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Posts posted by wildewillie89

  1. Just now, jak2002003 said:

    OH my goodness.... are you actually defending the dogs and blaming the child?!


    It should be safe enough to let a child play out on the street in a quiet gated moo baan with no through traffic.  Sorry, but children can not be adult supervised 100 percent of the time 24 / 7.  


    Dogs would just as likely bit the child even if an adult was there.  You can see there are adult about anyway.. who quickly come to the rescue.  


    I have a dog myself.. I was walking her down the road when 3 dogs surrounded up and attacked her.. I was lucky to be able to get the dogs off my dog when some people came to help.  And YES these were STREET DOGS and did not have owners.  


    Of course a street dog is going to be territorial... that is a dogs nature.  It will defend its area.. so a part of  a street, outside a shop, or a place where it rests or gets food.    It will also attack other strange dogs / new dogs that venture into its territory.  In fact street dogs would be more dangerous.. as they form packs and will attack on mass.  An owned dog is usually a single dog or a couple... not 10 plus animals.  



    Did I blame the child? Don't get overly dramatic. I think it was pretty clear that the point was there are reasons why dogs attack children more than adults. For example, past bad experiences with other children that are taken out on new children. And if adults aren't there to prevent it from happening then really there are bigger problems going on. 

    It is exactly the same everywhere in the world. Supervise ALL young children around ALL dogs. There are numerous reasons why this should occur. It is meant to be safe back home as well, but it isn't and the point remains, closely supervise children around dogs. No through traffic? If the dogs weren't going to get the poor kid, the motorbike in the video and most likely the other vehicles would have. Supervision! 

    • Like 1
  2. 33 minutes ago, vogie said:

    Can't find the link to the american, but here's one just showing how ingratiating soi dogs can be. Please don't tell me that soi dogs are not a problem.


    Where is the supervision of the child? It is why experts back home tell us to firstly educate children how to interact with dogs (don't eye gauge, throw sand in face, stare, pull tails etc). and equally as important, supervise your children around ALL dogs at ALL times (regardless if soi or well trained). Aren't the majority of dog attacks in the West on children also for these very reasons. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

    However feeding the dogs is only half the problem....their main food supply is garbage. So one has to totally reform the methods for waste disposal too.

    Problematic as the government is trying to push municipalities to have no bins. Which will no doubt result in people leaving garbage bags on the streets twice a week, and littering at all other times. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, meatboy said:

    the reason why his spleen has to be removed is another case of vetinary incompetence.2months it had grown so after a ultra sound there was no danger,but it had been growing and our vet done f-all so the wife took him to kohn kaen vetinary hospital where they were very concerned that it was up against the wall of his stomach and in danger  of bursting.after our vet had kept saying we must keep him on doxy after 18 weeks the wife had decided enough was enough.although no parasites were found his RBC was still very low 2.6. his hemacrite was very low [19]after 10hrs.the doctors said he also needed a blood transfusion.so 3 bags of blood from cross matching were needed very quickly.2 samples have been taken today and hope they can match our boy.myself I was not happy about the medication he was being given another case of a vet keeping the gravy train going[money]

    I will you you posted as its ver hard for me to come to terms what could happen to him.


    No good. Yes, will need the transfusion before the surgery if at 19. 

  5. Did I read correctly about his spleen being removed?

    Why is that happening all of a sudden? He was pretty good last time we spoke. 

    Seeing as your boy is pretty susceptible to infections as it is, that susceptibility will increase without a spleen, not to mention longer recovery times from any future infections (although dogs live much better than humans without a spleen). 

    He was quite stable when we spoke last time, so if he still is I would get a few second opinions before taking out his spleen to make sure it is necessary. Just due to how often he gets infected here in Thai. I wouldn't worry back home, but Thai just adds some variables...as it is thought to increase susceptibility to Babesia, and possibly Rickettsia.

  6. 23 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    The relevance was quite simple: Just who the f*&^k are you to come on a topic like this and start telling people that they must have a problem with their own lives?

    Hang on, this is the person that has completely made up things about my life in an attempt at a lame, personal put down. Then when questioned on these things the response is 'it's not your show/it's not relevant'.  

    I see a new level of hypocrisy has been reached. 

    Relax, don't let me get to you so much. Go out and enjoy the sun :). 

    • Like 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

    Just asked a Chinese neighbor how the they solve the problem in China- eat them and if have no owner catch and sell, seems like a good solution.

    Big problems in China as many of their strays are Tibetan Mastiffs. The get rich quick by breeding them didn't work out so now thousands are running the streets causing trouble (attacking people, other animals and fighting other predators to eat livestock). Catching a 70kg defensively aggressive dog is no easy task. One case took 20 Chinese police officers just to catch 2 dogs. 

  8. Didn't they just clear a village of animals? A lot of people weren't too happy about it - although the officials said the villagers agreed (but did face imprisonment/fines if they didn't). I know I wouldn't be too happy if my vaccinated/fenced dogs were killed purely due to where they lived. The reason given for the slaughter was that quarantining the dogs for 6 months would be impossible due to a % of people not having fencing, so wiping out all 130 dogs/cats in the village was the only option.

    I think the science has got to a point now where even if the animals are overdue for a rabies shot, an immediate booster shot and then 45 days of quarantine is sufficient (rather than the previous time of 6 months). 

    We must remember that if the argument is to kill off the soi dogs then that really means killing off every dog in the country (including responsibly owned dogs). The government doesn't have the time or budget to spend days investigating which dog belongs to who, so the above (wiping out all dogs regardless) will occur. 

    Maybe a better option in areas where rabies has been found would be to have the government administered a booster shot and then quarantine the animals for 45 days (instead of 6 months). If people cant commit to this due to no fencing, then destroy those particular dogs. A positive side effect will probably be less breeding also as at least there is a chance with fencing up during seasons. The non-owned dogs the officials in higher risk rabies areas should have vaccinated, so maybe more accountability on them, and bigger budgets (rather than spending on killing) to extend to all corners of the country rather than select areas based on risk. 

    Our village is running their rabies program this April. I think 4 of our local staff have licensing to administer vaccines so will be interesting too see how much more effective the program is on previous years, which was just a vet volunteering his time for a couple afternoons. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why are you quoting me? I was responding to J L Crab.

    Seeing as you responded and in the past have been so big on relevance , I would have thought you understood the point so could have clarified it...but it was cleared up. No relevance to the thread in the end. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Neeranam said:


    Is she Thai Chinese?

    Good for you, you've managed to get one of the few educated Thais yet I live in a village!


    I know many Thais who use car seats for babies. I think you've been in the village too long. 


    I'm confused as to whether you've gone natives or not. Personally invited by the governor to be on TV?


    Which province is this?


    There was a discussion about car seats in the media a few months ago? Saying that bugger all people in the country use them? How did you miss it? Probably a safer bet to base my example off that than the handful of people you know. 

    She is not Thai Chinese. Does being educated only extend to being Thai Chinese? She was last working in the insurgency in the deep South (great place to visit) and also Malaysia most months, but moved back to the village to start our family. She didn't want to handball the kids to their grandmother, which I personally respect. As a result ended up with a much more boring job, but two great children. 

    The rest isn't going native, it is just doing things to either benefit the people around you or in other instances to benefit my family and I (networking). I think most people would help out the people around them if they had the chance and it didn't take too much effort (regardless where they are from/live). Maybe not. Maybe I have been away from city life too long and the village life is rubbing off on me. Not a bad thing if the worse of it is helping others. 

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Hmmm. That wouldn't work for me, given that one of my really big no nos ( learned at great personal cost ) is not to work for people I know. I don't think I kiss ass well enough to work for my wife's boss.

    Not even sure what the relevance of the post was. I don't work for my wife's father, does someone else in the thread? 

  12. 51 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Hey Wild Willie!!!

    I wrote you a pretty concillatory post and you dish this crap out in response??? Yikes!!! :w00t:


    Your grievances strike me as over-worked and a tad bit melodramatic. You make it sound like foreigners are surrounding your house with bullhorns demanding to know why you haven't yet learned Thai, or you can't take your dog for a walk without being harried by some foreigner demanding a pat on the head for his language skills. Nobody does that in real life and you know it.


    You, and the rest of the 'Thai's a Waste of Time' brigade are every bit as responsible for starting this bickering as anyone. You preach live and let live and then proceed to antagonize people with condescending putdowns, and comments like "Thais don't have anything important to say, so why bother learning the language," (which in case the irony is lost on anyone, a non-Thai speaker is hardly in the position to have an informed opinion about.)


    By the way, if your patience has worn so thin and you're so exasperated by all these language loving foreigners, why are you a fixture on this thread? I mean, it's not rocket science to anticipate that the subject of language skills might come up on a thread entitled "When farangs go native," now is it?

    I wasn't expecting you to take things so literally? Didn't even you say that Thai speakers are hungry for admiration because they aren't getting it from farang? I was agreeing with you lol. 

    Ignore the points...just like all Thai speakers ignored the cashier wai issue when asked to provide credible sources so very long ago in this thread. If the theme of the thread is not further exploring points then it is a bit of a boring discussion (maybe similar to many Thai discussions - lacks critical thinking). But you are right, it was half interesting when I had nothing to do at work, but not so much anymore so I will leave it. 

    If we are going with the I speak Thai so I am more credible than you stock answer then it is a pointless conversation. One only needs to look at the comprehension scores when comparing the country to the rest of the world to know how in depth the vast majority of conversations will be. One only needs to look at criticisms of the referendum questions. Didn't this Prawit watch scandal even get brought up by a Thai overseas who said his country lacks critical thinking. My baby doctor even warned me about it. But lets ignore them, lets ignore our educated Thai friends and stick with what the farang who so desperately seeks admiration says about how in depth conversations are. There is fluent and then there is fluent, which is why many bachelor educated Thai people cant even pass the Thai component of the government test. 

    Again, well done on speaking Thai. It is a great skill you have acquired. It is a shame you cannot respect other people's decisions enough not to bring up some irrelevant family rubbish to try and back up your original point by hiding under a banner of 'I care'. If your ideas only extend this far then, yes, yikes. 

    • Like 1
  13. I don't think people are threatened by someone speaking Thai. I, personally, have congratulated Thai speakers (even in this thread) many times. Just like I will admire anyone who has some sort of skill (whether that be language, academia, sport, whatever). I think most people (who are not incredibly unhappy) probably do that. 

    I think it is problematic when people actively seek admiration for their skill from a complete stranger. After a few times of this happening that stranger probably groups all the people with the same skill together. If the topic of language comes up then that is when the admiration should be given, not stopping people in the street asking for them to pat your back because you speak Thai. I liken it to the reputation vegans have got now. A quality/skill that should be looked favourably upon has been tarnished by those who hold it due to how important they now think they are.  


    It is great some people can speak a second language, however, just don't try to tell us that you can for no other reason than to feel special about yourself, or to put those who cannot down, or to try and dictate how others should live their lives, or my personal favourite, that your opinion is somehow more credible because you spoke to your uneducated neighbour.

    I think for people to be unnecessarily putting down complete strangers on the family structure they have set up suggests insecurities somewhere. Maybe they haven't been welcomed into the country like they thought they would so language is what they fall back on to get the upper hand. Just focus on your own lives, we are adults now, we don't need to compare our lives to others to feel good like we used to back in high school.

    • Like 1
  14. On 2/10/2018 at 6:41 PM, smotherb said:

    Yeah, if you have a contractor who you can trust, or you are your own foreman and you know what to do, where to source the materials and decent workers, and know all the paperwork required to be a long term renter, a renter responsible for all taxes, insurance, repairs and all other expenses; that is really all you are after all. But, how long does it take, how many hoops do you have to jump through to get it done and then how often is it a pile of crap? I've seen houses where it seems no one had any idea of the rise and run of stairways, where they build garages suited for stretch tuk-tuks, but are far too narrow for a normal car to open the doors inside, roofs that leak and ceilings which don't meet the walls. If you buy one already built you can at least see what you will get. Seems to me you are asking for a headache to have it built.


    However, I suggested buying from one of the distraught farangs already trying to sell their dream house/money pit.


    To each his own.

    That is the same with everything you do in life. If the project isn't well planned for and isn't watched over then obviously the chances of it screwing up are higher. That is no ones fault except the owners.

    I think you are looking at it from a whole and feeling intimidated, rather than completing it step by step. We had just finished renting and moved into the in-laws as it was closer, the Mrs was pregnant, we had just bought a new puppy, I had just started a new job and she obviously works full time also ...with so much going on in our lives the whole process still wasn't all that difficult. For farang/Thai who don't work, then it would be incredibly easy. 

    If the Mrs was to buy a similar sized house in the same area it would have 2 million baht more. Yes, if someone lives overseas at the time, or their Mrs isn't capable of completing basic tasks then buying an already built house would be a better option. But if someone is living here, then the possibility of building a bigger house with better materials for a cheaper price, I think, is something worth pursuing. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, smotherb said:

    So, farangs want to build houses because their wives want a new house? Well, that sounds like another poor decision to me, but I have heard the same. Why is it these lovestruck farangs obey? Oh, that's right, that wet spot again. As I said, I have seen lots farang-built houses for sale. Most ask a price they will never get, but probably a price close to what it cost them to build.

    You can build it heaps cheaper than buy. The Mrs went to look at some houses with a few of her engineers that were being built in estates in the heart of our city. For the price she paid for her house we would be getting a much smaller house built out of poorer materials, and also no land (living on top of the neighbours). I would rather drive the 3km for the extra land, space and stronger house. 

    The Mrs house is posted earlier in the thread. Cost 1.5 million, would sell for a lot more than that being close to our rural city. Before being built they had an offer of 1.1 million just for the land. 

  16. You always claim relevance and are now bringing up something that is not relevant. Then you will tell me 'it is not my show' like you always do. Don't ask people questions that you want answered and then get annoyed when they have answers you don't like. I am not going to bother getting into a useless conversation with you as your life is so mundane. Enjoy.

    • Thanks 1
  17. On 2/6/2018 at 9:39 AM, colinneil said:

    Your comments disgust me

    A tad drama queen don't you think? You even criticise police when they do feel good things in their own free time for the poor, criticise to the point where you still refuse to believe things even when government policies or official investigations from overseas are written in front of you. Move on. 

    KK Hospital I have no doubt has had stories about cleanliness. Just like most government hospitals in Thailand. The building I was admitted was new so very clean just like back home. The rest of the hospital was filthy. What it has going for it are good specialists. 

  18. Just now, JLCrab said:

    Yes I maybe wan't interested in the wai thing but you have noted about a half dozen times that your Mrs. will be getting a 45K per month pension when she retires. I wonder why it always has to be about your Mrs. with you as living vicariously through someone else's life and accomplishments may be an indication of borderline personality disorder (BPD).

    Which has always been relevant to the thread. Other people have found it incredibly useful or asked for further information. It is only the likes of you who have issues with it.

  19. Everyone lives a different life. 

    If someone doesn't speak the language to an exceptional level and the conversation is about what it takes to get to that level then you must obviously point to where yo got your information. Seeing as that conversation is had with a few different people then obviously you must do that a few different times. Not to mention more formal based evidence, such as the countries comprehension results etc are usually not accepted by 'fluent' speakers and are amazingly replied with Thai people in general have greater vocabularies than farang.

    Why do you feel the need to tell us that you do it for fun many times? Or the renting matter on the other thread that was completely irrelevant to the other topic, you just kept on repeating yourself as no one cared less what you were saying until they got annoyed and took a swipe. If you cannot comprehend, if you cannot validate a point, or if it is so boring/irrelevant no one cares to respond don't repeat it. If you are repeating to reinforce a point due to a lack of comprehension or to another then fair game I think. I also repeated the point about the cashier/wai scenario, more than 3 times, interestingly didn't pick me up on that one. I wonder why it always has to be about my Mrs with you lol

  20. On 2/5/2018 at 3:02 PM, JLCrab said:

    Just in case you missed it before, this is the third mention this topic the wife scored high on her Thai national English exam. What this has to do with whether or not a farang should learn Thai in Thailand I'm not sure.

    I think you mean Thai national THAI exam. Clearly I haven't said it enough times if you haven't been able to distinguish between English and Thai.

    To understand the difficulties in learning a satisfying level of THAI (not English), one must actually need to know what that would involve. There was a big discussion on it a few pages back. I know talking about incredibly mundane things in Thai is satisfying for you and that's great as it is an interest of yours, but to many others...not so much. Not to mention judging from this thread, even I am 'fluent' in Thai so some realism really needs to be brought back into it. I would have thought these things were quite obvious, but seeing as you couldn't comprehend the topic sentence then I see why you got confused.

    I thought you were known on this forum for being a stuck record ...maybe I learnt it off you. 

  21. 15 minutes ago, MrPatrickThai said:

    Dude, you live in a village, surrounded by Thais. You don't need to go to university, or quit your job to learn a language. 

    Again, re read the thread. The conversation of how much time needs to be put into learning a language to a satisfying enough level for many has already been discussed. 

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