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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. The new wind farm profits are nowhere near Cornwall Three of the new offshore wind farm locations are off the North Wales, Cumbria and Lancashire coast, and three are in the North Sea off the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire coast.
  2. What is very clear. Ukraine has regained control of over 50% of its territory since the begining of the war. Continued assistance including tanks will help make that 100%. Endless questions of what if is a distraction to sow doubt.
  3. Did you miss a previous reply he made to you? Did you miss the numerous times that Greta said listen to the scientists?
  4. Here we go yet again. What is there that makes you think there is one rule for you only? There is nothing in that link that substantiates your claim which was: World News Interesting, thought provoking and topical news stories from around the world. Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source.
  5. Its against forum rules to make claims without links. One linked sentence is well within the rules.
  6. Perhaps I do as others including climate scientists: "I saw her speech to members of Congress and participated in the panel discussion that followed. It was an honor to sit beside Greta and watch her listen carefully to each question then reply with refreshing honesty, great clarity and power. I have been working in climate science and advocating for climate action for most of my working life. Even so, Greta has inspired me to do more to reduce emissions and share the latest science, with Greta’s words always in mind." https://blog.ucsusa.org/brenda-ekwurzel/im-a-scientist-greta-thunbergs-speech-to-congress-inspires-me/
  7. Greta's overwhelming message is "Listen to the Scientists" However that plain fact does fool some but not many fortunately.
  8. The video referenced in that statement from her. Plus her statement on speeches: "And yes, I write my own speeches. But since I know that what I say is going to reach many, many people I often ask for input. I also have a few scientists that I frequently ask for help on how to express certain complicated matters. I want everything to be absolutely correct so that I don’t spread incorrect facts, or things that can be misunderstood." For other false allegations made throughout this thread her statement in the link above provided by @placeholder covers just about all of it. This was written 4 years ago yet the lies about her carry on.
  9. Only because of his delaying tactics which have now been officially labeled as obstruction and strategic abuse of the judicial process, by U.S. District Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks. Its coming and about time.
  10. No I am asking you for a link to your claims that were made before this post, besides the post you referenced above in no way supports those claims.
  11. Proof. Link. To all your claims as evidenced in posts I attached.
  12. As long as they substantiate these very specific claims yes:
  13. Yes first time I've heard of a private military group recruiting direct from prisons, murderers or whatever the crime is with the promise of freedom after the contract of 4 to 6 months. Can you share similar?
  14. You can reply with a link to your original claim, that would actually help seeing as that's the forum rules.
  15. lol, you keep making up these nonsensical claims. Link to the newest that it was somebody else's speech.........................
  16. A huge difference in claims made. Why do you think she was looking down at "her" notes while giving her speech? Do you think that's an unusual practice for public speaking? When I gave a speech at work to a group I would always have it to hand. It seems to me everyone who writes a speech does.
  17. Howey Ou, China's answer to Greta Thunberg. She had to leave China eventually because of the persecution from state authorities. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/16/you-follow-the-governments-agenda-chinas-climate-activists-walk-a-tightrope
  18. That was when she was 16 and no there is no teleprompter. Stop the false claims.
  19. Because you've not looked but that's no surprise. Plenty of links in this 23 page OP to the answers she was asked by those morons
  20. No as in trolls who bait with inane questions that have already been asked and answered numerous times
  21. Ditto my previous reply. + link to your claims she had a teleprompter and pre determined questions with answer written out
  22. She just finished speaking at the conference. Further her cause to Rebel News..lol. A Conspiracy Theories, Pseudoscience, Propaganda loon site with a previous reporter being the founder of the proud boys......................naaaa
  23. She did the right thing, kept quiet while the alt right loons embarrassed themselves.
  24. Well its good to know the world has moved on and WW2 is now part of history in the UK curriculum as is Britain’s place in the world since 1945.
  25. The venomous pack of hissing and smiling hyenas on the attack at Davos, they look so proud of themselves as they continue their onslaught on GT
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