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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Nah not really..... France banned protests in support of Palestine on October 12 and police have fired on the demonstrators who defied the order with tear gas and water cannon.
  2. A revolting comparison from a resident apologist. To claim that Israel is carry out much the same against the Palestinians as the holocaust did to them is quiet frankly shameful.
  3. Oh lordy up pops up Jeremy Corbyn whose antisemitism got him suspended from the UK Labour Party. If that's not bad enough here we have a video from another dodgy outfit posted by our resident dodgy member who normally posts Russian video files. "Novara Media" editor tweeted that the start of the 2023 Israel–Hamas war should be "a day of celebration for supporters of democracy and human rights worldwide. Or their stance on the UP annual poppy appeal by Royal British Legion as having a "racist" and "white supremacist" feel. Bastani, one of the founders of the organisation, has frequently advocated the political idea of "fully automated luxury communism", "publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/novara-media-bias/
  4. Why deflect the lack of physical evidence, yes explosions happen when there is plenty of unspent rocket fuel left, especially in a car park with other sources of fuel.
  5. ISW now doing regular updates on the war including in the West Bank Region 1. Palestinian militias continued indirect fire at their usual rate into Israel. These attacks and those throughout the war underscore the reality that the IDF is facing a loose coalition of several Palestinian militias rather than just #Hamas. 2. Palestinian militants and Israeli forces continued to clash in the #WestBank. Palestinian militants have increasingly used IEDs against Israeli forces since October 18. 3. Iranian-backed militants, including Lebanese #Hezbollah (LH), conducted 11 attacks as part of its ongoing attack campaign targeting IDF radar and sensor sites and military targets, especially tanks. This campaign creates opportunities for further LH attacks into Israel and increases the risk of further escalation. More in the tweet https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1715914154345730501 On the website: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-update-october-21-2023
  6. Not something that Gaza Hamas run health Authority mention when giving daily totals of deaths
  7. More than that but as mentioned its been gone through in detail, if you want to catch up why not track back
  8. Why is this car park hospital incident just about the only one where there is a complete lack of physical evidence for a rocket/missile? Hamas had full access and were seen inspecting the pot hole.......oops, I mean crater.
  9. Yea, I posted a separate link earlier EXCLUSIVE: Israeli morgue worker says horrors inflicted on Hamas's victims are 'worse than the Holocaust' including decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded unborn child https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12653435/Israeli-morgue-worker-says-horrors-inflicted-Hamass-victims-worse-Holocaust-including-decapitated-pregnant-woman-beheaded-unborn-child.html
  10. I'm not really too worried if the figures I linked to are not correct, there are no firm reliable figures so its all estimates. The main point is that there is a direct connection between Iran and Hamas which was disputed by a certain poster here. Israel says Iran supports Hamas to the tune of some $100 million dollars a year. The US State Department in 2021 said that the group receives funding, weapons, and training from Iran, as well as some funds that are raised in Gulf Arab countries. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/09/middleeast/hamas-iran-israel-attack-analysis-intl/index.html
  11. oh gawd here we go with the troll posting cut unverified video files 18. Social media content is acceptable in most forums. However in factual areas such as but not limited to news, current affairs and health topics, social media cannot be used unless it is from a credible news media source or a government agency, and must include a link to the original source. In some circumstances a moderator may relax this rule and this will be determined on a case by case basis. If this rule is relaxed a moderator will post a public notice explaining the limit and scope of the relaxation.
  12. In addition to the charitable fronts, Matthew Levitt, a former counterterrorism intelligence analyst at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, told Insider that international support, mainly from Iran, has been "the one big constant" in Hamas' funding, estimating that Iran contributes between $70 and $100 million a year to support the militant group. https://www.businessinsider.com/how-does-a-militant-group-like-hamas-get-its-money-2023-10
  13. Israeli military says 'dozens of terrorists' killed overnight in Gaza The Israeli military says overnight air strikes on Gaza have killed a senior Hamas commander. A spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces, Daniel Hagari, said the deputy commander of Hamas's rocket force was killed alongside "dozens of terrorists", according to comments carried by the Reuters news agency and Israeli media. Hagari said that Israel was ramping up its attacks on Gaza "in preparation for the next phase of the war" - which is expected to be a ground offensive https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-middle-east-67185260
  14. Unbelievable that we have a poster here claiming there is no direct connection here to Iran and Hamas. Iran supplies at least 100 million a year to Hamas. That's without the money for weapons, training and logistics. Tehran’s long term ambition is to surround Israel with legions of paramilitary fighters. It may not have known the precise details of this latest attack but its certainly a major player. Of course, Hamas rips off its own Palestinians in Gaza via extortion, money intended for charitable organizations, taxes etc.
  15. Debatable I guess but that was not his claim, his claim was, my highlight: "Nope, all those who criticize anything about Israel are falsely branded racists." Which is simply false.
  16. Looks who's awake and hungry....lol
  17. Racists? Are you in the right topic, you've completely lost the plot now.
  18. A poster here is giving to much credit to the strategic plans, goals and how they are achieving them. Hamas a terror group who are solely barbarians with not an ounce of sense between them aside from utter evil, the desire to kill Jews and create an Islamic state throughout the world. The puppet masters are Iran: The Israeli Air Force is now Confirmed to have Struck both Aleppo and Damascus International Airport tonight in Western Syria with most of the Damage appearing to be to the Runways resulting in the Airports to be Out-of-Service until further notice; these Strikes are once again likely to be a “Warning” to the Syrian Government against allowing the Transfer of Iranian Arms through these Airports. https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1715965281283997867
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