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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Videos of naked and bloodied women filmed by Hamas on the day of the attack, and photographs of bodies taken at the sites afterwards, suggest that women were sexually targeted by their attackers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67629181 Had enough of your rape denial. The vile rhetoric is sicking
  2. I know you don't feel bad about this and your continual denial is because you support Hamas but evidence is there and its real Mounting evidence The evidence of sexual violence presented during the session at the UN was ample and overwhelming and came from different sources. “There were girls with broken pelvis due to repetitive rapes, their legs were split wide apart in a split,” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/06/middleeast/rape-sexual-violence-hamas-israel-what-we-know-intl/index.html
  3. There you go. You failed to read both links provided and looked at the picture instead
  4. Are you on a marketing campaign for this amateur blog? We want you to put the phrase ITISAPARTHEID.ORG everywhere: Put a bumper sticker on your car, or hang it on a banner. Use the tools of the internet to spread the word: blog about the site, or link the site to your Facebook page. For more ideas go to our GET INVOLVED page.
  5. What did I say about you providing links? Link to they never took place? Just because they did not happen straight away does not mean they did not take place on many. https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/ Broken pelvises, mutilated bodies However, he said that autopsies, forensic evidence, and confessions also corroborate that sexual crimes were committed by Hamas. https://www.wionews.com/world/broken-pelvises-mutilated-bodiesdid-hamas-use-rape-as-weapon-of-war-666257 As I said, this was all in the appropriate topics but you are still a rape denier
  6. You are very concerned with international law, what part of international law classifies them as hostages?
  7. You do realize that witnesses to rape are evidence in a court of law right? You do realize the autopsies revealed broken pelvises consistent with forced multiple rape. Yes you do because its been on the appropriate topics but you chose to deny it. A rape denier and hamas apologist
  8. I expected nothing else from an outed Hamas apologist and rape denier
  9. Have you asked your buddies Hamas the freedom fighters who are breaking international law to release the hostages?
  10. Hamas are not freedom fighters, that's a vile statement but now your out we know where you stand. Disgusting
  11. Time to start providing links to all this nonsense. Only one hostage has so far talked about being treat ok, the 85 year old that was held for 2 weeks only, all the others have not including: Freed Israeli women hostages tell of sexual abuse in Hamas captivity https://www.straitstimes.com/world/middle-east/freed-israeli-women-hostages-tell-of-abuse-in-hamas-captivity Now provide links to all the other hostages that have stated they have been treated well. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source."
  12. The UNRWA teachers did a very good job of creating new martyrs and new Hamas don't worry about that.
  13. Reminds me of a poster on here https://twitter.com/Ostrov_A/status/1756543696294617103
  14. Yes it never ends while Hamas is still there. That's why Israel is taking them apart
  15. You better take a look at the videos that explain it all, the links are there already and no we are not wrong
  16. The Hamas data and information center is directly underneath the UN computer data center room......what part of that do you not get. All the electrical and data connections are taken directly from the UN room down to the Hamas room. The entrance to the tunnel has no bearing on this, whether it was the courtyard or where ever.
  17. Yes exactly, then the next day he added the following update that I posted.
  18. It shows the deaths of Hamas terrorists actually, not that they should do that but its not civilians. The IDF Operations Directorate's Influencing Department, which is responsible for psychological warfare operations against the enemy and foreign audiences, operates a Telegram channel called 72 Virgins – Uncensored, which targets Israeli audiences and shows the bodies of Hamas terrorists with the promise of "shattering the terrorists' fantasy." The channel, which boasts of "exclusive content from the Gaza Strip" and has published over 700 posts, images and videos of terrorists being killed https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-12-12/ty-article/.premium/graphic-videos-and-incitement-how-the-idf-is-misleading-israelis-on-telegram/0000018c-5ab5-df2f-adac-febd01c30000
  19. There is only one reality: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “In the beginning of my intervention yesterday, I clearly stated – and I quote: ‘I have condemned unequivocally the horrifying and unprecedented 7 October acts of terror by Hamas in Israel. Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets.’” “Indeed, I spoke of the grievances of the Palestinian people and in doing so, I also clearly stated, and I quote: ‘But the grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas.’” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/i-said-palestinian-grievances-cant-justify-hamas-assault-un-chief-hits-back-at-israel/
  20. I don't care how you see it. The reality is there is no justification.
  21. The tunnel entrance yes, who's talking about the tunnel entrance though? Where are links to multiple reports that this is not true? Inside one of the UNWRA buildings, journalists saw a room full of computers with wires stretching down into the ground. Soldiers then showed them a room in the underground tunnel where they claimed the wires connected. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/02/10/israel-hamas-unwra-gaza-tunnels/e2067be0-c83e-11ee-bbc9-9b5ca9b20779_story.html
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