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Everything posted by tandor

  1. ...cause this is where his daughter is studying. RIP
  2. ..it's to do with her music teacher father..obviously got to hear his daughter was studying abroad so tried to extort him. RIP
  3. how about a free VPN..where can i get one of those please?
  4. ROFL...be caeful you will get your three piece morning suit creased and dirty
  5. agreed...sorry to shock your senses with a dose of the real world OP
  6. Im pretty sure the tourist would have known the law here.
  7. ..and what will that do...create more mayhem! New officers need to be brought up to speed faster
  8. he must be getting low on all the old stock by now..time for his underwater drones
  9. What a rediculous reply. People can choose whatever they want to do. Bad air quality, excessive levels of PM25 and increase in numbers of Influenza A and B, plus the emergence of H5N1 expound the justification. Try to keep up friend.
  10. double banger...nice to see you're back mate
  11. that was what i was referring to without going into all that detail.
  12. not trying to be smart..i always check the stamp the in their presence..quite often they put the wrong date and squeeze the arrival stamp in on a previous page..worth checking!
  13. IMHO. if same address for your annual extension let it ride. If you travel into another province let the Thai friend check-in. Keep your original TM.30 in your Passport. Thai Immigration can track you at any rate.
  14. ...you would think by now the metered taxis would have gotten their act together
  15. ..when your own little pea-shooter is a sub 3" of course you're gonna have big guns to wave around
  16. i don't agree at all. No Government officer should accept any gratuity. They are all paid a good wage and all their services have listed fees which are available for the public to view.
  17. Hi AseanNow...are you able to reduce the size and amount of your Advertising and Popups. I find it is now choking up the Forum pages. I have a good server and Internet Speed but am continually waiting for your Ads to load over the top of the forum content which seems to get pushed all over he place now. I have 'X' and "SkipAds" all the time now. Can you do anything about it please? I bet you i am not alone. Thankyou.
  18. What a rediculous thing to say. If you feel so strongly why not take a gift basket to the Immigration Office and present it to them openly.
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