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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. I agree, Thailand does have this one right. It signed up for the new UN resolution calling for Russia's immediate withdrawal from Ukraine to stop the war and hold peace talks in line with the UN Charter and international law. Only 7 countries voted against it. Belarus, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Mali
  2. Karma = violence? Its a pity you jump to such conclusions, its a huge stretch.
  3. What makes you think I'm brain washed? I would throw out dozens of links on other media sources from the fake news of Fox, Bannon etc that make any CNN controversies like apples and oranges but this happens to be about Tucker and my reply to a post on Bannon.
  4. This is the usual word salad that is used to "explain" why these faux diversity measures are necessary. From someone who has what experience in this field?
  5. Did you miss this in my post "It all depends on the role your taking up." If I was recruiting foster carers (which I did in lower management) then having experience and training in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion was essential. When I went onto recruit Managers to head the departments of Foster care and other agencies their experience also needed to reflect that. Had I been in another field that was more to do with repairing cars I doubt I would have needed it.
  6. "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" criteria are not valid criteria for job selection of government jobs at the state or federal level. Disagree, its not just the private sector that benefit from diversity and inclusion experience based on job selection but also gov. It all depends on the role your taking up. "By fostering a culture of diversity — or a capacity to appreciate and value individual differences — employers benefit from varied perspectives on how to confront business challenges and achieve success. The term refers to the infinite range of individuals' unique attributes and experiences such as ethnicity, gender, age, and disability. Since disability is a natural part of diversity, businesses can benefit by taking steps to ensure people with disabilities are represented in their workforce." https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/employers/diversity-inclusion
  7. That may be your reality it is not the reality of 141 countries in the UN who voted just 2 days ago to condemn Russia and asking for Moscows immediate withdrawal.
  8. Dmitry Medvedev also mentioned in the 24th ISW update: Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev made inflammatory claims that Russia will win the war and reiterated that it is vital for Russia to achieve its goals to "push back the borders that threaten [Russia] as far as possible, even if they are the borders of Poland."[2] ISW has previously assessed that the Kremlin has been using Medvedev to sustain information campaigns targeting Western military support for Ukraine and to deflect attention from Russia's military failures.[3] Medvedev's statements highlight the fact that the Kremlin is continuing to pursue its unrealistic maximalist goals even though it has no meaningful successes to offer the Russian people after a year of costly war in Ukraine. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-february-24-2023
  9. Perhaps the students want an opportunity to discuss issues like diversity and equity rather than be censored from doing so. Censoring discussions is not the way to produce a well informed educational experience.
  10. If its democracy in action then listen to the actual students: Florida students walk out to protest DeSantis race education policies Hundreds of students across Florida walked out Thursday in protest against Gov. Ron DeSantis and his policies concerning higher education. Students walked out of their classrooms at the University of South Florida, University of Florida, Florida State University, and more in opposition of his efforts. Some high school students also joined in on the statewide walkout. https://abcnews.go.com/US/florida-students-walkout-protest-desantis-race-education-policies/story?id=97417150
  11. Threats from Russia to push NATO borders won't go down well. Medvedev shares why they will grab as much land as possible before any peace deals. Just one more reason to not trust the orcs. Russia’s Medvedev floats idea of pushing back Poland’s borders “That is why it is so important to achieve all the goals of the special military operation, to push back the borders that threaten our country as far as possible, even if they are the borders of Poland,” said Medvedev. “Victory will be achieved, we all want it to happen as soon as possible and that day will come,” said Medvedev, he predicted that tough negotiations with Ukraine and the West would culminate in “some kind of agreement”. But he said that deal would lack “fundamental agreements on real borders” and not amount to an overarching European security pact, making it vital for Russia to extend its borders now. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/24/moscow-must-push-borders-back-as-far-as-possible-says-medvedev 'We'll defend every inch of NATO' amid Russia threat, Biden tells eastern European leaders As the war in Ukraine drags on, the Bucharest Nine countries’ anxieties have remained heightened, many worry Putin could move to take military action against them next if he’s successful in Ukraine, the alliance includes Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. “You’re the frontlines of our collective defence,” Biden said Wednesday of the group, “and you know, better than anyone, what’s at stake in this conflict? Not just for Ukraine, but for the freedom of democracies throughout Europe and around the world,” he pledged that NATO's mutual-defence pact is “sacred” and that “we will defend literally every inch of NATO." https://www.euronews.com/2023/02/22/biden-to-meet-natos-east-european-leaders-amid-russia-threat
  12. Well you end up by saying you cannot wait for the next headlines. Personally I cannot wait for your next post of false information. There were 200,000 Russian troops amassed on Ukraine borders when they invaded, then reinforced with an additional 300,000 mobilized troops and further multiple thousands from Wagner and its murderers from prisons. Russia has lost over 50% of the land it took when it first invaded so its certainly not winning the war. No there aren't 60-100 rockets hitting Ukraine daily, the mass missile strikes are few and far between due to them having run out of the drones they got from Iran and a shortage of the cruise missiles they are experiencing. No-one has said China has been supplying actual weapons and the OP is clearly saying it is considering.
  13. From the daily mirror OP link from 5 weeks ago......... "The streaming platform will go ahead with already-commissioned series of The Grand Tour and Clarkson's Farm, but reportedly have no plans to work with the controversial star after 2024." From your link.................. "Clarkson's Farm season 3 will be the final season of the show. Variety reports that Prime Video won't be extending their current deal with Clarkson after his comments about Meghan Markle in his Sun newspaper column. The report says Clarkson's Farm seasons 2 and 3, and four more Grand Tour specials will be Clarkson's last shows on the platform." No change in mind as far as I can figure.
  14. Dmitry Medvedev is deputy chair of the security council which coordinates and integrates national security policy. "Composed of Russia's top state officials and heads of defence and security agencies and chaired by the president of Russia, the SCRF acts as a forum for coordinating and integrating national security policy" Now provide a link to your claim he is not involved in present government policies and that he is not a top official.
  15. This is not a competition but if it were then Russian top officials would win hands down with the rhetoric. Russia's former president says Ukraine might not 'even exist on the world map' in 2 years in latest genocidal message https://www.businessinsider.com/russias-ex-president-ukraine-might-not-even-exist-on-the-world-map-in-2-years-2022-6
  16. Don't you think its a little hypocritical when the link you provide that Boris stalled the peace talks contains no named source?
  17. That's how it works in a discussion, you quote. Those are not my claims, they are the direct headlines of the articles claims. Zelensky did offer to not join Nato that is reported in multiple outlets as well as the one I quoted. First Link: "But, despite earlier backing the negotiations, Putin made it clear when presented with Kozak's deal that the concessions negotiated by his aide did not go far enough and that he had expanded his objectives to include annexing swathes of Ukrainian territory, the sources said. The upshot: the deal was dropped." Second Link: "Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Tuesday he is prepared to pledge that Ukraine wouldn’t join NATO, in a bid to broker a peace deal with Russia." Obviously it would be expected as part of the deal that Russia withdraw its forces..................jeez
  18. The fuller resolution as from the article: "The resolution encourages all sides to the conflict to devise plans for bringing about peace. It called an immediate end to hostilities and requested that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory.” "The resolution urged members and international organizations to step up efforts to combat war crimes" Peace can only be achieved when Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory" Yes I know that's not happening anytime soon but Thailand has also signed up for that officially. Unofficially...........?
  19. RT also suggests drowning or burning Ukraine children. Time to get out of the rabbit hole
  20. Not true, there were no peace talks progressing nicely. In fact Putin refused just as he invaded: Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-war-began-putin-rejected-ukraine-peace-deal-recommended-by-his-aide-2022-09-14/ Then just over 3 weeks into the war Putin refused again Zelensky: We won't join NATO if that brings peace https://nypost.com/2022/03/22/zelensky-we-wont-join-nato-if-that-brings-peace/
  21. Actually there does seem to be an official term that I just found with a pretty good explanation: "gynandromorphophilic men" What about the gynandromorphophilic men? Their arousal ran high when watching transgender women sex, while their attraction towards cisgender women was equal to that of heterosexuals, and toward men was very low, only slightly higher to that of heterosexuals. In short, the definition of gynandromorphophilia is the more appropriate: men sexually attracted by transgender women. That is all. They are not repressed homosexuals. They can also be bisexual, but only in some cases. https://www.ilgrandecolibri.com/en/gynandromorphophilia-love-transwomen/
  22. Bannon............lol. Honestly, he's worse than Fox on his fake news. A large podcast study found that Mr. Bannon's “War Room” had more falsehoods and unsubstantiated claims than other political talk shows https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/09/technology/podcasts-steve-bannon-war-room-misinformation.html
  23. Sure, but unfortunately that's a trait that not all of the older gen have. Here's a couple of personal examples: My daughter has a fairly wide circle of friends, 95% of which are International heritage due to her being the same and going to an International School here. There are three of her friends in particular who are scared to mention their own sexual identity to their parents, 2 of the parents being Russian and the other being Indian. Although the same may be the case of other nationalities of course, that's just my experience. But these parents are so extreme in their views that they will not even allow their teenage daughters to have sleep overs with another girl or group of girls.
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