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Everything posted by tandor

  1. your GP should request both..FastingBloodGlucose and an HbA1C profile if you are classed as a Diabetic I or II. (Insulin dependent or not)..there are many factors to consider first. If not you should do a Glucose Challenge & Tolerance Test to establish your ability to handle glucose, then go from there after you have been on medication for three months.
  2. excellent work RTP Officer.
  3. best wait for the Psychiatric Report findings which you won't get to read. RIP
  4. i just trimmed 3cm of the original foam off and glued on a strip of soft sponge..fixed the issue.
  5. the new Honda Click 160, is 157cc
  6. unbelievable difference believe me.
  7. excellent clean-up rate too...what are the odds he was just gleaning information
  8. Dr. Siri Chiawchanwit 5th Floor, Sriphat Hospital, Suthep Rd, Chiangmai 053 357085, 086 7307248
  9. an Ingrown Toenail is a very painful and private matter not to be shared with the general riff-raff.
  10. to be fair he's probably the most suitable one to take on that portfolio as he's demonstrated his albeit limited knowledge of botany, sowing, harvesting and processing of valuable, potent, life destroying by-products.
  11. Low Life living the High Life
  12. i counted 67...maybe not exact. RIP Police officer doing a difficult and dangerous job.
  13. tandor


    there was a YouTube vid a few years ago where a Rice cooker was used..worth looking! https://www.google.com/search?q=making+bread+in+a+rice+cooker+or+air+fryer&rlz=1C1AVFC_enTH1020TH1020&oq=making+bread+in+a+rice+cooker+or+air+fryer&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.15493j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:fd356a2a,vid:MNeSveafioE,st:0 Air Fryer: Plenty of Vids too.
  14. flip it over..might catch a few litres
  15. that Bimmer is one of four with onboard facial recognition scanners.. you can run but you can't hide.
  16. not proper to expose the source
  17. practice smiling as it is a known fact the position of the facial muscles and nerves stimulate the release of Seratonin/Dopamine...that's a start. (particularly wearing a mask).
  18. I discovered Tinnies Pies.
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