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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yep, the other ones they do are for science that have the same conditions as this New one for Humanity. There are two other recipients for the Humanity Prize, they also did not donate it. So still waiting for the proof of same claim of yours.................. She had to (sign) agree to donate the prize money before she was able to receive it
  2. What big pay out? If you want to know how she pays bills its already in this OP, if you're so interested in that part of her personal life.
  3. Since what part of "The prize should be used in a way that maximizes the valuable contribution of the winning person/organisation." Equates to your claim that: She had to (sign) agree to donate the prize money before she was able to receive it Would you like me to run through some of the many opportunities she could have taken to use the money and keep it under her control that would benefit her cause? You know, the same way previous winners have done.
  4. Or you don't bother to read the link and carry on with unsubstiated claims. Up to you
  5. Where does it say it must be donated as you claimed. It does not.
  6. Go ahead, provide your speculation on that new light? Keep in mind whats in the link................
  7. She did not have to sign and agree to "donate" that money, you've just added that to something that's not there. https://gulbenkian.pt/en/the-foundation/gulbenkian-prize-for-humanity/
  8. Link to your claims in the previous post will do nicely.
  9. Put on stage by her parents? Link? Greta Thunberg’s father says he initially did not support his daughter’s climate activism, calling it a “bad idea,” but his view changed when he saw how happy it made her. “We are not climate activists, we never were,” he said, saying Greta used to call them “hypocrites” for not taking the climate issue seriously. “We obviously did not have a clue (about) the climate crisis and she basically thought we were huge hypocrites,” he said, adding that he and his wife were longtime refugee and human rights advocates instead. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/12/30/europe/greta-thunberg-dad-depression-intl/index.html
  10. Debunked years ago yet the new study was only released at the end of 2021. Provide a link to your claims
  11. I suggest school education has taught you how to be a puppet then. We must all be puppets in your world.....lol
  12. Anyone that talks about the credible science from real scientists is then a puppet by your definition. Brilliant
  13. Now your accusing me of not reading very well, priceless, post copied below for you..........................lol Again how is Kim Kardashian in any way comparable to Greta and the essays she did at the end of each section? Feel free to use your scientific font of knowledge to explain the process.
  14. How do you feel taking a 1 minute video out of context and forgetting to admit even one of the attendee's said I don't think anyone can answer that question? How about the other questions that were not included in this out of context example?
  15. Its a science book, an essay on each subject is not the same as "essentially no different from Kim Kardashian introducing and rounding off each chapter." Is it? You claim it to be so yet you've not read the book. How is that then?
  16. Really, you being a scientist should know what an essay on each subject involves..............but then you've not read the book but still making judgments. Amusing. Particularly when the University of Oxford climate division stated that "Thunberg still gets a pulpit, but the book is a curated, portable library of knowledge, full of classics." Self promotion you say...............did you know about it? You seem to assume everything else about her.
  17. "it's surprisingly clear she really doesn't understand much about the science behind global warming or even the actual probabilities of the consequences. She basically only knows "the house is on fire" and adults stole her childhood." I think she knows more than most: The Climate Book An essential guide to a better world – created by Greta Thunberg The book is divided into five parts: how climate works, how our planet is changing, how it affects us, what we have done about it, and what we must do now. Each section is introduced and rounded off by an essay from Thunberg. What I like about this approach is that it forces each author to distil their expertise into a few pages. Thunberg still gets a pulpit, but the book is a curated, portable library of knowledge, full of classics. https://www.energy.ox.ac.uk/news_items/the-climate-book-review-an-essential-guide-to-a-better-world-created-by-greta-thunberg/
  18. This should clear it up. Throughout most of the Soviet-era, Russia was one of the world's two superpowers. However, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, it lost its superpower status, and recently has been suggested as a potential candidate for resuming superpower status in the 21st century. During the annual state of the nation address at the Moscow Kremlin in December 2013, Russian president Vladimir Putin denied any Russian aspiration to be a superpower. He was quoted saying: "We do not aspire to be called some kind of superpower. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potential_superpower
  19. Actually 41.7 to be precise, I rounded it up. Link already supplied Loma Linda University in California found that vegans have the smallest carbon footprint, generating a 41.7 percent smaller volume of greenhouse gases than meat-eaters do.
  20. I predicted if you wanted to carry on you'd be like Chinese state media fat shaming her. Low and behold................ Now provide links to your claim she eats too much? What is her body type? How much can you eat before you can be a climate activist without being attacked?
  21. Yet it has a 41% smaller footprint. Before making unsubstantiated attacks on her again do some research. L
  22. Of course he did and of course he's now trying to walk back history
  23. Rubbish. Completely bias attack with ignorance of Greta and her personal lifestyle choices: Greta has been a vegan for many years. Vegans have the smallest carbon footprint, generating a 41.7 percent smaller volume of greenhouse gases than meat-eaters do.
  24. You did not make a simple observation. You attacked with unsubstantiated claims and further went on to add she could be taken seriously only if she ate less fat. Pathetic. Do you know here body type? Whens the last time you saw her oh yea in Germany with a winter cost on. I really wouldn't go there unless you want to match China state media and its fake fat shaming.
  25. Greta Thunberg: Why are young climate activists facing so much hate? Ms Thunberg is not the only eco-activist under fire, though, four young climate campaigners told the BBC of the abuse they have been subjected to, one was compared to Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels while another said she had been racially abused. These environmentalists have asked difficult questions of politicians, and been ruthlessly derided for doing so. With hostility heightening, why are young climate activists facing so much hate? There were sustained attacks by Germany's far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party ahead of the EU elections in May. Posts about Ms Thunberg and climate change spiked on the party's Facebook page https://www.bbc.com/news/world-49291464
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