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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. From your first link: "The authors of this latest research say 2020 could have marked the end of the expansion in Eastern Antarctica. In the last 18 months there has been an increase in the number of icebergs breaking away from the peninsula." To prove the point.................. The Arctic has warmed nearly four times faster than the rest of the planet during the last 40 years, according to research published on Thursday that suggests climate models are underestimating the rate of polar heating. “We present evidence that during 1979–2021 the Arctic has been warming nearly four times as fast as the entire globe,” the authors said in the study. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-022-00498-3
  2. I can only assume you deliberately ignored my other link to NASA to explain why the sea levels are not rising at the same rates in different parts of the world.
  3. That's not the original source though, the original source is in the Russian links provided within the Russian article that is linked to the Yahoo page: https://www.svoboda.org/a/smi-v-rossii-nachinaetsya-novyy-nabor-kontraktnikov-tselj---400-tysyach-chelovek/32318394.html
  4. You may have had a point if Plymouth Rock was there since 1620 as claimed on the meme you posted, but it was only placed there in 1920 and the rock does become completely submerged under seawater during some very high tides. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/07/18/fact-check-plymouth-rock-not-accurate-gauge-sea-level-rise/10010728002/ You also forgot to take into account that sea level rise is not uniform and affects some parts of the world more than others. Are sea levels rising the same all over the world, as if we're filling a giant bathtub? No. Sea level rise is uneven, the two main reasons being ocean dynamics and Earth’s uneven gravity field. https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/9/are-sea-levels-rising-the-same-all-over-the-world-as-if-were-filling-a-giant-bathtub/
  5. "What I did say is that normally if heard someone 'DEFEND" people who drive with their children while under the influence of marijuana, Meth, Oxycodene, and Fentanyl" Here you go again with unsubstantiated claims. The mother had a negative urine test. The father had a positive urine test for cannabis only. It was a misdemeanor. There is no evidence that the father had anything other than that in his bloodstream at the time. The hair follicle test was carried out around a week later. Hair drug tests do not identify recent drug use. They do identify drug use up to 90 days before but cannot determine when in that 90 day period, however because of hair growth, that is why they cannot detect it for recent use. The follicle test is actually a test carried out on a strand of hair. Besides which, the children were taken away from the mother before the hair test was taken. Including a 4 month old baby who she was breast feeding. https://www.healthline.com/health/hair-follicle-drug-test#vs-urine-test Anyway, with the recent news above its now being resolved barring any last ditch problems. Hopefully they'll be able to make a claim against C.P.
  6. I think you'll find Poland is responding to the Russian deputy chair of their Defense Committee when a couple of weeks ago he threatened to push back Poland's borders.
  7. NYC bracing for unrest after Trump calls for protests over possible arrest, indictment “We will use all of our available resources,” one NYPD source said Sunday, noting that the department’s Strategic Response Group — which responds to civil unrest and major events — “has a role in this agency and when needed they will be called in.” Officials from several agencies met on Sunday and are expected to confer again on Monday, according to sources. https://nypost.com/2023/03/19/nyc-bracing-for-unrest-after-trump-calls-for-protests-over-possible-criminal-indictment/
  8. Not going to plan in Bakhmut then orcs? Wagner Group founder afraid of Ukrainian offensive in Bakhmut, asks Russian Defence Minister for help Yevgeny Prigozhin, financier of the Wagner Group Private Military Company (PMC), has told Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu about the plans of the Ukrainian army to launch a large-scale offensive near Bakhmut and asked for help. Source: Prigozhin's letter to Shoigu dated 20 March, posted on his Telegram channel Quote: "According to the available information, the enemy plans to launch a large-scale offensive at the end of March or beginning of April and carry out flanking cutting attacks, with the aim of cutting off the units of the Wagner Group PMC from the main forces of the Russian Armed Forces. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2023/03/20/7394277/
  9. Didn't Trump start the lame attacks on DeSantis first? Some time ago actually and hasn't stopped since.
  10. Intelligence sources tell CBS News they are seeing a "significant increase" in threats and violent online rhetoric from domestic violence extremists, but sources say that after the Jan. 6 protests and the heavy sentences handed out to participants, it's unclear whether the chatter will result in any mayhem here. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nypd-preparing-for-possible-indictment-of-former-president-donald-trump-in-manhattan-da-investigation/
  11. Crimea is not safe..... Biden said a few days ago the long range weapons were due there in a few days, perhaps this is an indication of that. Ukraine says Russia cruise missiles blown up in transit in Crimea (Reuters) -Ukraine's defence ministry said on Monday that an explosion in Dzhankoi in the north of the Crimean peninsula destroyed Russian cruise missiles intended for use by Russia's Black Sea fleet. "An explosion in Dzhankoi city in the north of temporarily occupied Crimea destroyed Russian Kalibr-KN cruise missiles as they were being transported by rail," the ministry's main intelligence directorate said in social media posts. It said the missiles, designed to be launched from surface ships of Russia's Black Sea fleet, had an operational range of more than 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles) on land and 375 kilometers at sea. https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-says-russia-cruise-missiles-213025292.html
  12. Next time quote my full post, I may just respond and let me know why you think the handgun had something to do with this when no permit was needed?
  13. The facts matter to me. The children were taken away a week before the follicle test. "Teasley said it is “egregious” for someone’s children to be taken on the basis of an inadmissible test." The father was within his rights to have a handgun in the car, no permit needed in Tennessee for openly or concealed.
  14. New UN Climate change report due to be published today. The report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change caps a series that digests vast amounts of research on global warming compiled since the Paris climate accord was agreed in 2015. The U.N. plans to publish the report at a news conference early Monday afternoon. The report by hundreds of the world’s top scientists was supposed to be approved by government delegations on Friday at the end of a weeklong meeting in the Swiss town of Interlaken. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/nations-approve-key-un-science-report-on-climate-change-and-greenhouse-gas-emissions
  15. "The best opinion I have seen on here is that there is more to the story than has been printed." Indeed, something that is pretty obvious and already stated on the first page of the topic a few times.
  16. Yes when debating with rational people I guess they do. I often use opinions in some topics. When facts are hard to come by however then I tend to stick to them rather than make wild speculations when I have no experience in the event or circumstances. Why?
  17. There's 30 countries in NATO, soon to be 32 even if not all contribute. Now work out how many from each. Its certainly possible and explanations on how are here: https://www.politico.eu/article/nato-is-racing-to-arm-its-russian-borders-can-it-find-the-weapons-eastern-edge-military-leaders-james-j-townsend-jr-us-one-billion-citizens-army-europe/
  18. Musk should take some of his own advice: https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1636488042960625673 Because his predictions need a lot of work! In March 2020, just days after the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic Musk predicted that there would be “probably close to zero new cases” in the US by the end of April. https://thenextweb.com/news/elon-musk-most-ridiculous-predictions
  19. The complete story is that the follicle was carried out a week later after the children had already been taken into care..................... "An instant hair follicle test performed on the parents at their first court appearance, about a week after the children were taken into custody, was a key element in DCS’ arguments for why the children should remain in DCS custody. However, a Coffee County court administrator, speaking to the Lookout broadly about the county’s instant hair follicle testing, said the tests are “inadmissible” in court."
  20. Any R.T. watchers here? "In October, RT’s director of broadcasting, Anton Krasovsky, suggested drowning Ukrainian children, setting Ukrainian homes on fire — with the inhabitants inside — and alleged that Ukrainian grandmothers would gladly pay to be raped by Russian soldiers."
  21. What makes you think I need to answer and speculate on your questions? You do enough of that for the both of us.....lol & as you rightly pointed out: "but as you know opinions are like a holes right."
  22. but as you know opinions are like a holes right. That's why I stick to the facts
  23. As of July 1, 2021, an adult can carry a handgun, openly or concealed, in Tennessee without a permit. Or does that not count for this case?
  24. Its not about what I think, its about why they took 5 children away from the parents for a misdemeanor and then kept them away a week later after taking a hair follicle test. "An instant hair follicle test performed on the parents at their first court appearance, about a week after the children were taken into custody, was a key element in DCS’ arguments for why the children should remain in DCS custody. However, a Coffee County court administrator, speaking to the Lookout broadly about the county’s instant hair follicle testing, said the tests are “inadmissible” in court." If you have further facts then pleased do share?
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