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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I know exactly who Cogat are. But then we all know you have zero trust in Israel. Troll? Mmmmm weak. Very weak. Still waiting for you to back up your claims about me......
  2. Wait, you've ignored every single request I've made from you after your false accusations to back them up. I can only assume thats just another tactic of yours to throw as much against the wall and see what sticks. As for the BBC link, here is the quote that you should take note of: "A UNRWA spokesperson has said that if funding is not resumed, the agency will not be able to continue its operations beyond the end of February." Here's some more pics of food in Gaza courtesy of Cogat along with aid and food trucks entering. https://govextra.gov.il/cogat/humanitarian-efforts/home/
  3. What nonsense would that be then, be specific? What personal reasons would I have? more of your conspiracies being born............. but please share them with me since I apparently have them? The UN has not run out of funds, link to where it stated that, most of the funds from the countries where not even due until the end of Feb. That's why I said, read the links already provided. France for instance. France had not planned any further payments in the first quarter of 2024 Payments from all countries will start again when investigation finished. Nobody is going to die, almost sounds like that's something you want to see just to prove yourself right
  4. You really are blind with this conspiracy of yours, Israel does not even want UNRWA to stop right now, nobody does, after the war yes it needs to be reformed or changed to another agency but there is no choice but to have it at the moment. This is a small pause to get them to actually do something about terrorists in their ranks. Its peoples hard earned tax from all these countries that goes to UNRWA. We oppose axing UNRWA mid-war, senior Israeli official says amid global funding halt https://www.timesofisrael.com/we-oppose-axing-unrwa-mid-war-senior-israeli-official-says-amid-global-funding-halt/
  5. Nope, I was born in London and supposed to be Christian but never really attended churches unless I had to. Wedding etc. Can you link to where exactly it says food will runout in days? Only it must be in other areas aside from Rafah, from the 30th Jan. I wonder if the IDF stop at one of the kebab takeaways for a spot of lunch inbetween killing a few Hamas?
  6. Yes Check the links and read what dates the next financial aid budgets were due. Nobody is going to die but from some one who makes up conspiracy theories its impossible to believe anything you say. For someone who denies there is no evidence of rape is nothing but a Hamas apologist. Let them get that investigation sorted, send them an email, tell them your extremely anxious.
  7. Your not going to like this, must be more conspiracy theories this time from the EU? EU, one of largest UNRWA donors, suspends funding after Oct. 7 links allegations Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia urges investigation to produce fact-based evidence as the humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1706529926-eu-one-of-largest-unrwa-donors-suspends-funding-after-oct-7-links-allegations
  8. A way off topic video on unfounded accusations of war crimes from AJ who have employed Hamas terrorists themselves, oh the irony
  9. Well this is jolly good news chaps...................... Ukraine 'hits Russian missile boat Ivanovets in Black Sea' Ukrainian forces say they have destroyed a Russian missile boat from the Black Sea Fleet in a special operation off Russian-occupied Crimea. The Ivanovets - a small warship - received "direct hits to the hull" overnight, after which it sank, military intelligence said. It has released video footage that purports to show the moment of impact, followed by a big explosion. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68165523 Video of sea drones striking ship in the article
  10. So, could it be that this is precisely meant to derail the global media's attention after the ICJ Gaza genocide ruling? Oh look, the conspiracy theory has commenced. Media attention on what, there's nothing else to report on the judgement for another month. The viral attention has already gone. As for your "have links". Being members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists is certainly a link. So all these countries are in on deflecting the ICJ......oh dear https://twitter.com/biannagolodryga/status/1752822060877816021
  11. Correct I wave the flag for Israel, I am not sitting on the fence as you claim to be. I have taken sides. Israel/Hamas its as simple as that to me. Its exactly the same as my stance on Ukraine/Russia. I also accept Ukraine has committed things it should not have done as I do Israel. However the aggressors who started this on Oct 7th were the Hamas terrorists. They need to go, they need to release hostages, until then nothing can be achieved.
  12. Hamas are liars its a fact, you spew Hamas talking points.
  13. Ah so just one post after you said you were putting me on ignore....lol. Hamas also has a habit of lying
  14. Really, just 12 bad apples, run that by us again..................... Lets add to that another 1,200 who are actual members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1753006599872921652
  15. Yet you fail as always to condemn Hamas and forget that no one who is talking about solutions that has them as still being in Gaza along with their terror infrastructure. Apart from Hamas itself that is. Hamas talking points is all you spew.
  16. Yes you draw your own conclusions. You always do. Carry on those Hamas talking points.
  17. Great so that was my point. Hamas talking points.....lol
  18. Curious that you have to have it spelled out that since its creation in 1987 that was always Hamas goal. Hence those very talking points
  19. Hamas apologists will continue promoting Hamas talking points.
  20. Like I care what your idea of a zionist is. I've already read it numerous times, your definitions are endless. This topic is not about you and your interpretations of a zionist
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