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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. This is the initial report, don't worry, when they've released the full report you can rant even more. Hold tight Danny, we know you hate the one percenters
  2. Not really, that's why I pointed it out as such..............
  3. Misleading data on deaths and potential famine is all used with dishonest rhetoric against Israel instead of Hamas The Data Show Israel Is Not Causing a Gazan Famine Despite the war, three-quarters of greenhouse acres were still available as of Feb. 15, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report, which has the latest available data. . COGAT data show that 290,000 tons of food and beverages have been delivered to Gaza since October — recently as many as 200 truckloads a day. Full distribution of these supplies would deliver about 1.82 pounds of food daily for each of the 2 million people in Gaza. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2024/04/05/the_data_show_israel_is_not_causing_a_gazan_famine_150751.html
  4. Yawn. Now do some basic research. Try the UN investigation first followed by survivors testimony.
  5. But the 32k are not all verified from hospitals. Read my post again
  6. In the full OP article it mentions that video captured a gunman firing who was on top of one of the food trucks. Summary bullet points. WCK INCIDENT INVESTIGATION: Major General (res.) Yoav Har-Evan led an independent investigation into the killing of seven World Central Kitchen workers in Gaza, with findings presented to IDF Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi. 1.The tragic incident occurred on April 1, 2024, during a World Central Kitchen humanitarian aid operation in Gaza. 2.Gunmen were identified among the humanitarian convoy, leading to misidentification of the vehicles as belonging to Hamas terrorists. 3.Three World Central Kitchen vehicles were mistakenly struck after separation from the food convoy. 4.The investigation concluded that the attack resulting in the death of seven aid workers was a grave mistake due to incorrect identification, decision-making errors, and non-compliance with SOPs. 5.Disciplinary measures were ordered, including dismissals and reprimands for commanders involved. 6.The IDF expressed deep sorrow and extended condolences to victims’ families and World Central Kitchen, emphasizing the importance of safeguarding humanitarian missions. 7.The incident highlights IDF’s commitment to avoiding civilian harm, adhering to laws of war, and combating Hxmas while respecting IDF values. 8.Lessons learned will be integrated into IDF operations to prevent similar mistakes. 9.The IDF remains committed to coordinating and assisting international aid organizations for their safety and humanitarian activities. Translated from original source
  7. But then you didn't watch the videos of the incident or the gunman as you weren't in the briefing.
  8. No I missed nothing and apparently they did not want much publicity at the rally why else try to tell TV crew to go? Speaking to police officers about photographers on the scene, the deputy chief steward of the "Quds Day" hate march underway in London hisses "we don't want them!". These racist thugs think they own London. They should be firmly disabused of that notion.
  9. There are dozens of articles on this rally in mainstream media in the UK can you find one with an argument on the side of Islamic Human Rights Commission?
  10. Hamas—and only Hamas—is to blame for the lives lost in Gaza.
  11. Says you hiding behind the ignore button when it pleases you.
  12. Ah yes Al Quds Day march inspired by the government of Iran, with all the extremism and antisemitism that entails. From the OP "Politicians from both sides of the house said that Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley should crack down on the “Iran-inspired” event, scheduled for next Friday. In previous years, it has seen demands for Israel’s destruction and open support for terror groups supported by the Islamic Republic. Lord Walney, the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption, said that allowing the “notorious anti-Israel jamboree” to go ahead would risk “serious disorder and antisemitic hatred” after October 7." Or perhaps one of the speakers from last year "Church of England vicar Stephen Sizer, who has previously admitted sharing a post online that suggested Israel was behind 9/11" Perhaps journalists in the article felt the above was enough for most people without the need to contact directly the Islamic Human Rights Commission a group that Jeremy Corbyn claimed “represents all that’s best in Islam” is permeated “at every level” by “extremism, support for overseas terror groups and extreme anti-Semitism” and should be probed by counter-terror police, according to a think tank report. Just a thought.
  13. This topic is not about me or Mark Regev. You really don't have much aside from personal slurs
  14. Or you could read the report in full in the new topic, how far behind are you? Israel-Gaza: Inside IDF's detailed briefing on aid convoy attack https://aseannow.com/topic/1324273-israel-gaza-inside-idfs-detailed-briefing-on-aid-convoy-attack ,
  15. A fact some posters on here forget. “This basic fact remains true: There would be a ceasefire in Gaza today had Hamas simply agreed to release this vulnerable category of hostages – the sick, wounded, elderly, and young women,” the official continues. “Holding these innocent people is outrageous and a reminder as to how this war started in the first place. The onus is on Hamas to release the hostages and bring relief to the people of Gaza through a prolonged ceasefire.” Biden urges Egypt, Qatar leaders to press Hamas to agree to hostage deal — official US President Joe Biden wrote to the leaders of Egypt and Qatar, calling on them to press Hamas to agree to a hostage deal with Israel, a senior administration official tells The Times of Israel. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private letters, says Biden’s national security adviser will meet Monday with family members of some of the estimated 100 hostages who are believed to still be in Gaza. The letters to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and Qatar’s ruling emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, come as Biden has deployed CIA Director Bill Burns to Cairo for talks this weekend about the hostage crisis. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-april-05-2024/
  16. Hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters march through London for Al Quds Day - as Israel supporters stage a counter rally outside of Parliament The Metropolitan Police said it made ten arrests during the protests on Friday, with one man arrested on suspicion of inciting racial hatred after an Israeli flag was burned near the stage in Richmond Terrace. Another man was also arrested after he was heard making a homophobic remark, while another man was arrested for assaulting an emergency worker. The annual Al Quds Day rally - organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in support of Palestine - has been criticised in the past after participants flew flags of the Lebanese militant Hezbollah group and brandished signs with allegedly antisemitic messages. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13277047/pro-Palestine-protesters-march-London-Al-Quds-Day-Israel-supporters-counter-rally.html
  17. That has its own topic. Also from Guterras today. I renew my call for the unconditional release of all hostages still held by Hamas & other groups. I have met with many of the family members of those being held captive & even former hostages themselves. I carry their anguish, uncertainty & deep pain with me every day. https://twitter.com/antonioguterres/status/1776246215794942159 Surely you would like to see all the hostages released unconditionally right?
  18. One and the same journalist yes I know............. He is reporting on an event that others have also reported and we have also read, he knows nothing more than anyone else.
  19. "the Jewish Chronicle". Yes and? What is wrong with that? Would you prefer a link from the Met? Met sets out policing plan for Al Quds Day march and counter protest
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