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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Ukraine already knows type of aircraft it may get from Western allies, Ukrainian Air Force says “Our military pilots went to the United States, funds were allocated for their training,” the spokesman said. “The type of aircraft that will probably be provided to Ukraine and the corresponding terms of personnel training have already been determined.” https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukraine-already-knows-type-of-aircraft-it-may-get-from-western-allies-50299612.html
  2. Classified records pose conundrum stretching back to Carter It’s been a problem off and on for decades, from presidents to Cabinet members and staff across multiple administrations stretching as far back as Jimmy Carter. The issue has taken on greater significance since Trump willfully retained classified material at his Florida estate, prompting the unprecedented FBI seizure of thousands of pages of records last year. https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-classified-documents-president-33df0355c72e9ae8fa4cb6ead13f6521
  3. I still don't understand, whats this got to do with politics? Why are you try to bring this into this tragic accident or whatever the verdict may be?
  4. Now I know he's a good dedicated Democrat and all that, but somehow I doubt the Screen Actors Unions rules will supersede those of the American justice system. He has blood on his hands and he should take his punishment like a man instead of trying to weasle out of it by blaming all those around him. I for one didn't even know he was a dem. I didn't think this had anything to do with it does it?
  5. You should check the stats, its doing better than most states. Link already provided in this OP
  6. The Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee McCaul on Sunday suggested the United States should send the M1 Abrams tank to Ukraine, calling it a “game changer.”
  7. I am concerned the repeated phrasing that Trump hid, stole, obstructed etc etc the documents - while there is evidence he was actually cooperating unlike Biden who pretended he didn't have any and stated how could Trump be so careless - is grossly misleading and inaccurate, and using this misinformation to falsely try painting Biden's own classified document scandal as a nothing-burger is not honest. Tell that to the FBI who cited it in the search warrant at Mar-a-Lago
  8. I find it somewhat strange that it's thought a few tanks will make the difference. Thousands certainly would, but is the west going to send thousands? What makes you think the west needs to send thousands? Ukraine itself mentioned the figure of 300 as being enough. Even 100 will make some difference.
  9. I suspect you're the one lacking understanding, in 2022 Germany provided €2.24 billion including anti-aircraft tanks, multiple rocket launchers, the IRIS-T air defense system and self-propelled howitzers, among other pieces of military equipment to Ukraine. In 2023 they've already announced an extra €1bn spring military aid package. Now we have the tanks. Which also paves the way for other countries with Leopards to send theirs.
  10. If you read the full article its just an opinion piece however he does list a few examples where the situations were similar and no charges were laid such as this one but there are more. I'm not saying he was right or wrong by the way just giving some other viewpoints that were published. During a 2015 re-enactment of a shootout in Tombstone, Arizona, one participant shot and seriously injured another. The shooter was using his own revolver — a real one — and, running late for the show, had forgotten that the gun was loaded with live rounds. A subsequent investigation found that five of the live rounds were fired. Nevertheless, the shooting was ruled accidental and no charges were filed.
  11. The loon who represented himself in court and just got convicted now wants a new jury because they weren't loons like him........................lol
  12. Seems that Trump had no problems with Deripaska. How surprising Trump lifts sanctions on firms linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska The Trump administration has lifted sanctions on three companies, including the aluminum giant Rusal, linked to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Democrats had led a push in Congress to continue the restrictions. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/27/us-lifts-sanctions-oleg-deripaska-russia
  13. Training 3 - 6 weeks. Not long at all. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-military-technology-european-union-germany-611c4cddd142db39e44f4091a4d4adbc
  14. You gave your own reply.........................( unless on indefinitely extendable visas ) The same way as the majority of other Russians living in Phuket. Education visa's, business start ups or if they have children just put one of them in an International School and you get a family visa.
  15. Oh come on.......................that site is entirely published by one Vietnamese blogger. Now listen to an expert: "Conversion to a front line combat aircraft for a new pilot would usually take about six months to become limited combat ready. However, a more experienced pilot would take less than half that time, and someone requalifying on type after a break would only take a few weeks. If operational reasons demanded." Full questions and answers on how long it could take and in article: https://www.aerosociety.com/news/ukraine-time-to-fast-track-front-line-fighter-pilot-training/
  16. I keep reading alot about more benifits for having children is needed. "The government's financial support in Japan is only about half or even one-third of what major Western countries provide"
  17. Unfortunately when there was this sort of rhetoric deep within the government then the benefits of intelligent immigration was never going to happen. Japan PM ex-adviser praises apartheid in embarrassment for Abe Ayako Sono, considered part of Abe’s informal brain trust, set off a wave of online fury this week when she wrote in the conservative Sankei newspaper that South Africa’s former policies of racial separation had been good for whites, Asians and Africans. Her comments could complicate Abe’s efforts to address a deepening labor shortage and his efforts to burnish the country’s image abroad, analysts say. In a column entitled “Let Them In - But Keep a Distance”, Sono said Japan should open its doors to more foreign workers, especially to care for the growing numbers of elderly, but should make them live separately from Japanese. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-apartheid-idUSKBN0LH0M420150213
  18. So what you're saying is arm yourselves at all times especially if your with your wife people you know and when you go to a dance hall. Got it.
  19. Interesting. McGonigal was the special agent in charge of counterintelligence in the FBI's New York Field Office. The same office that hated Hilary Clinton. The same office that pressured Comey to announce the continued investigation into Hilary's emails 3 weeks before the election. We all know what happened then. "In December 2018, the Trump administration announced it would lift sanctions from three companies linked to Russian oligarch and longtime Manafort business partner Oleg Deripaska. The sanctions were originally put in place to respond to Russia’s malicious cyber activities and attempts to subvert Western democracies." https://themoscowproject.org/dispatch/mitch-mcconnell-russia-sanctions-and-rusals-investment-in-kentucky/index.html The FBI’s New York Office Really Hated Hillary Clinton https://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2018/06/the-fbis-new-york-office-really-hated-hillary-clinton/
  20. Yes, plenty, it was a: Cobray M11 9mm semi-automatic weapon, which is designed to take 30-round magazines that allow for rapid fire. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/23/us/huu-can-tran-monterey-park-shooting-what-we-know/index.html Image of one here Another with accessories that can be added:
  21. Then maybe you also heard him say “I believe the weapon that was recovered at the Alhambra location is not legal to have here in the state of California.”
  22. What region are you in? https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2023/01/22/baton-rouge-shooting-nightclub-suspect/
  23. That may well be the case but I was responding to your post: As I've already pointed out to you, it was not the article writer but a direct quote from the police, would you rather they did not do that? I'm confused. It was not just the Daily Beast that quoted County Sheriff Robert Luna, multiple other sources did. Luna described the gun seized from the suspect at the Alhambra location as “a magazine-fed semiautomatic assault pistol” with an “extended large capacity magazine.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2023/01/23/heroes-hailed-for-disarming-monterey-park-shooting-suspect-at-second-location
  24. Did he check before making his wild assumptions about Gretas mother. Greta's mother was an opera singer and never got involved with climate change activism, he bases his whole 2 mins of speculation on a lie. What do you expect from an extreme right wing personality who got banned from twitter for his hate speech on transgenders. “Peterson’s secret sauce is to provide an academic veneer to a lot of old-school rightwing cant, including the notion that most academia is corrupt and evil, and banal self-help patter,” says Southey. “He’s very much a cult thing, in every regard. I think he’s a goof, which does not mean he’s not dangerous.” A few choice quotes of his. “The idea that women were oppressed throughout history is an appalling theory.” Islamophobia is “a word created by fascists and used by cowards to manipulate morons”. White privilege is “a Marxist lie”. Believing that gender identity is subjective is “as bad as claiming that the world is flat”
  25. No excuses for other countries after this.................... Estonia transfers all its 155-mm howitzers to Ukraine in largest military aid package – ambassador s part of a new largest aid package to Ukraine, Estonia has decided to hand over all its 155-mm howitzers. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces with reference to the message of the Embassy of Estonia in Ukraine. "We are giving all our 155-mm howitzers to Ukraine. And we want to create a precedent in this way so that other countries will not have any excuses why they cannot provide Ukraine with the necessary weapons to win the war," emphasized Estonian ambassador to Ukraine Kaimo Kuusk. https://ukranews.com/en/news/910205-estonia-transfers-all-its-155-mm-howitzers-to-ukraine-in-largest-military-aid-package-ambassador #BREAKING Moscow expels Estonian ambassador over 'total Russophobia': foreign ministry https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1617456912278163456
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