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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I suggest you read my post again because you've gone and ignored the facts of where the money went.
  2. You obviously don't know. The money was from Qatar so they are the source, here is a statement just 3 days ago from them: Today in Washington, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability @GOPoversight issued a press release that inaccurately claims Qatar has paid Hamas “$30 million per month since 2018.” Qatar does not pay Hamas. In full coordination with the Government of Israel, Qatar has contributed humanitarian assistance in Gaza since 2018. This assistance takes two forms: 1. Since 2018, Qatar funded fuel purchases from Israel to supply a Gaza power station to generate electricity in Gaza, under the supervision of the United Nations Office of Project Services. The Israeli Government controlled all fuel transfers at the Gaza border. 2. Since August 2021, Qatar funded a project administered by the World Food Programme to provide $100 per month to the poorest families in Gaza. The Israeli Government maintained oversight over the list of recipients. Notably, Qatar did not administer the distribution of this assistance, which was the responsibility of the United Nations and the World Food Programme, under the supervision of the State of Israel. Israel encouraged and strongly supported Qatar’s contributions. In August 2021, Israeli Defence Minister Gantz was quoted by AP on this topic: “I have been in contact with Qatari officials to establish a mechanism that ensures the money reaches those in need, while maintaining Israel’s security needs.” In a March 22, 2024 article, The Times of Israel documented the Israeli Government’s sustained support and appreciation for Qatar’s humanitarian financial assistance for Gaza. https://timesofisrael.com/documents-show-israel-sought-valued-qatari-aid-for-gaza-in-years-leading-to-oct-7/ The United States also supported Qatar’s humanitarian contributions. In 2018, President Trump’s Special Envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt, endorsed the Israel-Qatar agreement to channel aid to Gaza. He said, “Qatar partnering with Israel can bring real relief to the people of Gaza.” Qatar’s humanitarian and mediation roles in Gaza are not new, and they go hand-in-hand to protect the civilian population. Qatar mediated previous ceasefires in Gaza, including in 2021 after a bloody eruption of violence. Since October 7, Qatar – along with the United States, Egypt, Israel and others -- has been actively engaged in mediation to secure release of the hostages and a durable ceasefire agreement in Gaza. There has been some progress, with over 100 hostages released to date. There is more work to be done, and urgently. Misinformation about Qatar and its humanitarian contributions is unhelpful to these delicate negotiations.
  3. Dated 8th oct when it was discussed in full on these topics.
  4. About time, another group of terrorists (Popular Resistance Committees) involved in Oct 7th Massacre to get sanctioned and put forward as being officially delegated as a terrorist organization. Scoop: Congress eyes sanctions on "under the radar" Gaza militant group The 11-page bill labels the PRC the "third-largest terror group in the Gaza strip," after Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. It imposes sanctions on the PRC and those connected to the group by blocking them from doing business or owning property in the U.S. or possessing a U.S. entry visa. The measure also requires the State Department to issue a report on whether to designate the PRC and the West Bank-based Lion's Den militant group as terrorist organizations. https://www.axios.com/2024/04/09/gaza-militant-group-congress-eyes-sanctions
  5. B.S. reference the ICJ, UN Security Council. UN, nearly every developed country. Hostages to be released immidiatly no pre conconditions. Here is the reality you ignore and instead make excuses
  6. Tell that to an 8 month old baby hostage. Or one of the female raped hostages. Actually tell that to any of them. You are an apologist. There is only one side to take when hostages are involved.
  7. What's needed is to appreciate the words of the innocent hostages and get back on topic that, is to be applauded, rather than make lame and vile attempts to justify civilian's and terrorists having taken them in the first place.
  8. Yes I read it, so you are finally back on topic rather than making excuses for Hamas war crimes against the hostages "In the tunnels, the hostages received no information about the outside world, she says. They had no idea of the scale of the October 7 massacre, nor Israel's military response against Hamas which to this day has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians. She was not aware that 75 residents from her kibbutz were taken hostages, and that 38 of them were kill,"
  9. Hamas deserves no mercy for their crimes against women. All Israeli female hostages being raped, sexually abused, says ex-captive: ‘No one to save you’ All the female Israeli hostages are being raped or sexually abused, a former Hamas captive revealed Tuesday — as she begged Israel’s Knesset not to go on its planned extended recess, given the crisis. Ex-hostage Mia Regev revealed the devastating news during an emergency debate before the Israeli parliament’s Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality. https://nypost.com/2024/04/02/world-news/all-israeli-female-hostages-being-raped-sexually-abused-says-ex-captive-no-one-to-save-you/
  10. Fact based responses based on propaganda? No fact based responses, nice try, when you have something on topic let me know
  11. This ridicule of other members who have an opinion, doesnt work very well for you, does it? My fact based responses work well enough for me thanks, now back to the topic
  12. I've already responded to that post........read it again Carry on with your shameful defense of the OP 'Those who barricaded themselves in the mamads died, because the terrorists shot through the doors and set them on fire,' the told Le Point. She says she was covered in a sheet and driven in a golf cart to the border between Israel and Gaza before being transferred to a car, which took her to Khan Younes - southern Gaza's largest city from which the IDF withdrew its troops this weekend. Margalit says she noticed that those who had kidnapped her were jubilant as she was driven to Gaza and there were cheers in Khan Younes from crowds there, she recalls. 'I saw elderly people, children taken hostage,' Margalit tells the magazine. 'The terrorists who captured me were civilians. They negotiated with Hamas to sell me. When they were paid, I was taken straight into a tunnel.'
  13. There is never justification for taking innocent hostages no matter what history there is with Israel. Hostages that included women. Children and babies. Hostages have been raped, abused. The only one needing to get over themselves is you and your lame apologist deflection.
  14. Will Hamas war criminals who started this war ever see a court room?
  15. This is not about you though, its a topic about the hostage. You would rather victim blame Israel we know that already Israeli nurse abducted on October 7 kidnapped by Palestinian CIVILIANS then sold to Hamas
  16. What's that got to do with the topic of this hostage who was taken on the 7th Oct, informing the world that she was taken by civilians from Gaza and then sold to Hamas?
  17. Article out on that now. Terror groups use ‘all hospitals’ in Gaza for operations, PIJ spokesperson admits A spokesman for the political wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in Gaza, admitted during an IDF interrogation that the terror group uses “all hospitals in the Gaza strip” for its operations and that it tried to hide the fact that one of its rockets struck Al-Ahli Arab Hospital at the beginning of the war. In footage released by the IDF on Monday, Tarek Abu Shaluf states that the explosion at Al-Ahli hospital on 17 October was caused by “a local rocket”, but that “we said it was Israeli”. “To erase this story, the movement [Islamic Jihad] made some moves, it made up a story that the rocket belonged to the occupation [Israel] and that the target was the [hospital] building,” Abu Shaluf says on camera. https://www.thejc.com/news/israel/terror-groups-use-all-hospitals-in-gaza-for-operations-pij-spokesperson-admits-whrgcjrr
  18. Israel's been ready for months, ever since Hamas broke the last ceasefire deal. Oh and the terrorists have still not come up with a list of all the hostages names that are still alive and the bodies of those dead they are holding. But Hamas health authority can still come up with daily death and causality figures. yea right Israel ready for truce deal, Hamas needs to be pushed, US adviser says US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan says he believes Israel is prepared to agree to a ceasefire deal with Hamas. Sullivan is asked during a White House press briefing what Biden’s failure to secure a hostage deal before the end of Ramadan this week, after he sought to broker a deal before the holy month started, says about his ability to bring peace around the world. “It says more about the fact that you have a party, Hamas, [that] is holding innocent people that it took hostage six months ago,” Sullivan responds. “It doesn’t get a lot of attention in the commentary.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-ready-for-truce-deal-hamas-needs-to-be-pushed-us-adviser-says/
  19. 8,000 complaints to police now. Scotlands new Hate Speech Law: “There are Hamas supporters taking to the streets in Scotland. They can say whatever they want. But God forbid you misgender a trans person, you are going straight to jail.”
  20. You should check the latest poll on that: https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/HHP_Mar2024_KeyResults.pdf
  21. It has evidence. How can it have testimony when most victims when are dead? Besides you need to catch up on the hostages that have been released and revealed the sexual abuse they suffered in Gaza by Hamas. They were not interviewed by UN as released from Gaza after the report.
  22. Why did you miss out the most important part of this statement? "the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas." When are you going to call for the immediate release of all hostages with no pre conditions?
  23. Why did you deliberately miss out the innocent foreigners that were slaughtered? Why do you miss out the IDF that were slaughtered?
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