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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Why would I answer it when I've already covered it in detail in a previous post? Too much for you to scroll back?
  2. I would avoid baiting when those questions have already been covered in the last 5 pages if you care to read them
  3. Can you quote me where I am speaking on behalf of anybody other than the poll results or make excuses for the poll results?
  4. and??? Are you implying Rasmussen Poll was not aware of its offensiveness to some black people?
  5. But its not about you, Rasmussen Poll interviewed black people and it does offend them. Rasmussen would be well aware of that, hence the outcome of the poll
  6. Its been in the media that its perceived as racist for years Here's how 'It's OK to be white' made its way from internet trolls to a vote in our Senate https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-17/origins-of-its-ok-to-be-white-slogan-supremacists-united-states/10385716 It’s okay to be White: laundering White supremacy through a colorblind victimized White race-consciousness raising campaign https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344010144_It's_okay_to_be_White_laundering_White_supremacy_through_a_colorblind_victimized_White_race-consciousness_raising_campaign Perth city centre 'It's okay to be white' stickers condemned - BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-50821872 'This Is Completely Wrong': Racist 'It's Okay to Be White https://www.cbsnews.com/philadelphia/news/outrage-after-its-okay-to-be-white-sticker-planted-elementary-school/ "It's okay to be white" (IOTBW) is a slogan which originated as part of an organized alt-right trolling campaign on the website 4chan's discussion board /pol/ in 2017 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_okay_to_be_white
  7. They are buying property, you know that, many are staying long term, those with children who put them in school here get new non immigrant O visa as guardian. Those without get ED visa's or Elite Visa's. International schools are booming with Russian students
  8. What visa would they get in Thailand if they are young enough to be conscripted? An upper age limit of 40 was scrapped, leaving no formal maximum age of enlistment in the mobilization for Ukraine
  9. Well until you can verify your false information. It remains just that. False as UN confirms
  10. More lies there were never 14,000 Russian civilians killed, infact civilian casualties before their illegal invasion last year were minimal as you can see in the chart below. There were 3,404 killed though which included Ukrainian civilians and that figure includes those from flight MH17 that was shot down by Russian backed separatist forces. This from UN official figures: pdf
  11. You should check on who did not follow Minsk A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now https://www.chathamhouse.org/2020/05/minsk-conundrum-western-policy-and-russias-war-eastern-ukraine-0/summary Of course Ukraine also had its failures in its implementation
  12. Good opinion here from Louise Mensch (ex UK MP) that echos your views: in my view @Rasmussen_Poll are now just hard-right trolls, and it’s glorious that they have nuked one of their own Trumpy Bear kind. “It’s OK to be white” is a racist phrase. Disagreeing with it, as I do, ≠ you dislike white people. It just means you recognize it as racism. the reason that “white lives matter” and “it’s OK to be white” are racist is that both phrases falsely imply that society structurally threatens white people. It doesn’t. White people have never suffered racial violence from excessive policing, and we still don’t. it’s easier just to explain this screamingly obvious truth than to listen to the reply guys telling my milk-white Anglo-Saxon self that AKSHULLY, all God’s children are equal. So we are, but whites get treated better than blacks in infinite ways. And men better than women. So when Rasmussen Troll asks black people if they disagree with the phrase “it’s OK to be white” the results don’t measure whether or not those people ‘dislike whites’ or not. I disagree with the phrase too. It implies imaginary antiwhite racism that doesn’t exist.
  13. If you take into account my initial post, the response to it and then my reply post you would see what my meaning was: Anyway lengthy transcript here from those who identify as Jews and what they themselves think: Episode 5: Are Jews White? https://www.associationforjewishstudies.org/publications-research/adventures-in-jewish-studies-podcast/are-jews-white-transcript
  14. Its complex and pulling the term technically was not the intention of my post and perhaps should have been perception. These are rough sketches of two camps, concentrated at the margins of U.S. political culture. On the extreme right, Jews are seen as impure—a faux-white race that has tainted America. And on the extreme left, Jews are seen as part of a white-majority establishment that seeks to dominate people of color. Taken together, these attacks raise an interesting question: Are Jews white? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/12/are-jews-white/509453/ The majority of U.S. Jews identify as White. But in recent years, journalists, scholars and Jewish community leaders have wondered about the percentage of U.S. Jews who are “Jews of color,” “people of color” or “BIPOC” (an acronym for Black, Indigenous and people of color), and who should be included in these groups https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/race-ethnicity-heritage-and-immigration-among-u-s-jews/
  15. Ignorance? Of course it was racially motivated but the majority of jews are technically white and certainly in the US the majority class themselves as white.
  16. Your bookmark collection must be interesting, its a false equivalence to the neo nazi groups I was referring to such as the proud boys who attack blacks through violence or hate speech. Although I accept I should have probably used the term "far-right, neo-fascists" The Nazi party your referring to was to do with white on white violence/killings as was the holodomor genocide.
  17. Actually that was scrapped some time ago for mobilization for the war in Ukraine: Russia scraps age limit for new troops in Ukraine push
  18. Agreed yes but to accept your opinion then you would be labelled as woke and right wingers will avoid that at all cost, its similar to those who spout "it ok to be white" or "white lives matter". White people have never suffered the extreme excessive violence from policing or neo nazi groups.
  19. What I find more amusing is you don't seem to be aware of what the drafting age is in Russia and that they are snapping of property in Phuket, over 40% of condos purchases are from Russians.
  20. Russian tourists are fleeing to Thailand to escape the war in Ukraine or look to move to the Southeast Asian country. Thailand has become a haven for Russian visitors who are looking to escape Moscow’s war in Ukraine that has now entered its second year. Visitors are in Thailand but are they fleeing Russia too. Now thousands of Russians are looking for a new home, fearing economic woes in Russia and a military draft because of the Kremlin’s war in Ukraine. https://www.voanews.com/a/thousands-of-russians-flee-to-thailand-to-escape-war-/6979011.html
  21. Let Melon stir the pot a little...................tweet then delete it............... Elon Musk Calls Media 'Racist' After Outlets Remove Racist Dilbert Creator’s Cartoons Twitter CEO Elon Musk questioned why people were complaining about racist remarks made by the cartoon creator of “Dilbert,” then deleted his tweet and instead went off on how the media is racist. “What exactly are they complaining about?” Musk tweeted early Sunday in response to cartoonist Scott Adams highlighting The Washington Post and other papers dropping his cartoons. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elon-musk-racism-response-dilbert-scott-adams_n_63fb741ee4b0735bf8787b92
  22. When Russia fire missiles from Belarus onto Ukraine then this is what happens. Opposition group: Explosion at Belarusian military airfield damaged Russian aircraft in reported partisan attack A Russian A-50 early warning and control aircraft in Belarus was damaged as a result of the Feb. 26 explosion at the Machulishchy airfield near Minsk, Belarusian opposition media Nasha Niva reported on Feb. 26 citing Aliaksandr Azarov, leader of Belarusian anti-government organization BYPOL. According to Azarov, the attack was carried out by Belarusian partisans in the area using two drones as part of BYPOL's so-called "Victory Plan". Thpse involved are now safe, he said. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/opposition-group-explosion-at-belarusian-military-airfield-damages-russian-aircraft-in-reported-partisan-attack
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