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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Gen Z is the future, they will be the ones running the world and your right, I have a daughter in that age group, the the awareness and non discriminatory attitude to others sexual preferences is evident and uplifting.
  2. UN approves resolution calling for Russia to leave Ukraine UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The U.N. General Assembly approved a nonbinding resolution Thursday that calls for Russia to end hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw its forces, sending a strong message on the eve of the first anniversary of the invasion that Moscow’s aggression must stop. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-politics-china-united-nations-6965d19c953c2f6e45f483c1dfe04a7f 141 Countries voted for the resolution. Just 5 including Russia voted against. Those 5 were: Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea, Russia, Syria image source Message from Zelensky This resolution is a powerful signal of unflagging global support for Ukraine . A powerful testament to the solidarity of the world community with Ukraine people in the context of the anniversary of RF’s full-scale aggression. A powerful manifestation of global support for #PeaceFormula!
  3. Remembering Spectrum News 13 reporter Dylan Lyons Dylan was shot and killed while working at the scene of a homicide investigation in Pine Hills. A 9-year-old girl was killed in a separate, but related, shooting, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Office. https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando/news/2023/02/23/remembering-dylan-lyons
  4. "Russia will be content with just getting Ukraine back and although some may disagree with that" The free world disagrees with it, Ukraine is a sovereign nation and Russia has broken international law by invading it. The UN is committed to its independence as by law and as by the people of Ukraine.
  5. I don't think she needed to speak to them directly, she did speak to real estate agents in Phuket where Russians are buying up property, its in the link
  6. Jeffery Sachs is an economist. who has always blamed the US since the start of the illegal invasion. He has no knowledge of the Nord Stream event.
  7. I see the Russians had their best team on the job to further the conspiracy by Hersh...... A Mr Raymond McGovern bursting into song ‘Avoid Speculation’ About Responsibility for 2022 Nord Stream Pipeline Incident, Official Urges Security Council, Stressing United Nations Cannot Verify Claims Also briefing today was Ray McGovern, a political activist, who said his remarks are in his personal capacity https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15206.doc.htm
  8. Foreperson on Georgia grand jury investigating Trump and 2020 election: ‘I don’t think you will be shocked’ by indictments The foreperson of the Atlanta-based grand jury that investigated former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election told CNN on Tuesday that the panel is recommending multiple indictments and suggested “the big name” may be on the list. “Can you imagine doing this for eight months and not coming out with a whole list” of recommended indictments, Emily Kohrs told CNN. “It’s not a short list, it’s not.” She continued, “there may be some names on that list that you wouldn’t expect. But the big name that everyone keeps asking me about – I don’t think you will be shocked.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/21/politics/fulton-county-trump-grand-jury-foreperson-ebof/index.html
  9. Yea there's two issues here, the owner of the gun who was the school boss, leaving it in a bathroom accessible to the kids, the height of negligence and possibly criminally negligent if any harm had come. Then the teacher who told the boy to check. Of course then there's the issue that they failed to tell the parents of the event when it happened.
  10. If that's not nonsense then provide a link to your claim that Zelensky wants these millions of Ukrainians in Poland deported to fight on the front lines
  11. Of course Russians support Putin, their media is strictly controlled to Putin's agenda. The Ukrainians are in a war zone fighting for their country, lives and to rid their lands of illegal occupation.
  12. Over 80% of Ukrainians are supportive of Zelensky and the continued defense of their sovereign nation. You won't find that in the Russian propaganda media
  13. Had it on when it was broadcast live with English translator, no need to watch it again. The fact checks carried out are all on target. Not sure about your last remark about being a big boy or girl is that relevant.........lol
  14. Talking about fake news Ukraine war: President Putin speech fact-checked President Vladimir Putin addressed the Russian public in a national address which lasted for almost two hours. In the speech, he made a series of claims about the war in Ukraine and was highly critical of Western countries. We've looked into some of his statements. https://www.bbc.com/news/64718139
  15. Do you live in Phuket?
  16. Biden was slow to send weapons until the invasion has actually occured. Just over a week before the invasion "Almost every day, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Resnikov posts new pictures on his Twitter account, invariably showing large transport planes crammed with huge heavy crates. Inside the crates are weapons and ammunition that the US and UK are sending to Ukraine. The purpose is to strengthen Ukrainein the face of the massive Russian troop buildup on its border. According to the Ukrainian government, Western partners have already provided Kyiv with $1.5 billion in military aid." https://www.dw.com/en/russia-ukraine-crisis-who-supplies-weapons-to-kyiv/a-60772390
  17. Russia at it again.................? Netherlands warns of Russian attempts to sabotage its energy infrastructure Dutch intelligence authorities have warned of Russian attempts to sabotage its North Sea energy infrastructure and told operators to be on their guard. Russia had instigated “activities that indicate espionage as well as preparing operations for disturbance and sabotage” of underwater cables, wind farms and gas pipelines in the North Sea, said a report published by the Dutch military intelligence unit MIVD on Monday. Norway gave a similar warning last week as part of an annual security assessment. https://www.ft.com/content/ec436b8f-d00f-4525-b6e0-174cc9abaea4
  18. She's not giving up.........lol Marjorie Taylor Greene says Democrats who move to GOP-run states shouldn’t be allowed to vote for five years And the Q-Anon supporting congresswoman from Georgia added: “What I think would be something that some red states could propose is: well, okay, if Democrat voters choose to flee these blue states where they cannot tolerate the living conditions, they don’t want their children taught these horrible things, and they really change their mind on the types of policies that they support, well once they move to a red state, guess what, maybe you don’t get to vote for five years. “You can live there, and you can work there, but you don’t get to bring your values that you basically created in the blue states you came from by voting for Democrat leaders and Democrat policies.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/greene-republican-red-states-votes-b2286949.html
  19. Crimes against humanity encompass war crimes and Russia has been responsible for many hundreds committed in Ukraine "For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: Murder; Extermination; Enslavement; Deportation or forcible transfer of population; Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; Torture; Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court; Enforced disappearance of persons; The crime of apartheid; Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health." https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/crimes-against-humanity.shtml
  20. The way you go on, if Putin sneezed you'd be running for cover and screaming surrender
  21. That's what I like to see, plenty of infighting among the terrorists Wagner chief accuses Russia's military leaders of 'treason' The head of Russia's Wagner mercenary outfit on Tuesday accused Moscow's military chiefs of refusing to supply the group with munitions and seeking to destroy it, saying this amounted to "treason". Yevgeny Prigozhin's private fighting force, which has recruited from prisons across Russia to bolster its ranks, is playing a key role in the offensive for the city of Bakhmut in east Ukraine. The battle for Bakhmut has exposed tensions between the Wagner group and the Russian army, though the Kremlin denies any rift. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230221-wagner-chief-accuses-russia-s-military-leaders-of-treason
  22. Time to rethink western strategy in Ukraine? Yes supply more long range weapons as fast as possible followed by fighter jets
  23. Totally agree, as far as I know he's the only president ever to enter an active war zone without the US military cover and protection. Traveling by train into Kyiv via Poland and back again had real risk. Well done Biden
  24. Full transcript of the Dominion. Its a pdf download https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23685956-dominions-brief-iso-summ-judgment BRIEF IN SUPPORT OF ITS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT ON LIABILITY OF FOX NEWS NETWORK, LLCAND FOX CORPORATION It can also be found from the New York Times Link here https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/redacted-documents-in-dominion-fox-news-case/dca5e3880422426f/full.pdf Here's a few other snippets that were not in the thread above from Roger Parloff Senior Editor Lawfare The 1st 44 pages of @dominionvoting's remarkable brief, unsealed Thursday, in its defamation case against Fox News is wall-to-wall smoking guns. In sum, Dominion alleges that Fox knowingly amplified election lies to avoid losing ratings to Newsmax. At Fox, “respecting our audience” and “protecting the brand” became the euphemisms and excuses for serving up the lies its viewers wanted to hear "Carlson also feared that Trump could ruin Fox if it bluntly reported the truth of his loss. “What [Trump’s] good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.” “Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we’ve lost with our audience? We’re playing with fire, for real. … an alternative like Newsmax could be devastating to us.” Full tweet thread here https://twitter.com/rparloff/status/1627659279816658947
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