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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Got it, if it doesn't sit right with your narrative question the report, even with the fact that Russia has already had to recruit from Syria and other countries
  2. Did you know 2 years ago that Putin would be down to recruiting soldiers from Ghana to carry on his illegal invasion?
  3. They hit the jackpot at Shifa Hospital again. 90 dead terrorists so far. Worrying how quickly the terrorists re occupied it after the previous raid but hospitals are a favourite refuge for the cowards to set up base and command centers. IDF says it has killed some 90 terrorists so far in Shifa hospital raid The IDF says troops have so far killed more than 90 Hamas gunmen during its ongoing raid at Gaza City’s Shifa Hospital. The operation, which began early Monday morning, is being carried out by the Navy’s Shayetet 13 commando unit, the 401st Armored Brigade, and other forces. “Over the past day, the troops have eliminated terrorists and located weapons in the hospital area, while preventing harm to civilians, patients, medical teams, and medical equipment,” the military says in a statement. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-it-has-killed-some-90-terrorists-so-far-in-shifa-hospital-raid/
  4. Nope, you can stamp you feet up and down as much as you want, that still does not make him what you'd prefer him to be 😔
  5. The article she referred to was quoting John Spencer who is not an actor, an economist or even a politician but a real life urban warfare expert who knows far more than those and us. Here's some of his professional opinions on the war against Hamas. Hospitals Are Protected Under International Law. But They Cannot be 'Off Limits' | Opinion That is also why international law specifically requires that hospitals not be used to shield military objectives from attack, for example, if a hospital is used for "interference, direct or indirect, in military operations, such as the use of a hospital as a shelter for able-bodied combatants or fugitives, as an arms or ammunition store, as a military observation post, or as a center for liaison with combat forces," per the U.S. Department of Defense law of war manual. Such uses can lead to a hospital losing its protected status. Because of all the special protections surrounding hospitals, they have alarmingly and increasingly been used for military purposes by combatants such as Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and especially Hamas, who historically do not follow the laws of war and intentionally shield themselves behind protected objects and groups. https://www.newsweek.com/hospitals-are-protected-under-international-law-they-cannot-off-limits-opinion-1871757 I Have Delivered Aid in War Zones. They Were the Missions We Feared Most | Opinion Soldiers always have the right of self-defense. That must never be taken from them. In urban areas, especially those still active war zones, the threats are everywhere. In the case of Gaza where heavy fighting continues, threats can be snipers, rocket propelled grenades. We know Hamas dressed in civilian clothes have been walking up to armored vehicles to place magnet bombs and fire into the crowd during aid distribution. Much of combat is about seeking control, and one of the reasons delivering aid in a combat zone is so hectic is because of how control can be lost in a millisecond. https://www.newsweek.com/i-have-delivered-aid-war-zones-they-were-missions-we-feared-most-opinion-1876536 Israel Implemented More Measures to Prevent Civilian Casualties Than Any Other Nation in History | Opinion No military fighting an entrenched enemy in dense urban terrain in an area barely twice the size of Washington D.C. can avoid all civilian casualties. Reports of over 25,000 Palestinians killed, be they civilians or Hamas, have made headlines. But Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war. In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. https://www.newsweek.com/israel-implemented-more-measures-prevent-civilian-casualties-any-other-nation-history-opinion-1865613 Memo to the 'Experts': Stop Comparing Israel's War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent | Opinion Yet while the use of historical analogy may be tempting for armchair pundits, in the case of Israel's current war, the comparisons are often poorly cited, the data used inaccurate, and crucial context left out. Given the scale and context of an enemy purposely entrenched in densely populated urban areas, as well as the presence of tunnels, hostages, rockets, attackers that follow the laws of war while defenders purposely do not, and proximity between the frontlines and the home front, there is basically no historical comparison for this war. Hamas' strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, because their goal is not to defeat Israel's military or to hold terrain; it is far more sinister and medieval—to use the death and suffering of Palestinian civilians to rally international support to their cause and demand that Israel halt their war. https://www.newsweek.com/memo-experts-stop-comparing-israels-war-gaza-anything-it-has-no-precedent-opinion-1868891
  6. 50 Hamas terrorists now killed in the Al-Shifa hospital raid. Al-Shifa hospital raid: IDF says over 50 terrorists killed in battle as targeted operation continues
  7. Back on topic to the daily developments in the war. a reminder of where the rats hide amongst the civilians, the most senior Hamas figure killed so far was lurking in his tunnel under a refugee camp. Human shields above him. US reports death of senior Hamas military leader Marwan Issa As deputy military commander, Mr Issa would be Hamas's most senior leader to die since the war began on 7 October. Israeli media sources have reported that Mr Issa was killed in a strike on a tunnel complex under the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza last week. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68578735#:~:text=US reports death of senior Hamas military leader Marwan Issa
  8. No she doesn't, Israel has a total population of over 9 million. A.J. obviously was referring to the Jewish population only.
  9. Nope, not wasting my time watching a 15 min video to come up with the same result
  10. One can only wonder why they were there when the IDF did a surprise attack and killed over 40 Hamas terrorists holed up in the hospital along with a high ranking Hamas leader. Watch a few get wiped out in the vid below. "WATCH: Inside the Al-Shifa Hospital raid where IDF arrested over 200 terrorists" https://twitter.com/i24NEWS_EN/status/1769793808781238547
  11. I guess the AJ report missed out all the Hamas terrorists they killed and captured. https://twitter.com/IDF/status/1769708756604993733
  12. "the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza" Nope, actually more food trucks have been entering than before the war. https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1768565827031216375
  13. Interesting for you but nothing to do with the link to the claim wanted by the poster I responded to. Similar to this one. Some 67% of Palestinians oppose the two-state solution https://www.euronews.com/2023/10/15/two-state-solution-losing-grounds-in-israel-and-palestine-even-before-terror-attacks-surve
  14. Most Palestinians and Israelis 'do not want a two-state solution', says former Jordanian foreign minister https://edition.cnn.com/videos/tv/2024/02/13/amanpour-marwan-muasher.cnn
  15. I think that "everybody else of note" wants BOTH a ceasefire and a release of the hostages. I think those "of note" assume that will be done simultaneously. Wrong, release of hostages with no preconditions is what everybody of note wants. Oh and your new lie on your claims of Israeli terrorist activities needs a credible link to it.
  16. Yes I know, I said Hamas does not want that. "Everybody else of note", fixed it for you, the UN head, the UN Security Council, ICJ and numerous other states. There is no "annihilation of virtually all Palestinians in Gaza" going on, that's just a lie.
  17. And some here have the audacity to claim this conflict started in 2023 The war did, 7th Oct actually.
  18. That depends if the terrorists or their infrastructure are lurking inside tanks can be very useful.
  19. That's what Hamas wants. Everybody else wants the hostages released first and Hamas degraded
  20. Another of the rats lairs destroyed, this one was a large terror tunnel connecting N & S Gaza. IDF says it destroyed part of one of the longest Hamas tunnel networks in north Gaza The IDF recently destroyed what it says is part of one of the longest Hamas tunnel networks in the northern Gaza Strip. Combat engineers of the 162nd Division, along with the elite Yahalom unit, demolished around 2.5 kilometers of the tunnel network, according to the IDF. The IDF says the tunnels connect between various Hamas battalions and brigades in northern and southern Gaza. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-says-it-destroyed-part-of-one-of-the-longest-hamas-tunnel-networks-in-north-gaza/
  21. Quite a large operation ongoing right now at Shifa hospital "IDF troops are currently conducting a precise operation in the area of Shifa hospital—based on intelligence information indicating the use of the hospital by senior Hamas terrorists to conduct and promote terrorist activity. Watch IDF Spokeperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari describe the importance of this operation, and the IDF’s efforts to minimize harm to noncombatants:"
  22. Reported death of Hamas leader Marwan Issa in IDF strike last week shows Israeli success in war 'This is a significant blow to Hamas if indeed Issa is out of the picture, but this won't dramatically change the reality on the ground,' says
  23. Correct and that's all I've got to say on it to you.
  24. Yes they were publishing polls for months even a few before Oct 7th. I'm surprised you've not come across all the links to them, but interesting for you to catch up agreed.
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