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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. No can you? Maybe try the about us page, plenty of names there
  2. Yes of course you do that's why you protest so much calling my posts flannel in one of waffle in another. That this was out of their jurisdiction first, then that Khan was not investigating in another.
  3. Yes that's why he went there on that occasion. As you know from other links he is also investigating and receiving more evidence from families as we speak. I know you'd rather this wasn't happening but it is.
  4. Waffle? to support the families in justice? Another that seems they'd rather not get this. This is not about Palestinian families. As in the links I provided that is a different case and in a different topic so if you want my views yet again on those go back there.
  5. STATEMENT OF SCHOLARS OF HOLOCAUST STUDIES AND OF GENOCIDE STUDIES AND PREVENTION: Declaring the Atrocities Committed by Hamas Against Israeli Civilians as Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes and Genocide Recognizing, that on October 7, 2023, in tandem with massive rocket attacks on dozens of Israeli cities and villages, more than 1,500 armed Hamas militants illegally broke through the southern Israeli border with Gaza. They committed genocidal massacres of more than 1,400 Israeli civilians, ambushing them on the streets of their villages, breaking into their houses, and butchering them in the most cruel and vicious ways. Families hiding in their houses were murdered, including men, women, children, babies, and the elderly. The attackers set civilians' houses on fire, burning the inhabitants alive. They mutilated and burned the bodies of murdered Israelis. They raped Israeli women; https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/holocaust-genocide-scholars-condemn-oct-7-hamas-massacre
  6. Not bad going for a few hours work. 1,200 innocent people. Just imagine if they had succeeded in their aims and had a few days there.
  7. Yes, I know but it has more enforcement than the ICJ in terms of international arrest warrants, you may have noticed that Hamas leaders tend not to be in Gaza & Israel is doing its best to apprehend those that are left there. Besides this, the objective of this is justice for the families and their right to have a case heard. Sounds like you'd prefer they wouldn't have this right? Why would that be?
  8. Why, that is not from the ICC, I gave you a direct link to the ICC and what the chief prosecutor Karim Khan is doing on this case and has indeed been investigating for the last 2 years. I am sure the multiple lawyers who have traveled to the Hague on Wednesday with all their evidence to hand over to Karim Khan will have been up to speed with the actual law regarding this. More from Khan and his investigations which also include against Israel. Khan said his probe “is being taken forward as a matter of the utmost urgency, with a view to bringing to justice those responsible” for crimes falling under the court’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute. He also called for “the immediate release of all hostages. This also represents an important focus of our investigations.” https://archive.ph/aRwcV https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/14/israel-palestinians-hostages-hamas-icc/c4afedec-cb22-11ee-aa8e-1e5794a4b2d6_story.html
  9. The act of genocide does not mean you have to wipe out everyone, it means you have the intent to.
  10. Plenty of evidence that you ignore that the IDF do exactly that which you claim they dont. The iDF, however, with their indiscriminate bombings in Gaza, has also shown they do not distinguish Memo to the 'Experts': Stop Comparing Israel's War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent | Opinion The truth is that Israel has painstakingly followed the laws of armed conflict and implemented many steps to prevent civilian casualties, despite enormous challenges. Israel's military faced over 30,000 Hamas militants in over 400 miles of defensive and offensive tunnels embedded in and under civilian areas, populations and protected sites such as hospitals, mosques, schools, and United Nations facilities across multiple cities. Hamas' strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, because their goal is not to defeat Israel's military or to hold terrain; it is far more sinister and medieval—to use the death and suffering of Palestinian civilians to rally international support to their cause and demand that Israel halt their war. https://www.newsweek.com/memo-experts-stop-comparing-israels-war-gaza-anything-it-has-no-precedent-opinion-1868891
  11. Check again: And one can't watch videos of innocent Israelis being hunted down on a Saturday morning at a party and not pause to think for a moment at the hatred and the cruelty that underpinned those attacks. These acts that we saw on the 7th of October are not acts that accord with our humanity. They are acts that are repugnant to any person that believes in God. They're the most un-Islamic acts and cannot be committed in the name of a religion whose very name is peace. As I stated five days after the attacks that took place on the 7th of October, we have jurisdiction over crimes committed by the nationals of state parties. And therefore that jurisdiction continues over any Rome Statute crimes committed by Palestinian nationals or the nationals of any state parties on Israeli territory, if that is proven. And whilst Israel is not a member of the ICC, I stand ready to work with state parties and non-state parties alike in pursuit of accountability. My primary and indeed my only objective must be to achieve justice for the victims and to uphold my own solemn declaration under the Rome Statute as an independent prosecutor, impartially looking at the evidence and vindicating the rights of victims whether they are in Israel or Palestine. https://www.icc-cpi.int/news/statement-icc-prosecutor-karim-khan-kc-cairo-situation-state-palestine-and-israel
  12. That's a ridiculous position to take, Oct 7th was a genocidal act whether it could finish the job or not. Their repeated statements that they will do it again and again are further proof.
  13. You fail to see intent in actions. Hamas has intend when it murders and carries out its atrocities. It is proud of those actions to the point that it broadcasts them worldwide. Israel is defending itself from Hamas the terrorists, it wants to wipe out Hamas not civilians. Hamas makes no such distinction and you know it.
  14. Another one who can't tell the difference between ICJ and ICC. You do realize that the Chief Prosecutor of ICC has already visited Israel in regards to this? Nov 30 (Reuters) - International Criminal Court (ICC) chief prosecutor Karim Khan is visiting Israel at the request of Israeli survivors and the families of victims of the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks from Gaza, the court said on Thursday. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/icc-prosecutor-visit-israel-request-oct-7-hamas-attack-victims-2023-11-30/
  15. Hamas are terrorists intend on genocidal acts on Israel, they will not stop until they are crushed. Taking hostages, murdering them, abusing and raping them should show you the animals that Israel is dealing with here. You talk of the hostages as bargaining chips. Back to your fiction book writing. This is reality.
  16. I take it you've got a problem reading the OP. They have taken the case to the ICC, not the ICJ. The ICC can issue arrest warrants for the leaders of Hamas. Yes, I'm sure sitting on the naughty step is all you'd wish for.
  17. Horrific While you are reading this, 134 hostages are being held captive in Gaza in horrific conditions. They are being starved. Emotionally and physically abused. Denied medical care. For 134 men, women, children and their families, time has stood still since October 7th. Every minute counts.
  18. I stopped before finishing your first sentence, 28,000 civilian deaths?
  19. Statement & video of the rat in his tunnel “Hamas leaders, wherever they are hiding, should know they are on borrowed time.” Watch the full statement by IDF Spokesperson RAdm. Daniel Hagari:
  20. Video snippet here on an interview with an expert and the realities of urban warfare. Full vid about 12 mins long here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erw8GSvr9Tw Maj. (Ret.) John Spencer (@SpencerGuard), Author of “Understanding Urban Warfare” speaks with i24NEWS about the IDF’s ground operation from an expert’s perspective
  21. Well that's the second typo you made and the second time you claimed it was correct. No this is not about points but it is about facts where numbers matter, they matter a lot the the families waiting at home.
  22. What? This started because you said there was only 34 remaining, make your mind up!
  23. It tells you in your own link. 101 alive and the bodies of 29 that are dead!! Those dead have been dead for a long time, they are still keeping the bodies and will not return them.
  24. Where is your source that there is only 34 remaining hostages first?
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