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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. What about all the rockets that misfire and land back in Gaza? Do you think Israel's Iron Dome has anything to do with them not causing too many casualties? Why do you feel the need to mention Israel's nuclear weapons?
  2. Netanyahu and his extremist, right wing government with convicted terrorists is still in power 'now' Yea off you go back down the tunnel. Hamas are the terrorist group not the IDF
  3. Hamas are still in power "now" and it's about solving the 2 state solution problem when they have been dismantled along with the P.A. and of course Israel
  4. Yea right, let's just brush aside and forget about 7th Oct.............. PA prime minister: We’re ready for unity with Hamas, world needs to forget October 7 Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh says the PA is still seeking unity with Hamas terror group and may hold talks with the group in Moscow on February 26. “Russia has invited all Palestinian factions who will be meeting on the 26 of this month in Moscow. We will see if Hamas is ready to come to the ground with us,” he says at the Munich Security Conference. “We are ready to engage. If Hamas is not then that’s a different story. We need Palestinian unity,” he says. He adds that Hamas needs to meet certain prerequisites. Asked about making common cause with a group that carried out atrocities on October 7, Shtayyeh indicates that the world needs to forget the massacre happened. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/pa-prime-minister-were-ready-for-unity-with-hamas-world-needs-to-forget-october-7/
  5. I avoided no point, this is about 2 state solutions (the topic) which are not possible with Hamas, that's what my initial post was about and remains as such.
  6. No comment on the Hamas terrorist's statement then? The population in prison camps?
  7. How can there be peace when Hamas are committed to the eradication of Israel? This is an official from Hamas committing to repeat the atrocities from 07/10 again and again. https://twitter.com/JamesCleverly/status/1719718109739688143
  8. The BBC is still headlining with the WHO statement, no mention of the evidence found already at Nasser. Medicine for hostages, weapons found at Nasser Hospital Boxes of medicine intended for Israeli hostages, a large number of weapons and a vehicle belonging to a kibbutz that was attacked by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 were found during on raid at Nasser Hospital in Gaza, according to the Israel Defense Forces. The IDF said its forces located "medicines specifically designated for the Israeli hostages in Gaza, large quantities of weapons and a vehicle belonging to Kibbutz Nir Oz" during its operations in the Nasser Hospital. The IDF said it also apprehended "hundreds of terrorists and other suspects who were hiding in the Nasser Hospital, some posing as medical staff." "Boxes of medicine were found with the names of Israeli hostages on them. The packages of medicine that were found were sealed and had not been transferred to the hostages," the IDF said. https://abcnews.go.com/International/live-updates/israel-gaza-hamas-war/medicine-for-hostages-weapons-found-at-nasser-hospital-id-107331259?id=107145680 https://twitter.com/YaariCohen/status/1759284359616397366
  9. These hateful anti-Semites obviously avoid the Spurs football matches. The Yid army would soon put a stop to them. Yes it was still called that up till a year or so ago but the Jewish fanbase remains the same. In fact it was the Jews that chanted it more than anyone until it became offensive Not much Anti-semitism around when I was brought up in the UK.
  10. ooops nearly IDF says Al Jazeera reporter wounded in Gaza is also a Hamas deputy commander https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-says-al-jazeera-reporter-wounded-in-gaza-is-also-a-hamas-deputy-commander/
  11. lightly armed resistance fighters that feels the same way about israelis. Terrorists, can you show me resistance fighters that carry out the worst mass killing, rape, and torture of Jews since the holocaust?
  12. Yes. Hamas turned Nasser hospital into a command center, where they held Israeli hostages captive, and that meantime, IDF brought in spare generators and equipment, to help patients.
  13. Another organization complicit with Hamas, they've known for a long time that the terrorists have been using hospitals and have never called them out on it. Nasser Hospital has been well known as a hub where Hamas held hostages for a long time, and not just a few. Here's yet another released female hostage that spoke about it a month ago and stated around 30 had been there. "They packed the family into an ambulance and brought them to a hospital Sharon said she now recognizes from the news as Nasser, in Khan Younis. Three days later, Sharon said, she heard crying outside their room. She instantly recognized the cries as Emma’s. “This guy just handed me Emma, like she’s a box or something. And I was shocked,” she said. “ I was certain she was dead. She was panicking and crying. I couldn’t believe that they brought her back to us.” Reunited, the family spent the next few weeks in a room on the hospital’s first floor. Stacked boxes separated the hostage section from the rest of the hospital floor, Sharon said. She described sleeping with the girls on a small bed, using a pillow stained with blood. At one point, she said, 12 hostages were packed in the tiny room. The family soon found out they were being held near two additional rooms of captives, nearly 30 in total. Captors eventually let the hostages spend time in one another’s rooms, Cunio said." https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-gaza-war-hostages-cunio-captivity-869241bb259b00a8f98817edf89b0bc8
  14. Why have you never condemned Hamas and demanded the immediate release of the hostages as ordered by the International Court and Security Counsel resolution? All I have ever read from you is condemnation of Israel and how it is committing genocide and war crimes, yet Hamas has been the one committing war crimes every day since Oct 7th.
  15. More Putin apologist talking points? Putin Escalates Pressure On New Information Foe: Wikipedia Russian President Vladimir Putin advised Russians to not trust Wikipedia Thursday, continuing the Kremlin’s campaign against the volunteer-run online encyclopedia after it refused to remove information about the country’s invasion of Ukraine. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/05/05/putin-escalates-pressure-on-new-information-foe-wikipedia/?sh=2cf18572285f
  16. Note you're still prolifically and deliberately spelling Israel with a small i. How mature of you to troll Israel as such with every post you've made for the last few months
  17. The topic is the highest antisemitism for 40 years in the UK against JEWS not Arabs, if you want to discuss islamaphobia or similar then create a topic on it rather than dilute the seriousness of this one regarding the Jews being victimized in the UK
  18. Quite a difference in posting styles there. The first one totally off topic but does need some links to back up the claims
  19. Gawd........... I care more about the topic where the UK definition is used rather than yours. Talking about topic:
  20. Did the UK police agree your definitions? No. Which means I still couldn't care less about them.
  21. What do you fail to understand that nobody could care less about your definitions, it's the legal working ones that are important here.
  22. Scenes of Rafah and other areas of Gaza before Oct 7th. This is what many apologists called the open prison. Of course the terror network was kept hidden underneath, just think what could have been done with all that money. I can’t believe they sacrificed all this for a one-day killing and raping spree. I can’t believe they spent so long building a military tunnel network under all this, waiting for the day they could invade, abduct Israelis, then try to hide under this.
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