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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Are you also now accusing her of eating too much....................wow. Bookmarked
  2. you had a question.....lol ".... and go protest there....."
  3. Why? I thought China was in attendance at the UN speech?
  4. Not quite correct, when the likes of Greta mentions China she gets fat shamed by them. Greta Thunberg reacts to 'fatshaming' by Chinese state media The article called her an "environmental princess" after she said China needed to take responsibility for its emissions. https://news.sky.com/story/greta-thunberg-reacts-to-fatshaming-by-chinese-state-media-12313438
  5. No this is the problem: https://climate.nasa.gov/ Some people want to make excuses and blame others and compare what they are doing with their own personal footprints. Or blame other countries for not doing enough. If China Doesn’t Cooperate, Is There Any Hope? Until countries like China and India get on board, how much impact can everyone else realistically have? Here are the solutions that responsible governments, policy makers and people are doing to help effect change: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg3/ China https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/nov/11/china-climate-crisis-renewable-energy-goals
  6. If everyone had attitudes like that then the ozone layer would still be expanding. Fortunately the world pulled together to do something about it and its a major success.
  7. There's the problem right there. Thanks for that.
  8. Trump.........lol "If they took us back, it would help them greatly, and that's okay with me. But they need us more than we need them." https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trump-plotting-first-tweet-since-ban-was-lifted-and-he-wants-to-return-to-facebook-too-12789896
  9. I'm not talking about you. What you agree with or not. There is a man made climate crisis and countries need to do their fair share to get carbon neutral or below. That is the science. Those who deny the reality of that with pedantic s are as responsible as those who believe in a flat earth. Resorting to attacks on Greta and campaigners
  10. The message is clearly the same. Denying established science.
  11. Come on.................there's so many I can only assume your trolling Climate Deniers in the 117th Congress There are 139 elected officials in the 117th Congress who still deny the scientific consensus of human-caused climate change. If you want local forum examples then there's no need to find separate links just do a search
  12. You've missed the posts on the climate threads? Look them up. Plenty here too: The long fight against climate change deniers A string of climate change deniers have sought to downplay the significance of global warming and humanity’s role in driving it. https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2022/10/20/the-long-fight-against-climate-change-deniers
  13. Shame they never let anyone know on their website until Greta got arrested...............https://www.aljazeera.com/climate-crisis Note they did have their latest article there however "Greenland temperatures hottest in 1,000 years: Study"
  14. Perhaps it needs two more words added to be specific for those who try to compare it to something its not. "Man made climate change denier" Is that still a false claim?
  15. ? You're late to the table, already been posted and talked about
  16. A PM with a link to an unapproved source to a dodgy youtube channel with ex Fox host "Clayton Morris who had to leave Fox and the US due to fraud allegations. Is not a credible source. I would appreciate no further PM's from you.
  17. More unsubstaniated claims: Minsk A major blockage has been Russia’s insistence that it is not a party to the conflict and therefore is not bound by its terms. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/what-is-the-minsk-agreement-and-why-is-it-relevant-now
  18. Nice to see her keeping to her word on zero flights
  19. No all a bit more mundane than that: Greta Thunberg: German police deny protest detainment was staged They added that "the whole situation has been used by those with political motives and the real reason is entirely practical and mundane." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64321652 Reasons in the link
  20. At what point is Greta "wide open to justified accusations of hypocrisy" More like a pack of rabid hyenas making unjustified accusations against a climate change campaigner.
  21. 5% of their workforce, a real shame for them but as linked to earlier, the majority have already found new employment. Nothing as drastic as the 50 - 70% shed by twitter.
  22. How can you safely assume she made no contribution? Have you looked into her family history, her parents and their support for environmental causes, or their support given to Greta for her travelling to international forums? Perhaps check on the parents careers' they are not poor by any standards. You seem to be implying someone is pulling her strings. She has also published 3 books so far. https://www.vizaca.com/greta-thunberg-parents/
  23. Last flight in 2015. So how do you work that one out?
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