it and sign date it in the corner. Thais do this on their ID card copies, quite legal. (With an image on your phone you could put a coloured fine line the same via Editing tool).
  17. well, he's sought assistance of TP first to find her, i dare say he doesn't want to enflame matters by making a stealing complaint against her..maybe that will come later..up to him as they say in the classics.
  18. you're right
  19. (thanks Neeranam for cutting and pasting my comment to another poster and changing the whole thrust of my reply..you should learn to stop that)
  20. Israel is a recognised state and Hamas is the militant wing of Palestine
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