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Everything posted by tandor

  1. at least revert to the short-lived 45 day Visa. (A 90 Day Visa would be more appropriate)..IMO
  2. too much red cordial
  3. Thais eat a wide range of fruits all year round, and if not incorporated in their main dish it is always offered as a dessert. Mr. Google says this: The incidence rate of colorectal cancer in Thailand is low when compared with other countries. It is the third in frequency in males after liver and bile duct and lung cancers, and the fifth after cancers of the cervix, breast, liver and bile duct and lung for females.
  4. best ask a convicted person or a Criminal Lawyer
  5. i think you mean 'the age of consent is 15 years old', it is also an offence to have sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 18 years. This is the law in The Kingdom of Thailand, and must be respected and obeyed without comments such as yours. If you don't like it, you can seek an audience with Their Majesties and tell them, OR....
  6. Dengue Fever is no laughing matter and yes it will leave you confused
  7. you said "the dengue that's comparatively rare" What do you mean! Mr. Google says this, and i would agree 100%.............As of November 2023, the accumulated number of people infected with dengue in Thailand amounted to approximately 123.1 thousand people.
  8. Regardless of the Police involvement and assurances from the driver at fault, i would still be making a claim against the vehicle owner's 3rd Party Vehicle Insurance (Parabole). Seeing as you are a 'scooter' rider (and no information forthcoming from you about this), and probably not the registered owner and highly unlikely not insured; i would advise you to contact them and lodge a claim, and from memory they will pay up to 30,000 THB. Of course you or the guilty part cannot 'double-dip'. Just saying.
  9. Incorrect..if the OP is in the right, he should stick to his story and pursue it. You've been listening to the wrong Police and falling into the old trap.
  10. I'm gutted guttered.
  11. "rare mosquito bite"....incorrect - Dengue Fever is a very common disease, and on the increase
  12. had to ask mummy what to do next
  13. Round 2 should see some real action
  14. shoo!..shoo!..you pesky little insect.
  15. i give to the poor and needy on a regular basis, ie food, money, clothes, medical aid; but i would never extract them from the lifestyle they choose..so think again before you sling off at folk.
  16. ..she is obviously managing and chooses this lifestyle...just slip the old lady some money/food and keep walking
  17. Lambing rings are the go!
  18. Tinnies Pies does a roast lamb
  19. he wouldn't know how to operate such a complicated device.
  20. it was he who suggested them other dudes put large diagonal blue crosses on their stuff...555
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